Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 450: Prepare the dirt (6th update)

Even though it’s past twelve o’clock, Purple Pig still shamelessly named it the 6th update. Did you see it? It’s the 6th update. Please vote for me. I want to be in the top 100, but I fell to more than 110. Thank you!


Ye Zi waited patiently until Danzo breathed his last in agony. Then he approached Danzo's body and secretly breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that Danzo was dead.

With the self-healing power of Hashirama's cells, although Ye Zi was covered in blood at this time, the bleeding speed of the wound was gradually slowing down.

There are still four Sharingan. Is it because of lack of chakra or because of the time gap between use?

Ye Zi thought for a while and then stopped thinking about it. Danzo was dead, so there was no need to waste time on this.

Of course, Ye Zi couldn't let go of the remaining four Sharingan. He dug out the Sharingan directly and put it in a glass bottle.

Ever since he decided to collect Sharingan, he had kept a lot of glass bottles like this that could hold the eyes.

There were about a hundred corpses on the ground, but Ye Zi didn't like any of them, and he didn't intend to collect their personal DNA tissues, even Danzo's. He's not interested either, he doesn't even want to take Danzo back, so let's just destroy it here.

After Ye Zi set a fire on Danzo, he turned around and left, heading towards where Orochimaru was.

The wound gradually stopped bleeding, but due to excessive blood loss, Ye Zi's face became slightly pale.

Not long after, he came to the cave where Orochimaru was hiding. At this time, Scorpion, Susumu Uchiha, Orochimaru, White Zetsu, and the wooden clones were all here. In addition, there was a woman and the wooden clone on the ground. Yanye's body.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Ye Zi coming covered in blood.

When the wooden clone saw the main body coming back, he directly untied the wooden clone and turned it into a little bit of chakra and fed it back to the main body, which was better than nothing.

It's really rare for you to look in such a mess. Xie's clothes were torn in several places, and he was slightly surprised to see the blood all over Ye Zi.

It's good that you're not dead. Orochimaru said coldly.

You should be able to run away directly. Did you hit a rock under the ground? Bai Jue mocked.

Master Ye Zi. Uchiha Jin stood beside Yan Ye's body and said hello to Ye Zi, but said nothing.

Ye Zi glanced at Bai Jue coldly and said calmly: I met the members of Danzo and Gen. Because there was not much chakra left, it took a while to deal with them.

Orochimaru's eyes moved slightly and asked: Did you kill Danzo?

Ye Zi calmly said: Kill.

After Orochimaru was silent for a moment, he sneered: I didn't expect Danzo to die in your hands.

Ye Zi did not continue to respond, but walked towards Yan Ye's body, squatted down, and quietly stared at Yan Ye's pale and bloodless face.

Because of Hashirama's cells, the corpse did not decay so quickly. Apart from the fact that the skin color became a little paler and a few tissues were missing from the body, there were no major changes after that.

Yan Ye.

Ye Zi's eyes showed sadness, and he reached out to push Yan Ye's messy bangs to one side, and then helped Yan Ye tidy up his messy hair a little.

While arranging his hair, he couldn't help but think of the day when Yanye blocked Minato's attack for him.

Uchiha Jin just stared quietly at Ye Zi who was helping Yan Ye arrange his hair.

Now that things are done, leave here as soon as possible. Don't forget, this is only two kilometers away from Konoha. Orochimaru reminded.

Ye Zi nodded slightly, took out the scroll and sealed Yan Ye's body in it, then put it away and said to Bai Jue: You are responsible for taking care of this woman.

When Bai Jue heard this, he looked at the woman with black hair lying on the ground and asked, Who is this person?

I don't know. I've only seen her a few times. I want to use her as a living sacrifice. Ye Zi glanced at the woman lying on the ground. He had seen her several times before.

This woman is Shizune.

Originally, the sacrifice could be replaced by Hashirama cell clones, but when he thought of using Hashirama cell clones to resurrect Yan Ye, Ye Zi felt a twinge of discomfort in his heart.

