Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 456 The goal to surpass

Once the Anbu and 'Gen' are merged, Minato will need to send some indispensable talents here.

He cares more about Kakashi, because if he arranges it, Kakashi will basically have no objections, and Kakashi has the ability to serve as captain.

In addition to Kakashi, Minato also values ​​Uchiha Shisui. He believes that Uchiha Shisui is also a talent who can hold the position of captain. However, unlike Kakashi, he is not sure whether Shisui is willing to take up the position.

During the same period, there are only two people suitable to serve as captains, and the rest are also very capable, such as Obito, Asuma, Hayate, and Genma. These mainstream talents of the younger generation can take advantage of this opportunity to join ANBU. among.

It can be trained, and it can also reduce the difficulty of merging dark parts and 'roots'.

Minato still decided to let Uchiha Shisui serve as the captain, and he would ask Uchiha Shisui for his opinion.

There was also Uchiha Itachi. It had always been very rare to submit an application to join the Anbu at a young age. Minato had no objection to this at all. In his opinion, Uchiha Itachi was a rare genius.

He discussed these decisions with Sarutobi.

Shisui is a good kid. I believe he will be willing to take up this position and be competent. Sarutobi gave Shisui a high praise without hesitation.

Minato nodded, but judging from his resume, Uchiha Shisui is indeed a rare talent. The most important thing is that between Konoha and the family, Uchiha Shisui thinks Konoha is more important. This is rare. of.

Uchiha Itachi, this kid is very special. Minato looked through Uchiha Itachi's information.

Sarutobi said: I can agree to Itachi's application. When he was in the ninja school, he has already shown extraordinary aptitude. The ANBU environment may be able to give him better growth. I'm looking forward to it.

He opened the Three Magatama Sharingan at the age of ten, and applied to join the ANBU on his own initiative. I'm also looking forward to how he will grow after joining the ANBU. Minato smiled, his eyes falling on Itachi's childish portrait, with a look in his eyes. Deep interest.

The Uchiha clan is really a family rich in geniuses. First there was Shisui, then Itachi, and now Obito. These three people are not only representatives of the younger generation, but also Konoha ninjas who uphold the will of fire.

In this attack, we can see the power of the Uchiha clan and the attitude of Uchiha Tomigaoka. In this attack, the Uchiha clan can be said to be fighting for Konoha with all their strength. .

Sarutobi's eyes showed relief, and he looked towards the sky outside the window, as if he could see a string of wooden leaves flying in the air.

Even if he gets older and his shoulders are gradually unable to carry the big tree of Konoha, there will be more and more people behind him who will shoulder this heavy responsibility together.


Uchiha Residence, Uchiha Tomigaoka's residence.

In the Japanese-style living room, Uchiha Fiqiu was wearing loose home clothes, his hands deep into his sleeves and folded, and he looked quietly at Uchiha Itachi, who was kneeling across the table.

Itachi, you have been gifted since you were young and have a strong ambition to improve. Even so, I still hope that you can grow up as soon as possible and walk on the right path.

Father, I can see the right way. Itachi Uchiha looked serious.

Uchiha Fiqiu looked at Itachi and said calmly: Your vision is far beyond that of your peers. I firmly believe that you will be the future pillar of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Itachi was silent for a moment, and then said seriously: I hope I can become one of the pillars of the village.

If this is your choice, then go for it, maybe you can change the Uchiha clan. Uchiha Fiqiu's eyes changed slightly, and he was silent for a moment, and then his tone was calm, and there was no emotion in his words. .

The words are not about you, but you, so there are others besides Itachi.

Change the Uchiha clan, change what?

Uchiha Itachi nodded heavily.

After saying goodbye to his father, Uchiha Itachi was about to leave home to find Shisui. He now wanted to become stronger so urgently that he wanted to let Shisui teach him.

Uchiha Itachi was changing his shoes at the entrance when he suddenly stopped and looked at the wooden corridor in front of the entrance. There stood a little boy with black hair and black eyes, but it was Uchiha Sasuke.

Brother, will you teach me the shuriken today?

Uchiha Itachi paused, then smiled slightly and hooked his hand towards Sasuke.

Uchiha Sasuke thought Itachi had agreed, showed a happy smile, and rushed towards Itachi.

As a result, Itachi stretched out his index finger and tapped his forehead, smiled and said, Sorry, how about next time?

Sasuke let out a soft cry of pain and touched his forehead, looking disappointed.

Everything here is what I want to protect, not only the family, but also the village, Itachi thought silently.

Under Sasuke's reluctant gaze, Uchiha Itachi left home and went to find Shisui. The two had a training battle in a remote training ground. The result was naturally that Uchiha Itachi was completely defeated.

However, after every defeat, Shisui would always point out his shortcomings and tell him the correct way to deal with them.

In this way, the battle continued from day to night, and the training ended.

Starting tomorrow, you will also be a member of the Anbu. In the afterglow of the setting sun, Shisui glanced at Uchiha Itachi and sighed slightly.

Uchiha Itachi smiled and said: Please give me more advice in the future, Captain Shisui.

This sentence had a slight sarcastic meaning. Uchiha Shisui couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: Let's go, I'll treat you to dinner.

Uchiha Itachi's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: I want to eat three-color meatballs.

Okay, eat as much as you want. Zhisui said boldly.

The two of them walked side by side in the orange-red afterglow, heading towards the village's famous three-color meatball shop.


The next day, Uchiha Itachi officially joined the ANBU at the age of ten and was assigned to the eighth team under Shisui's jurisdiction. Each team had fifteen members.

In a place like Anbu, strength determines attitude. For a ten-year-old kid to join Anbu, other members would not be able to identify with Uchiha Itachi immediately.

Regarding this phenomenon, Uchiha Shisui did not stop it, nor did he ask the team members to accept Itachi, because he believed that Itachi would rely on his own abilities to be accepted by his teammates.

After joining ANBU, you will receive a set of standard combat uniforms, a standard long sword, and an animal mask, which is a white fox mask with red patterns like flames on the mask.

Putting on the mask, he is one of the ANBU.

After that, Itachi not only came into contact with ANBU training methods, but also a variety of scrolls and information.

After he integrated, he would immerse himself in the exclusive training room in ANBU every day. In his spare time, he would practice with Shisui every day, showing his desire for strength.

Time seemed to be squeezed out without any wastage. After staying in ANBU for a while, he was fortunate enough to come into contact with some information, such as Ye Zi's information.

Ever since he saw that battle, he has cared about Ye Zi very much, and has set Ye Zi as his goal, wanting to surpass him!

When Anbu and Gen merged, quiet changes took place, and he got Ye Zi's mission resume, which recorded the number of missions Ye Zi had performed after joining Gen, as well as detailed battle reports and the steps and choices for completing the mission. .

This was information that would be helpful to ANBU members, and it was also information that Itachi was particularly interested in.

He opened Ye Zi's mission history. First of all, he was shocked by the number of missions Ye Zi completed. Especially the number of S-level missions was astonishing. What's even more frightening is... the mission completion rate is as high as 100%. Ninety-nine point five.

His eyes fell silently on the picture of Ye Zi with a cold expression, and Itachi's mood became slightly turbulent.

I will surpass you!


I'm afraid I won't have time to update, so I stayed up late to write two chapters first. I don't have time on the 7th, but it is the last day of National Day after all. I will stay up late and try my best to burst out, so I kindly ask everyone to leave their monthly tickets to Purple Pig!

PS: I have been suffering from a serious problem recently, and it took me a long time to write a chapter.

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