Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 463 The plan is restarted

There are many reasons for temporarily stopping the collection of tailed beasts. One is that the Cloud Ninja Village is now powerful and values ​​the Jinchuriki very much, so it cannot be easily provoked. The other is that the Six-Tailed Jinchuriki of the Mist Ninja Village is now employed by the Mizukage, and the former Mizukage Kage was captured by Akatsuki. If he attacks the Jinchūriki of the Mist Ninja again this time, I am afraid that the Mist Ninja Village will launch a full-scale attack on Akatsuki or the Rain Ninja Village at all costs.

In the end, capturing the Nine-Tails is not a big problem, because the Nine-Tails is the last one. Once captured, as long as the outsider demon is directly channeled to absorb the Nine-Tails' chakra, the entire plan is completed.

At that time, Nagato controls the outsider demon that has absorbed the chakra of all the tailed beasts, and can intimidate the entire ninja world and force the ninja world to enter a period of peace.

If you want to restart the plan immediately, you must have the power to successfully capture the tailed beasts in a short period of time.

First six tails, then two tails, eight tails, and finally nine tails, they must be captured at once without too long a gap.

Leave the second, sixth and eighth tails to me. This was the reason Ye Zi gave to Nagato, concise and direct.

Nagato said expressionlessly: Can you capture these three Jinchuuriki within a week?

Time is the key to the entire plan. Once the tailed beast is captured successfully and delayed for too long, the counterattacks of the Cloud Ninja Village and the Mist Ninja Village will make the Rain Ninja Village unable to withstand them. Only the complete form of the heretic golem can compete with them. .

For Nagato, as long as he can keep up with the progress of the plan, it doesn't matter even if the entire Rain Ninja Village is given to the Cloud Ninja Village and the Mist Ninja Village to be destroyed. By then, he will probably have captured the Kyuubi in Konoha. .

After hearing what Nagato said, Ye Zi couldn't help but remain silent. He captured three Jinchuuriki within a week. This included the time of traveling, plus the time of sealing. It was obviously too late for him alone.

Moreover, if you want to capture the tailed beast, you have to attack the Great Ninja Village directly. Even if Ye Zi now masters the sage mode, he is not confident that he can escape unscathed. After all, he has to meet the conditions for capturing the tailed beast. Even if he succeeds, injuries are inevitable. .

When Nagato goes to capture the Kyuubi, he will have an oriole behind him. If he is not in full strength, he cannot be an oriole, so when Nagato captures the Kyuubi, his physical condition must be intact. of.

It is with this in mind that I feel that one week is too short and it would be a dream to complete it.

Seeing Ye Zi's silence, a faint disdain flashed in Nagato's eyes and he remained silent.

Ye Zi thought for a while. If the Six-Tails did not require him to do it himself, then there would be enough time to execute the plan to capture the Second-Tails, Six-Tails, and Eight-Tails at the same time. Besides, he was not the only master in Akatsuki.

The Six-Tails can be handed over to others, and I will go to the Cloud Ninja Village to capture the Two-Tails and Eight-Tails. Ye Zi said calmly with a little glint in his eyes.

If done at the same time, the Six-Tails side can only succeed but cannot fail. The other members of Akatsuki may not be able to succeed 100%. Going to the Cloud Ninja Village to capture the Two-Tails and Eight-Tails is the most difficult step among all steps, so he will Go and finish.

Both Nagato and Xiaonan knew that this trip to Yunnin Village was the most difficult, and judging from Ye Zi's demeanor and tone when he said this, he seemed very confident.

Are you absolutely sure you can succeed? Nagato asked.

Yes. Ye Zi nodded.

Nagato's eyes flickered a few times. If he could ensure the completion of the entire plan, he would not be willing to wait any longer, but he would not believe it just because of Ye Zi's one-sided words.

There are two Jinchuuriki in the Cloud Ninja Village instead of one, and they are all good in strength, not to mention that there is also the Third Raikage in the Cloud Ninja Village who is known as a 'monster'.

Give me a year. When Nagato hesitated, Ye Zi suddenly stretched out a finger and said: I can capture the two tails and the eight tails at once, as long as the six tails can be captured at the same time. , only the Kyuubi is left.

So there is no need to waste time raising funds and developing the Rain Ninja Village. If you have that time, it is better to collect information about the abilities of the Jinchuriki to increase the success rate of capture. Furthermore, Vulpix can let all other members Move out.

One year is the deadline Ye Zi has set for himself, and he does not want this year to be wasted by Nagato, even if it is to develop Yu Ninja Village, it will not bring any results.

Instead of wasting meaningless time, it is better to use all your strength to collect information and ensure the success rate of capturing the tailed beast.

He came here to convince Nagato to restart the plan, and during this year, all members should serve the plan instead of wasting time and energy collecting funds.

Nagato initially thought that Ye Zi was suggesting that he start planning immediately, but in the end, he set a one-year deadline.

He looked at Ye Zi calmly and said calmly: I don't think you can succeed. The strength of Yun Ninja Village can be said to be the strongest among the major Ninja Villages now.

Ye Zi looked serious and said, If you don't succeed, you will die.

He spoke of death so lightly and calmly, without a trace of fluctuation.

Nagato couldn't help but be silent, thinking about whether to follow Ye Zi's suggestion and restart the plan. His original plan was to wait until he was sure before taking action, even if he waited a few more years, it didn't matter.

But Ye Zi seems to be very confident. If he can capture the two and eight tails by himself, then there will basically be no problem if the other members of the Akatsuki team go out together with the six tails.

Whether you agree or not depends on Nagato's consideration of Ye Zi's strength.

If he believed that Ye Zi's strength could successfully capture the second and eighth tails in one go, then he would agree to Ye Zi's suggestion.

If it weren't for what Ye Zi had done in Konoha some time ago, Nagato wouldn't have to hesitate at all and would directly reject Ye Zi's suggestion.

If possible, Nagato doesn't want the plan to continue to be shelved. The reason why he is willing to wait is just to be more sure.

As you said, if you fail, even if you don't die in the Cloud Ninja Village, I will kill you. Nagato's face gradually turned cold.

Ye Zi raised his eyebrows and said firmly: I will succeed.

Nagato didn't know where Ye Zi's confidence came from, but he decided to believe Ye Zi once.

Even if Ye Zi's trip to Yun Ninja Village ends in failure, with Ye Zi's ability to cause damage to Konoha and escape unscathed, he can still cause some trouble to Yun Ninja Village.

This would make his task of capturing the second and eighth tails much easier. In general, he wanted to use Ye Zi's life to make a contribution, so he agreed.

I hope so. Nagato replied coldly.

On the side, a trace of surprise flashed deep in Xiao Nan's eyes, her face was expressionless, she actually hoped that Ye Zi would die in Yun Nin Village.

Ye Zi stared at Nagato's reincarnation eyes and said, I will inform you when the time is right.

Okay. Nagato nodded slightly.

So, the restart plan was decided.

In Ye Zi's opinion, one year is enough time for him to complete all the preparations. One of them is to seal Nao into his body as a tool that can extract chakra at any time. This is why he is confident about what he will do in Yun Ninja Village. reason.

The lack of chakra has always been something he wants to improve. As long as this problem is solved, killing Nagato and seizing the Samsara Eye will make him more confident.

Nagato didn't know why Ye Zi suggested that he restart the plan. Since the control of the Heretic Golem was in his hands, he was not worried about what trouble Ye Zi could cause.

Maximizing Ye Zi's value is a result he can accept.

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