It just so happened that before Ye Zimu's clone found the location of Yan Ye's body, he encountered several people, mainly Shizune. After a battle, the Mu clone knocked out Shizune, and killed the others directly.

Afterwards, the wooden clone brought out Kotonoha's body and Shizune who was in a coma, and found Orochimaru.

After hearing Ye Zi's order, Bai Jue had no choice but to take Shizune back to the Kingdom of Stone from Konoha. The journey was quite long. The thought of bringing a woman with him felt very troublesome and not free enough.

Xie, do you want to follow us back, or separate? Ye Zi looked at Xie after seeing Bai Jue pick up Zhiyin.

Xie said calmly: Let's separate. I came to Konoha this time just to help you.

Ye Zi nodded and said, I owe you a favor.

You don't owe me. Xie turned around first and walked towards the entrance of the cave. As he walked, he said, Besides, I am more interested in attacking Konoha.

With that said, he walked out of the cave and left this place.

This time he was willing to help Ye Zi, not because he was interested in attacking Konoha, but because he wanted to repay Ye Zi for helping him kill White Fang and help him deal with the Taketori clan.

After Xie left, Ye Zi and others also left the cave.

Before leaving, don't forget to destroy the hole and bury the traces.

Afterwards, a group of four people embarked on the road back to the Kingdom of Stone.

The location of the stronghold is exposed. Once you return to the stronghold, you must immediately prepare for the transfer.

Although Konoha has experienced this attack and may not be unable to make use of it in a short period of time, the location of the stronghold must be moved as soon as possible.

After trekking for several days, Ye Zi's injuries have almost recovered, but he lost too much blood and his face is still a little pale.

After returning to the stronghold, Ye Zi did not go to rest immediately. Instead, he took Shi Yin from Bai Jue and took the unconscious Shi Yin to his room.

He wanted to reincarnate Yan Ye from the dirty soil as soon as possible. This method of resurrection... was what Ye Zi could do at the moment. This was also the original intention of robbing the body.

Uchiha Jin and Orochimaru knew what Ye Zi wanted to do, and they did not go to rest. They followed Ye Zi to his room, but they did not go in. Instead, they stood outside the door, waiting for Ye Zi to come out. .

Throwing Shizune in the middle of the room, Ye Zi took out the scroll, channeled Yan Ye's body, and placed her on the bed. Then he was stunned and didn't know what to do, as if he didn't know the next step.

Reincarnation in the dirty soil requires a certain amount of personal information DNA, that is to say, a piece of flesh must be dug from Yan Ye's corpse.

Ye Zi looked at Yan Ye with his eyes closed tightly. After hesitating in silence for a while, he took out a knife and cut some of Yan Ye's DNA tissue.

After getting one of the conditions, Ye Zi put Yan Ye's body away again, then came to the unconscious Shizune, took out the scroll for the reincarnation of the dirty soil, and pressed Yan Ye's DNA tissue into the black magic circle of blank space.

At this point, it can be said that all the steps are completed. Next, as long as the magic circle in the scroll is released, the reincarnation of the dirty earth will be completed. this point, Ye Zi hesitated.

The dirty earth reincarnated, playing with the dead and the forbidden technique of the soul, and now, he wants to use this forbidden technique on Yanye.

During her lifetime, Yan Ye would sacrifice everything for him without hesitation. Even her life was probably not as important to her as herself.

So, now that Yan Ye Huitu is reincarnated, do you want her to pay for herself like this?

Ye Zi didn't know why, but he became a little resistant, and even began to have the idea of ​​not being willing to reincarnate Yan Ye through dirty soil.

Hehe, hehe, hehe. Ye Zi suddenly made a low self-deprecating sound.

His self-deprecating laugh didn't last long before he made a decision.

No matter what, I still want to reincarnate Yanye Gutu. Isn't this the purpose of this attack on Konoha?

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