Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 457 New Stronghold

Ye Zi didn't know that his work resume in Genli was being carefully turned over by a kid. It wasn't like a passing glance, but he was picking at each word carefully, so seriously.

Not to mention that the power displayed in the attack on Konoha was seen by a kid. Instead of being afraid, he had the idea that only by gaining power beyond him could he protect Konoha.

At this time, Ye Zi led everyone to the country of Taki. The plan was to occupy the place where Taki Ninja Village is located and use it as a new stronghold.

Ye Zi has never been to this place, but he knows it. The last time Nagato captured Nanao, he defeated the Taki Ninja Village miserably. After this battle, relying on Bai Jue, Ye Zi also gained a lot of information about Nagato. The ability of the Samsara Eye.

Standing on a stone protruding from the cliff, Ye Zi quietly stared at the village of Taki Ninja below.

The ruined Takinin Village has now taken shape. Due to the drastic reduction in the number of people, there are not many houses. However, the houses are clustered in the center. Even if the space is large, the houses are not too scattered. I think it is for Preparations for future expansion.

Unfortunately, when Ye Zi came here, the Taki Ninja Village that once owned Nanao would probably disappear from the history of the Ninja World from today on.

Ye Zi jumped forward, fell from the sky, and landed in the center of Longren Village.

Enemy attack!

The ninja of Taki Ninja Village who was the first to discover Ye Zi, even though he could not clearly discern the situation, did not hesitate to shout the word enemy attack throughout the village.

After hearing the noise, all the ninjas in Taki Ninja Village entered fighting mode and quickly surrounded Ye Zi.

It's pretty fast.

Ye Zi glanced at the Taki nin who gathered around him. At this time, he had turned on the sage mode. In this mode, the power can be increased several times. Not only that, the way of fighting will also be obviously different.

So far, Ye Zi has not used the immortal mode to fight many times, so Ye Zi cherishes every opportunity so that he can increase his combat experience in the immortal mode.

It can be said that in the battle against Konoha, Minato and others became the perfect touchstone, giving Ye Zi a lot of experience in mastering and using the Sage Mode.


The dark thunder flow suddenly clung to the surface of Ye Zi's body. It was not so rich as in Konoha that only a pair of golden eyes could be seen. At this time, under the cover of the dark thunder flow, not only could one see The eyes can also see other parts.

Just like the Thunder Escape Possession, the Yin Thunder Possession can also adjust its density according to the amount of magic chakra output. As long as it can be freely controlled, it can avoid wasting chakra.

After using Yin Lei to possess him, Ye Zi's right eye turned into the weird Sage Mangekyō Sharingan under the surprised gazes of the surrounding Taki ninja, which is a combination of the Mangekyō Sharingan and the snake eye.

Although this battle was only used to increase combat experience in Ye Zi's eyes, he did not relax because of this. Turning on the Mangekyo Sharingan would provide a little more protection.

Ignoring the questions from Taki Ninja Village, without any intertwining of words, Ye Zi turned into a black lightning, rushed into Taki Ninja and started fighting.

For a moment, shrill screams resounded throughout the Taki Ninja Village. Following Nagato's last attack, Ye Zi's arrival here brought the death knell of death.

Ring it once and many lives will fall to the ground. Ring it twice and the house will fall to the ground and turn into ruins. Ring it three times and all traces of its existence will be erased.

At this point, Taki Ninja Village officially became a part of the history of the ninja world.

After destroying Taki Ninja Village, Ye Zi cleaned up the ruins and corpses of the house one by one, and then led everyone in the stronghold to this place, and then used the inorganic reincarnation technique and wood escape. It didn't take long. This creates a more perfect stronghold than the previous two.

This time with the inorganic reincarnation technique, the entire stronghold is no longer built of pure wood, and the overall style is more inclined to a conventional stronghold.

When everyone entered the stronghold, except for Orochimaru and a few others, the group of boys and girls all exclaimed in surprise. They were used to seeing wooden walls, wooden floors, and wooden furniture. Now seeing a stronghold made of rocks, it naturally affected their senses. A certain impact.

After using magic to create a stronghold, even Ye Zi was a little tired. After handing over the matter to Orochimaru and the others, he found a random room in the residential area and lay down on the wooden bed with his eyes closed to rest.

When Ye Zi selected a room, Nanako was the first to occupy the room next to Ye Zi, and Kimimaro was also smart to occupy the other room next to Ye Zi.

The two people reacted quickly. When Kotonoha reacted, Nanako and Kimimaro had already occupied the best positions, and they were stunned.

There was no way she could rob Nanako. Unwilling to do so, she went directly to Kimimaro and used her seniority and strength to force Kimimaro to give up the room.

Facing Konoha's oppression, Kimimaro had no choice but to recognize the situation and gave the room to Konoha. He sadly occupied a nearby room, and with him was Jugo.

In the stronghold created this time, the residential areas are connected together, and basically all the rooms are in one area.

Seeing Nanako, they took the lead, and the children began to fight for the room.

Uchiha Shin smiled silently when he saw this, but he did not interfere. Although it was an actual sparring exercise to grab a room, it was still a training session.

Orochimaru shook his head speechlessly and went directly to the experimental area. The area there was not as large as the training area, but there were plenty of rooms. There was no problem in making room for one, and it was close to the laboratory.

While Ye Zi slept, the room allocation had been completed, and the new laboratory was quickly set up. After Nanako and Orochimaru completed the lab, they quickly entered a state of research.

The two of them are separate because their research directions are different.

Orochimaru studied curse seals and senjutsu, while Nanako studied how to reduce the risks caused by implanting Hashirama cells.

When I woke up from sleep, there was a plate of hot food on the table, and a person was sitting next to the bed.

Perhaps because he was used to it, Ye Zi was not surprised at all.

You're awake. Yan Ye held his cheek and looked at Ye Zi who woke up and smiled slightly.

Yes. Ye Zi nodded, got off the bed, went directly to wash up, and when he came back, he sat at the table and prepared to eat.

This hot meal was presumably the result of Yan Ye heating it up again when the meal was getting cold, or perhaps replacing it directly, so that he could have hot meal as soon as he woke up.

Yan Ye sat opposite Ye Zi with a faint smile on her face. As usual, she wanted to watch Ye Zi eat and also wanted to hear Ye Zi's comments.

Ye Zi picked up the chopsticks, but did not eat immediately. This was indeed the same as usual, but he could no longer say the words to let Yan Ye eat together.

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