Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 475: Curse Seal (4th update)

Ye Zi came to Orochimaru's separate laboratory. On the platform in the center of the room, there lay an expressionless clone.

With the presence of these clones, Orochimaru avoids a lot of trouble when conducting experiments. However, if the clones are used as the material for experiments, the results will be slightly different.

Because the clones have columnar cells in their bodies and are physically different from ordinary people, the data collected is not standard.

For example, when the combination of senjutsu chakra and curse seal is put into practice, the survival rate is not high like the implantation of Hashirama cells. However, if used on clones, the survival rate can be increased to a very high value.

After Orochimaru came up with the research results, he put them into practice on clones and it was a success.

Have you mastered the immortal mode? Ye Zi's first words came to the laboratory.

Orochimaru smiled evilly and said lightly: That's right, but it's not perfect.

In three months, he not only produced research results, but also mastered the immortal mode. However, compared with Ye Zi's perfect immortal mode, his level was very weak. When he turned on the immortal mode, the signs of snake transformation were very obvious.

However, he had already undergone software modifications to his body, and the signs of snake transformation were more to his liking.

Ye Zi was quite surprised. He didn't expect that Orochimaru would still have time to practice the sage mode while he was conducting research.

After a pause, he glanced at the clone on the platform and asked, What was the result?

Orochimaru's eyes lit up, and his tone was slightly encouraging, and he said: As long as you plant the curse seal, you can activate the incomplete sage mode, just like Jugo's form, but you will not lose your mind, and in that form, Strength, speed, and chakra volume will all increase significantly.

Ye Zi was not attracted by the benefits described by Orochimaru and asked calmly: What about the disadvantages?

Same as implanting Hashirama cells, the survival rate is not high. Orochimaru smiled coldly.

It seems that the survival rate will always be an unavoidable risk. Ye Zi sighed. If it weren't for the shortcoming of the survival rate, not to mention the curse seal that Orochimaru had just successfully developed, and the implantation of Hashirama cells, he would have been able to attack the people in the stronghold long ago. of people implemented it.

The curse seal can be placed after Hashirama cells are implanted. As long as there are Hashirama cells in the target's body, the survival rate of planting the curse seal will be very high. Orochimaru suggested.

Hearing Orochimaru's suggestion, Ye Zi couldn't help but think about it. If this was the case, then the time to implant Hashirama's cells would have to be advanced. After all, it would take some time to get familiar with this power.

Let me see the results. Ye Zi suddenly said.

Orochimaru looked at the clone on the workbench and ordered: Curse Seal Transformation.

After hearing the order, the clone stood up from the workbench like a puppet. On its pale body, black flame curse marks appeared inexplicably, covering most of the body.

Is this the curse seal...

Ye Zi quietly looked at the black flame-shaped curse mark on the clone's body, and could clearly feel that the clone's chakra amount had increased, but this form was not similar to the way Zhonggo looked when he went berserk.

He looked at Orochimaru, but before he could express the question in his heart, Orochimaru seemed to be aware of his doubts and said again: Second form.

When the clone heard this, the black flame curse seal on its body changed significantly. The separated curse seals emitted a red shimmer, expanded and merged, and slowly covered the entire surface of the clone's body, becoming similar to when Zhonggo went berserk. color, and the clone's arms suddenly swelled and thickened, giving birth to three scimitar-like inverted blades.

Ye Zi looked at the obvious changes in the clone's appearance with a calm face, but his heart was not as calm as his face. He felt that the clone's Chak amount had increased again.

Not bad ability. He praised sincerely.

Orochimaru said coldly: In addition to the low survival rate, although the curse seal can bring a powerful increase to the person being cast, the price is that the curse seal will corrode the body. However, with Hashirama cells, this side effect can be overcome.

It must be said that the first-generation cells are not only powerful, but also have a wide range of functions. The effect of enhancing the power of ninjutsu is very powerful.

As Orochimaru's words fell, the clone slowly released the curse seal of the second form, and there were a few inconspicuous fine marks on the pale body.

Teach me the method. Ye Zi said.

After seeing the effect of the curse seal, he was even more determined to plant the curse seal on the children in the stronghold. With the curse seal and Hashirama cells, with the increase in ability, he would at least have more power than ordinary jounin. .

Orochimaru didn't hide his secrets, and directly told Ye Zi all the principles and methods of using the curse seal.

Only in terms of principles, there are some shadows of sealing techniques, and Ye Zi has a good grasp of sealing techniques, and he quickly accepted the information Orochimaru told him.

After getting the method to cast the curse seal, Ye Zi's first thought was to plant a curse seal on Uchiha Shin to help him increase his strength.

You can choose to inject your own magical chakra into the curse seal. Orochimaru smiled sinisterly.

Ye Zi nodded slightly and asked: The results of the curse seal are out, what are your plans in the future?

Continue to study Hashirama cells. Orochimaru said.

Then, you and Nanako will study together how to improve the success rate of Hashirama cell implantation. Ye Zi said immediately.

Orochimaru couldn't help but remain silent after hearing this, thinking about whether to invest his energy in this area.

He learned a lot of information from Ye Zi, and the things that interested him suddenly increased a lot. If it weren't for the risk, he would have implanted Hashirama cells into his body.

Thinking about it this way, it seems to be beneficial to spend time and energy to improve the success rate of Hashirama cell implantation, because he wants to implant Hashirama cells into himself.

After a moment, Orochimaru nodded and said, Okay.

Seeing Orochimaru's agreement, Ye Zi couldn't help but feel happy. With Orochimaru's help, there might be significant progress within half a year. Once the success rate increases, children in the stronghold can be implanted with Hashirama cells immediately, and then Plant the curse seal again, and in this way, you can build a team with good combat power in a short period of time.

I don’t know how many people will survive in the end, and after Hashirama’s cells and curse seals, it’s time to transplant the Sharingan. When the time comes, it’s inevitable to plunder some Sharingan.

After confirming the matter with Orochimaru, Ye Zi left the laboratory. He wanted to plant a curse seal for Uchiha Shin, but before that, he had to obtain Uchiha Shin's consent.

Soon, Ye Zi found Uchiha Jin and told him all the advantages and disadvantages of the curse seal, leaving nothing out.

After listening to Ye Zi's description of the curse seal, Uchiha started to think about it.

Ye Zi was not in a hurry, waiting for Uchiha Shin's reply.

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