Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 462 Potential Threat

Not only the Rock Ninja and the Cloud Ninja, but also the Sand Ninja and the Mist Ninja had obvious changes in their perception of Ye Zi. They all realized that Ye Zi was an existence that could not be easily provoked, and what about the leader above Ye Zi? ?

The Kingdom of Rain has never been a small country that the major ninja villages take seriously, but now, the Kingdom of Rain has indeed come into the eyes of the major ninja villages, and its position is not low.

Among the Iwa Ninjas, most people are not willing to go to war for Ye Zi alone, especially when there is a Yun Ninja Village who obviously wants to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, so the Iwa Ninjas will not take any action against Ye Zi unless Yu Yu Ninja Village or Ye Zi attacked Iwa Ninja Village and caused Iwa Ninja Village to suffer losses.

Otherwise, attacking Yu Ninja Village or wasting energy to deal with such a powerful Ye Zi would be of no benefit to Yan Ninja Village.

The Sand Ninja and the Mist Ninja regard the Rain Ninja Village as a thorn in their side, especially the Sand Ninja, who want to swallow Ye Zi. However, they are currently the two weakest villages and do not have the energy to devote a lot of energy and troops to find Ye Zi. The Rain Ninja Village is in trouble.

At the moment, they have no choice but to grow, unless someone is willing to start dealing with the Rain Ninja Village, and Konoha suffered a loss at the hands of Ye Zi this time. They hope that Konoha can take this initiative, and they expressed this idea to Konoha as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, Konoha's reply to them was ambiguous. There was neither a strong intention to start dealing with the Rain Ninja Village nor a desire to let it go.

The initiative is in the hands of Konoha, so the Sand Ninja and the Mist Ninja can only wait patiently for the opportunity to come. Before that opportunity comes, strengthening the military strength as soon as possible is the priority.

If the three families of Konoha, Sand Ninja, and Mist Ninja join forces to deal with the Rain Ninja Village, then Iwa Ninja and Kumo Ninja will definitely not participate.

For the Iwa Ninja Village who lost a jinchūriki, it was the best thing to have someone willing to deal with the Rain Ninja Village without having to do it themselves.

For the Yun Ninja Village who wanted to see this scene, they were very happy for this to happen. They would even secretly fund the Yu Ninja Village to try to weaken other Ninja Villages and prepare for the next war. Good foundation.

Ye Zi still doesn't know these things, but now he comes to the Rain Ninja Village in the Kingdom of Rain.

Braving the wind and rain, the guards guarding the gate respectfully watched Ye Zi enter the village. However, Ye Zi's arrival did not need anyone to announce it. Nagato knew it immediately. He waited for Ye Zi's arrival in the empty hall. .

Nagato, I think Ye Zi is a potential threat, why not kill him now? Xiaonan suggested, standing next to Nagato.

She had explained Ye Zi's threat to Nagato many times before, but after Nagato showed his strong strength and disdain for Ye Zi, she did not mention it again.

Since Nagato is so powerful and feels that Ye Zi cannot cause any big troubles, she naturally has no reason to continue to mention it. But now Ye Zi is not weak and can cause Konoha to suffer serious losses, and he can also defeat many people in Konoha. Among the masters, he escaped completely.

This kind of strength made Xiaonan take notice again. She always thought that Ye Zi was a threat, like a needle placed deep in her heart. She would feel at ease only if she got rid of him.

Nagato sat on the long-backed chair, with his hands flat on the armrests. After hearing Xiaonan's words, his face was calm, and he did not respond to Xiaonan's suggestion immediately.

Since developing the ability of the Samsara Eye, Nagato's mentality has naturally changed.

Sansho Hanzo was hailed as a demigod by the ninja world, but he was completely defeated by him. So, he can be hailed as a god...!

In terms of individual strength, Nagato believed that he was the strongest person in the ninja world now. From that moment on, he never took Ye Zi seriously.

However, after the incident in Konoha, he began to pay more attention to Ye Zi, but it was not to the point where he could pose a threat. The reason why Xiaonan regarded Ye Zi as a threat that must be eliminated was because Xiaonan was not as strong as him. His strength and confidence are not as strong as his own.

He still has uses. Nagato raised his head slightly and looked at the main entrance ahead.

No matter how strong an individual's strength is, it is limited. A big thing like collecting tailed beasts still requires the use of Ye Zi's ability, and Ye Zi can't threaten him, so there is no need to eradicate Ye Zi.

Nagato didn't know the trump card that Ye Zi held in his hand. Not to mention the army of dirty soil that had been prepared, even the army of clones with strengthening potions was a terrifying force that could not be ignored.

What's scary about them lies in their numbers, in the short-term burst caused by strengthening potions, and in their characteristics of being dead warriors who can die without fear.

If he knew, even the current Nagato would deal with Ye Zi immediately.

Xiao Nan frowned slightly. She knew what Ye Zi's use was in Nagato's eyes, and whispered: We can plan slowly for collecting the tailed beasts, but I still can't worry about him.

Nagato turned his head and glanced at Konan, and said calmly: You value him too much.

Realizing that Nagato was still unwilling to deal with the potential threat of Ye Zi, Xiao Nan sighed softly and pursed his lips in silence.

Nagato retracted his gaze and continued to look at the main gate, saying calmly: Don't worry, the more tailed beasts I collect, the stronger I will be. Even if Ye Zi can't make any trouble, when all the tailed beasts are collected, He will no longer be of use, and I will kill him as soon as possible.

Although Ye Zi didn't take Ye Zi seriously, the original plan to collect tailed beasts was Ye Zi who found them and proposed it.

It's unclear what Ye Zi's purpose is, but the heretic golem can only be controlled by him. Once the chakra of all the tailed beasts is injected into the heretic golem, the heretic golem will be invincible and unbeatable.

As long as he controls the Heretic Golem, no one can threaten him, and by then, there is no need to use Ye Zi, he can just kill him casually.

Konan nodded lightly when he heard this, hoping that everything would go smoothly. When all the tailed beasts are collected, it will be the last step of the plan. By then, as Nagato said, Ye Zi will have no use value and will kill the most natural ones casually. good.

After the two waited in the hall for a while, the main door was pushed open and Ye Zi appeared in front of them.

Nagato looked at Ye Zi quietly without any reaction, while an imperceptible hostility flashed deep in Xiaonan's eyes.

Ye Zi stopped in front of the door for a while, then slowly walked towards Nagato and the others, watching them as he walked.

After walking in front of Nagato and the two, Ye Zi looked at Nagato and directly stated his purpose: The plan to collect tailed beasts can be started again.

Xiaonan's eyes changed slightly and she remained silent. In this scene, there was no room for her to interrupt.

Are you ordering me? Nagato looked at Ye Zi with a cold expression.

Ye Zi carefully wrapped up the murderous intention, and then placed it safely deep in his heart. He shook his head and said calmly: This is not an order, but a suggestion.

Give me a reason. Nagato's tone was calm.

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