Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 474: A Difference in Thoughts

Konoha, ANBU.

In the special training room, Itachi and Shisui were dueling with hidden weapons and long knives.

Numerous shurikens reflected beautiful arcs in the air, and then collided together, emitting bursts of crisp sounds and sparks.

Itachi held the long knife and headed towards Shisui.

The sword lights met in mid-air and disappeared in a flash.

The two knives collided with each other at an extremely fast speed, and the sound of iron collisions was accompanied by sparks.

The force is enough, but the angle is not enough.

At this time, you should not flirt, but resist.

The offensive must be rigorous and there must be no omissions. Once there are omissions, it will give the enemy an opportunity.

“Don’t use all your strength, always keep a little margin.”

Shisui's voice sounded from time to time, while Itachi waved the long knife in silence, and followed Shisui's words to try to change.

That's awesome, Itachi...

Sensing Itachi's increasingly clear changes during the fight, Shisui smiled slightly and found an opportunity to directly knock the knife out of Itachi's hand.

Okay, next is Taijutsu. Shisui returned the sword to its sheath and looked at Itachi and said.


Itachi concealed the disappointment in his heart and attacked Shisui without saying a word.

Their limbs collided rapidly, making muffled sounds.

The single-body battle lasted for more than three hours without stopping.

In the end, Itachi was the first to stop, because his strength had reached the bottom, his head was hanging slightly, and he was panting.

Shisui's aura was also a little messed up, but it was better than Itachi's.

That's it for today. Zhisui said slightly.

No, let me rest for ten minutes and then we can continue. Itachi gasped.

Shisui touched his nose habitually and said with a wry smile: Itachi, you need to be relaxed when training.

Itachi tried to calm his breathing and said seriously: I'm okay.

This is not enough...

The files Ye Zi left behind in Genli turned into words and were engraved in his head, connecting them with the battle he saw that day.

Seeing Itachi's serious expression, Shisui was helpless and could only cater to Itachi.


The residence of the Third Hokage.

Sarutobi was sitting alone in the living room with a cup of freshly brewed tea in front of him.

The heat slowly rose, and the faint fragrance of tea wafted in the living room.

Sarutobi squinted his eyes, picked up the tea cup, took a sip of hot tea, and then let out a sigh of contentment.

Putting down the tea cup gently, Sarutobi tilted his head to look at the flowers and plants in the courtyard, and whispered to himself: The weather is nice.

The peaceful and leisurely time lasted for a while, and then was broken by a person's visit.

The Third Hokage. A handsome middle-aged man stood in the corridor outside the living room and bowed slightly towards Sarutobi.

Sit down. Sarutobi looked at the visitor, smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand to motion for the visitor to sit down.

The middle-aged man walked slowly to the opposite side of Sarutobi, and then sat down cross-legged.

Sarutobi filled a cup of hot tea and pushed it to the middle-aged man.

Thank you, Lord Third Hokage. The middle-aged man took the tea cup and lowered his head to look at the tea in the cup quietly.

Yuanye, you have so much free time today, you want to come see me? Sarutobi said with a smile.

This middle-aged man is Shan Zhong Yuan Ye from the interrogation department and one of the elites of the Shan Zhong clan.

The Third Hokage... Harano looked up at Sarutobi and stopped talking.

What? Sarutobi's eyes were deep and calm.

Yuanye took a deep breath, pursed his lips and was silent for a moment, then said in a low voice: It's all my fault that the village has suffered such a big loss.

Sarutobi was slightly startled and said, Why do you say that?

Yuanye shook his head and said solemnly: If I had made the judgment that Ye Zi met the handling standards, these things would not have happened.

Sarutobi couldn't help but remain silent, and after a moment he solemnly said: This matter has nothing to do with you.

Regarding the results of Ye Zi's interrogation, you know that I concealed something. Yuanye sighed.

