Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 451 Resurrection

Everything he did to attack Konoha was for this moment to come. Even if he resisted in his heart, he still had to... Hidetu Chuyanye.

Can Yan Ye accept returning to the world in this way? This kind of concern can only be known after resurrecting Yan Ye.

Ye Zi took a deep breath and launched the magic circle of the Reincarnation of the Earth. Four large black characters were distributed around the magic circle, enclosing Shizune in the center.

The unique light blue light of chakra slowly emerged under Shizune's body, and pieces of paper-like things appeared from the light, covering Shizune's body softly.

Under Ye Zi's gaze, paper scraps gradually covered all parts of Shizune, making her look very much like a mummy. After a breath, the mummy wrapped in paper scraps instantly transformed into Yan Ye's appearance.

Looking at Yan Ye with obvious fine marks on his face, Ye Zi couldn't help but clenched his fists with all his strength. He didn't stuff the kunai that suppressed personality and allowed the dirty earth body to exert its pre-birth abilities into Yan Ye's head. He just squatted aside. , waiting for Yan Ye to wake up.


The reincarnation of the dirty land is completed.

Yan Ye's tightly closed eyes slowly opened. After his soul returned to the world, the first person he saw when he opened his eyes was Ye Zi, and he couldn't help but be startled.

She didn't know that she had been exposed to dirt, and thought that this was the world after death. Then she thought that Ye Zi was also dead.

How could it be... Thinking of this frightening conjecture, she felt deep sadness well up from the bottom of her heart.

Ye Zi stretched out his hand and put it on Yan Ye's forehead, gently stroking away the fine hair on his forehead, as if he was gently stroking a stream of clear water with his hand, and the ripples were the unspeakable emotions in his heart. From then on, Spreading out into the distance.

It is the feeling of regaining something lost, but this feeling is very incomplete, like a broken mirror that has been reunited but has a corner that is difficult to repair. I will be excited, happy, but also sad.

Although the soul returns to the present world, it is not a resurrection in the true sense.

Yan Ye. Ye Zi's eyelids drooped slightly, with a little relief and joy in his eyes. He also sincerely thanked the world for making death not a resolute parting, but for having a chance to recover.

All worries disappeared as soon as Yan Ye returned to his side.

Ye Zi, are you... dead too? Yan Ye slowly raised his upper body, stretched out his palm and pressed lightly on Ye Zi's left cheek, with a sad look on his face. Her memory stayed at the last moment of her life passing away.

Tears flowed quietly from the eyes, sliding over the fine marks.

Ye Zi silently held Yan Ye's hand and said, I'm not dead.

Yan Ye was startled. Although he didn't know what was going on, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Zi hugged Yan Ye into his arms without any warning, and said with a hint of apology in his tone: I used the filthy soil to reincarnate and call your soul back to the present world from the pure land. I thought I was resurrecting you, but But it’s unfair to you.”

Yan Ye leaned his head on Ye Zi's chest, listening to the powerful heartbeat coming from inside, and slowly closed his eyes. It would be great if time could stay at this moment forever.

No. Yan Ye's eyelashes trembled slightly, his lips pursed slightly, showing a happy smile, he put his arms around Ye Zi's back and said, A dead person like me can still talk to you, I’m so happy to still be able to see your face, touch your body, hear your voice, and lean on your chest like this.”

The only regret is that there is no touch between the fingertips, so there is no pain. Is this the reason for Ye Zi's apology?

Hearing this, Ye Zi's strength in hugging Yan Ye suddenly strengthened a little, and the dark eyes that stared straight ahead were shining with a little luster. At this moment, the belief he had carried out so far had some changes.

He knows the changes and is able to accept them.

Whether it is greed or greed, no matter how difficult the road ahead is, he must thoroughly implement his beliefs and accomplish what must be accomplished.

You said that you wanted to stay away from disputes as an ordinary person and watch Twilight and Morning in the Kingdom of Whirlpool. Ye Zi said softly.

Yan Ye was slightly stunned when he heard this, shook his head, and said softly: I just want to be by your side all the time, and that's enough.


Ye Zi looked down at Yan Ye and replied like this, but apologized to Yan Ye in his heart.

The two stared quietly, their eyes intertwined in the short distance, and both could feel the feeling of treating the other as an important person.

Ye Zi couldn't help but slowly lowered his head, while Yan Ye slowly closed his eyes and faced Ye Zi.

Their faces gradually came closer to each other, and their lightly pursed lips touched each other softly.

Even if the feeling from the lips is only coldness, even if there is no feeling from the lips, at this moment, the two people's hearts are nestled together.

Their lips parted for a long time, and between the two of them, there seemed to be a clear stream floating in their hearts. There was no shyness, no blush, just so natural.

Is it because of the reincarnation of the dirty soil? Yanye lowered his head, looked at the palms covered with several fine marks, and said with a little regret: There is no touch, it's like kissing a big piece of wood.

The strength of Ye Zi's arm suddenly strengthened a few points, as if he wanted to integrate Yan Ye into his body. The belief he wanted to implement has indeed changed. He will complete that belief until death!

Feeling Ye Zi's increased strength, Yan Ye's eyes dimmed slightly, he was a dead person after all, and even if he returned to the world, he would no longer be complete.

But... isn't what I've always wanted is the current scene?

The darkness in Yan Ye's eyes seemed to be swallowed up by the gradually brightening light and disappeared without a trace. She raised her head slightly, looked at the silent Ye Zi, and chuckled: Ye Zi, how does it feel when you kiss me? What's it like?

Ye Zi's eyelids drooped slightly, and he gently placed his chin on Yan Ye's head, and said softly: The ice is cool and a bit soft.

That's good, luckily it's not hard. Yan Ye chuckled, like a crisp and sweet wind chime, but there was a trace of unwillingness in her heart, but this emotion was quickly abandoned by her.'s very, very good. I can't ask for anything more.

Ye Zi did not speak, but hugged Yan Ye tightly. The latter also stretched out his arms to hug Ye Zi's back, closed his eyes, and enjoyed this rare tenderness.

In an empty room with simple decoration, the two of them hugged each other quietly. Even if there was still a faint boundary between them, it could not stop the two hearts from wanting to be together.

I will...resurrect you. Ye Zi told himself in his heart, his eyes looking forward full of determination.

Outside the room, Orochimaru and Uchiha Shin were leaning against the walls on the left and right sides of the door, silent.

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