Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 473 Leaving

The light blue chakra sphere rested quietly on Obito's palm, and the crystalline lines inside were intertwined, emitting a dangerous light.

Obito took a deep breath and injected chakra with the changed nature of Fire Release into the Rasengan.

Fire escape was the nature change he was best at. Inspired by Minato, after mastering the Rasengan after a month of hard training, he began to try to inject fire escape nature changes.

As the fire-attribute chakra entered the Rasengan, a little red color emerged from the inside of the Rasengan. In the blink of an eye, the chakra lines were dyed the color of flames. Soon, the entire Rasengan turned red, as if Became a burning ball.

Feeling the high temperature hitting his face from the red Rasengan, Obito was focused and tried hard to maintain the form of the Fire Release Rasengan.

Did you succeed? After looking at the stable form of the Fire Rasengan in the palm of his hand, Obito's eyes were filled with joy. The next second, the Fire Rasengan expanded and twisted in vain.


Obito's expression changed, but he saw the Fire Release Rasengan suddenly exploded, and the impact caused Obito to be pushed out, hitting a tree and letting out a low scream.

Sitting on the tree, Obito had a look of pain on his face. He raised his miserable right hand to look at it and said with a bitter smile: The ointment is probably of no use anymore. I need to go to the hospital for treatment.

As the Uchiha clan is good at fire escape, they have formulated an ointment specially used to treat burns. It is usually used to assist the clan members in practicing fire escape. However, with a burn of Obito's degree, it is more practical to have a medical ninja treat it directly.

At this time, slight footsteps came from the right side. Obito looked startled and looked at the place where the footsteps came from.

Lin, why are you here? After seeing the person clearly, Obito's face filled with pain turned into a look of joy, and he stood up quickly.

Lin didn't speak, staring at Obito's severely burned right hand. She walked over, stretched out her hands and placed them on Obito's burned right hand, emitting soft green chakra light.

Lin... Obito looked down at Lin who was treating him seriously, with a slight smile on his face. Maybe this was happiness.

Under Lin's treatment, Obito's burned hand recovered as before. It can be seen that Lin now has a good grasp of medical ninjutsu.

Withdrawing her hands, Lin complained slightly in her eyes and said, Even training has to be done in a certain way. Look at what your hands have become.

Obito laughed and said proudly: I am a man who wants to become Hokage. A mere injury is nothing.

Then you can't be so casual. Lin looked serious.

Obito slowly stopped smiling and said seriously: That guy Akai is so crazy, and Kakashi is the same, how can I fall behind, Lin...

He lowered his head and looked at his hands, That man made me understand one thing. If you want to protect important things, you must have strong power. If... He suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin, and said seriously: Even If you can't protect me, then what qualifications do you have to say that you want to be Hokage? And I don't want to experience that feeling of being unable to protect you again.

Hearing Obito's extremely serious words, Lin's eyes narrowed and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated a little.

She took a breath and smiled: Come on.


Obito smiled broadly and nodded heavily.

By the way, don't you have to go to Kushina-sensei today? Obito asked suddenly.

Lin shook her head slightly and said with a smile: Kushina-sensei seems to have something to do today, so I don't have to go there.

That's it. Obito touched his chin.

Obito, I will train with you today. Lin thought for a while and felt that with her by her side, she could treat Obito at any time.

Ah? Obito's eyes lit up and he said happily: Okay!

If Lin is here, he can practice the Fire Release Rasengan more unscrupulously.

Lin looked at Obito who was smiling happily, and thought to herself: Kakashi and Obito are both working hard, and I can't lag behind.


Konoha gate.

In front of the main entrance is a straight and flat avenue with tall green trees on the left and right.

Jiraiya was carrying simple luggage and stood in front of the gate of Konoha. In front of him were Minato, Kushina, and Tsunade.

It's just a routine trip. It shouldn't be so grand. It makes me feel embarrassed. Jiraiya looked at the three ninjas in front of him, raised his head and laughed.

Jiraiya-sensei. Minato looked at Jiraiya and stopped talking.

Minato, this is what I should do now. You know very well that this is no small matter. Jiraiya stopped smiling and looked at Minato seriously.

Minato's eyes changed slightly, he sighed softly, nodded and said, I understand.

Two months ago, he and Mr. Jiraiya had seen Ye Zi's form in the East District, and what they then thought of was naturally Toad Sage's prophecy.

When it came to snakes, Jiraiya was more inclined to Orochimaru, but after seeing Ye Zi's form of sage mode, he couldn't help but put the predicted black snake on Ye Zi's body.

In any case, Ye Zi is now a very dangerous man, and the organization he belongs to is even more dangerous.

Jiraiya, be careful along the way. Tsunade said solemnly.

Hey, are you worried about me? Jiraiya looked as surprised as if he had discovered a new world.

Tsunade raised her eyebrows slightly, glared at him, and said solemnly: Ye Zi is too dangerous, you must be cautious when doing things.

Kushina stood next to Tsunade, her eyelids were slightly drooped, and her mood was quite complicated.

Jiraiya glanced at Kushina, then withdrew his gaze, looked at Tsunade, and said seriously: Don't worry, I have my own sense of discretion.

Of course he also knew that Ye Zi was dangerous, but despite the danger, some people still had to do some things. He had to find a way to find out the details about Xiao and Ye Zi.

Jiraiya-sensei, please be safe. Kushina raised her eyes and looked at Jiraiya.

Jiraiya smiled at Kushina, then turned around and walked towards the flat avenue, stretched out his hand and waved, and said with a heroic smile: Wait for my good news!

The three of them watched in silence as Jiraiya's back gradually disappeared. They did not look back until Jiraiya's back disappeared from sight.

Tsunade-sensei, Kushina, I'm going to work first. After watching Jiraiya leave, Minato said to the two people beside him.

Go ahead. Tsunade nodded.

Yeah. Kushina smiled.

Minato smiled slightly, but didn't see any movement. He just disappeared from the place, but used the Flying Thunder God Technique to return to the office.

After Minato left, Tsunade once again set her sights on the end of the avenue with a slightly complicated expression.

Tsunade-sensei. Kushina turned her head and looked at Tsunade, who looked complicated.

Kushina, everyone has something to do. Tsunade stared ahead.

Kushina was stunned for a moment, then nodded silently.

Is it something you should do...

Let's go back to the hospital. Tsunade suddenly turned around and strode towards the village.

After being reunited with Guitu Chu, she now knew exactly what she should do.

People can grieve for the deceased, but they cannot stay where they are because of the deceased.

Ye Zi is too strong. With her ability alone, she cannot avenge Duan and Shizune. What she can do now is to train more medical ninjas for the village.

This is... the rope tree and the broken will.

Kushina silently followed Tsunade, and the two walked side by side towards the hospital.

Ye Zi...

Kushina whispered the name softly in her heart.

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