Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 464: Sealing Technique and Wood Escape

Nagato thought that everything was under control, and the question that needed to be considered was to what extent Ye Zi's value could be utilized.

For example, if Ye Zi can capture the second and eighth tails in a year, that is what he would like to see, and during this year, he will not just sit still and wait for news.

Only by strengthening yourself all the time can you get closer and closer to that goal.

This is the same for anyone who pursues a goal, and Ye Zi is the same... and this is how he got there.

After he came to this world, he met many people and met many people with terrible obsessions. For the obsession in his heart, he even went crazy. Orochimaru was like this, Nagato was like that, and he was one of the crazy ones.

Ye Zi left Yu Ren Village the next day.

What he planned was to get closer to the target, and it was also aimed at Nagato. He was bound to get the Samsara Eye, so Nagato had to die.

Nagato wants to maximize Ye Zi's value, and Ye Zi also has the same plan. What matters is who can have the last laugh.

The winner is the one who laughs to the end, while the loser's fate is death.

The phrase he said to Nagato about death was not something he said casually.

If you don't succeed, you die.

This is not a bet but a veiled sign of determination.

Walking in the wind and rain, the heavy rain is like white mist covering the distant scenery and roads.

In Ye Zi's eyes, there are vertical pupils with a faint golden luster, implying the meaning of a sharp blade. He stares ahead, as if he wants to split the rain.

He was not wearing the usual raincoat of the Land of Rain, but the wind and rain could not get close to his body, as if he was blocked by an invisible shield.

Even if he was just on the road, he was still exercising his control over natural energy, using natural energy to push away the heavy rain that was pouring down from him.

A few days later, he returned to the stronghold of Taki Country, and everyone was moving towards their goals.

The teenagers in the stronghold have strengthened their training. Among them, Kimimaro can be said to be almost crazy. He only sleeps for a few hours a day and spends the rest of the time training. He seems to think that the blood successor is the only one who can become stronger as soon as possible. path, so he endured pain most of the time and trained to strengthen his ability to control the blood inheritance limits.

Uchiha Susumu and Kotonoha are the children's instructors and are responsible for training them in all aspects.

Ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu, techniques for using hidden weapons, etc... none of them were missed.

In order to allow more children to survive one year later, Nanako focused all her thoughts on research on how to increase the success rate of implanting Hashirama cells.

Orochimaru did not participate in the research on Hashirama cells. When Ye Zi showed the horror of Sage Mode, he became more interested in Sage Mode and immersed himself in the study of Sage Mode and curse seals.

He wanted to find a risk-free way to master Sage Mode and combine the Curse Seal with Sage Mode.

After this was completed, he still had more things to do and more information to verify.

The information Ye Zi told him actually opened a new door for him. So far, many doors have been opened, and he needs to take everything in the door into his pocket.

Everyone was busy. After Ye Zi returned to the stronghold, he also locked himself in a room to practice the sealing technique.

He couldn't bother Orochimaru for the time being, and he couldn't ask Orochimaru to help with the jinchuriki seal, so he could only put it aside for the time being.

The current goal is to master the sealing technique as quickly as possible. Maybe after mastering it, Orochimaru's help will not be needed, and he can find reasonable sealing steps and methods, and then seal Naoto into his body.

All his energy now is focused on how to become stronger. If the method of becoming a Jinchuuriki is feasible, he will be more confident about the trip to Kumo Ninja Village.

The strongest Kage today...the Third Raikage.

Since we are going to capture the two tails and eight tails, we must have a battle with him.

Whether it is the thunder strength of the Third Raikage or his black thunder strength, you can tell the difference.

As time passes slowly, Ye Zi gradually absorbs the knowledge of sealing and has begun to practice it, and the goal of his practice is the reincarnation of the dirty soil.

It has to be said that the technique of reincarnation of dirty soil and wood escape are both very practical techniques and can be used in many ways.

With the reincarnation of the dirt as a target for practice, Ye Zi's mastery of sealing skills is getting better and better, but it is still far from the level of proficiency. Moreover, there are too few sealing skills recorded in the scrolls, and they cannot be used by Ye Zi in battle. What help does it bring.

Regarding the 'Contract Seal', Ye Zi also took the time to verify its effect. It can indeed cut off the contractual relationship between the psychic and the psychic beast, so that the psychic can no longer channel the psychic beast that signed the contract, and for the first time Time returns the psychic beast to its original place.

If it can be sealed, it can naturally be lifted. By lifting the 'contract seal', the contractual relationship between the psychic and the psychic beast can be restored.

After verifying the effect, there is a high possibility that it will be effective against Nagato's psychic beast.

After basically mastering the sealing technique, Ye Zi began to think about how to integrate the sealing technique into the techniques he mastered, such as thunder escape and wood escape.

If the sealing technique can be integrated into Thunder Release and Wood Release, the power of the spell can be increased.

As he mastered the knowledge of sealing skills more deeply, Ye Zi realized that it was difficult to combine sealing skills and thunder escape, because the thunder and lightning formed by the changes in the properties of thunder escape were not entities, and it was difficult to be used as a carrier of sealing skills. It’s the difficult part of combining the two.

However, even though there is no entity, it does not mean that it cannot be used as a carrier of sealing techniques, it is just difficult. On the contrary, the physical wood escape can be easily combined with sealing techniques.

Taking into account the difficulty difference between the two, Ye Zi focused on the combination of sealing technique and wood escape. After having such a direction, he felt that the use of sealing technique was quite good, especially when he thought of sealing technique. The effect produced by the combination of magic and wood escape is full of power.

Ye Zi's mind was immersed in developing ninjutsu. When he was tired, he would take a nap for two or three hours. When he was hungry, he would eat casually. Time passed little by little without being noticed.

Without any reference materials, Ye Zi's development was difficult and the progress was very slow, but he was also very satisfied.

As long as you can move forward, no matter how slow it is, it doesn't matter, because even if you move forward a little bit, it is progress.

If you fail to manifest what you are thinking in your mind, it will turn into useless wood. Almost every few hours, Ye Zi has to clean up the wood.

The reincarnated body of the dirty soil that was taken as the actual target was unlucky, and was tortured by Ye Zi every day.

Due to too frequent practice, chakra usually bottoms out in less than half a day, and then one can only take a short break and wait for the recovery of chakra before continuing to practice.

Ye Zi gained experience and knowledge bit by bit in this way. Although he has never succeeded until now, he has a clearer understanding of the shortcomings of the spiritual transformation technique.

The weakness of the spirit body is indeed the sealing technique. Once Ye Zi masters the skill of combining sealing technique and wood escape, he can directly trap the spirit body with wood escape and break the spirit body's advantage of ignoring obstacles.

Therefore, if there is a battle with Nagato in the future, Ye Zi will not use the spirit transformation technique, because since Nagato can directly extract the soul of the target, there should be many ways to deal with the spirit body.

Ye Zi stayed in the stronghold to practice sealing techniques, while Bai Jue was sent out to collect information about Yun Ninja Village. As for the surrounding area of ​​the stronghold, he was guarded by three clones transplanted with Byakugan.

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