Sarutobi pursed his lips and said seriously: Yes, but I still believe in your judgment, and you don't have to blame yourself so much. A large part of the reason why Ye Zi has become an enemy of the village is mine. Inaction.”

Hearing this, Yuan Ye was moved and blamed himself, and remained silent not knowing what to say.

Now that things have happened, I'm more curious about what you are hiding. Sarutobi looked at Yuan Ye, who had his head lowered.

Yuanye slowly raised his head and whispered: The scene I saw shows that Ye Zi is not from the Kingdom of Rain.

Huh? Sarutobi raised his eyebrows.

Yuanye continued: I know that based on this alone, I can judge that Ye Zi has met the processing standards, but I concealed this.

Sarutobi was silent and looked slightly solemn. As Yuan Ye said, if there is a discrepancy in identity, it must be dealt with directly, especially during that period, it should be carried out like this.

But, I saw Ye Zi's anger, sadness, unwillingness, well as satisfaction and happiness. Yuan Ye frowned slightly. The main theme of the scene he had drawn out with illusions was that of low and low in the dark night. Images of buildings wailing amid fire.

From this, he felt Ye Zi's various emotions, and determined that Ye Zi was not from the Kingdom of Rain, but he was indeed a war orphan brought back by Orochimaru from the Kingdom of Rain. The conflicts that arose in this Contradiction is the most important factor that cannot be ignored, and it is also the condition for judging whether the handling standard has been met.

Moreover, he did not know which country or place the place was struggling in the fire was. So far, he still has not found this place.

Originally, based on what he saw, heard and felt in the previous part, he had already made the decision to deal with Ye Zi, but the scene that appeared at the end made him change his mind.

The reason why I chose to hide it is... Yuan Ye recalled what he saw at that time.

Sarutobi waited silently for the next step in the wilderness.

A vague smile.

A vague smile? Sarutobi was puzzled.

Yuanye sighed: I don't know how to explain it. It's obviously cast a shadow, but when you see that smile, you will feel that it is a very satisfied, happy, and pure smile.

Ye Zi... seems to have a very important family, and this smile came from it. I think that a child with such a smile should not be disposed of.

Important family members. Sarutobi frowned slowly. Although Ye Zi passed the trial, he had ordered people to monitor Ye Zi in the first few years, so he knew very well that Ye Zi never mentioned it. Do family things.

Family, where do they come from?

Sarutobi sighed and did not want to continue to argue on this topic, and said: Now that things have happened, it is useless to talk about it, and you don't have to blame yourself.

Yuanye pursed his lips tightly with a look of remorse. During the period after Konoha was attacked by Ye Zi, he had been thinking about it and could not let it go.

He thought, if Ye Zi had been dealt with originally, how could things have ended up like this?

A single thought had a great impact on Ye Zi's fate.

time flies.

The ninja world seems calm, but in fact there are undercurrents.

There have been few disputes during this period of time, and nothing major has happened. It seems to be the most peaceful period in the ninja world.

On the surface, nothing major happened, but secretly the intelligence officers were very active.

Konoha did not take any action against the Rain Ninja Village afterwards, but it never stopped its intelligence operations.

Except for the Iwa Ninja Village, all major Ninja Villages are developing quietly, and intelligence personnel are competing for their respective abilities.

Jiraiya also began to launch his actions against Ye Zi and Yu Ninja Village.

The location of Ye Zi's stronghold has been well hidden so far. Despite the active intelligence personnel from all parties, his stronghold has not been discovered.

The person who connects the inside and outside is the fish. Some of the external affairs of the stronghold are left to her, and she is also a talented person. For example, purchasing ninja tools and daily necessities, she can do it well without attracting attention.

The clones with white eyes are the best guards. They can guard around the stronghold without eating or drinking. Once there is an invasion of foreign enemies, they can immediately warn.

On this day, Orochimaru told Ye Zi a piece of news, that is, the result of the curse seal came out.

Three months’ time…

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