Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 476 Try

Uchiha Shin didn't hesitate for long before he agreed.

If it can increase his strength, it's just a small price, he can accept it.

Seeing Uchiha Shin agree, Ye Zi didn't have much reaction. Apart from clones, there were not many objects that could be used to practice, and Uchiha Shin was the only one. As far as Ye Zi was now in a foul earth body, he was not suitable for placing a curse seal.

If Uchiha Jin knew that Ye Zi wanted to use him to practice, he didn't know what to think.

Orochimaru taught Ye Zi how to place a curse seal by biting with his mouth. Ye Zi was skeptical about this method, so he continued to ask. Only then did he realize that it is not necessary to bite the curse seal. That method can only be attributed to Orochimaru's bad taste.

Are you ready? Ye Zi asked.

He had not yet practiced the method of placing a curse seal from Orochimaru, so Susumu Uchiha was his first test subject.

Uchiha Shin nodded slightly and said, Okay.

Ye Zi closed his eyes, and after being silent for a while, purple eye shadow appeared. He opened his eyes, revealing a pair of golden snake eyes.

He turned on the immortal mode, because when placing the curse seal, he needed to inject immortal chakra.

Ye Zi took two steps forward, stretched out his hand and pressed it on Uchiha Shin's neck.

After several months of training, Ye Zi has been able to use the sealing technique very skillfully. Even though he only listened to Orochimaru verbally describe the method and steps of the curse seal, he could easily absorb it.

Driven by his thoughts, a slight heat emitted from the contact between his fingertips and Uchiha Shin's neck, and a triangular black pattern was imprinted on Uchiha Shin's neck in the blink of an eye.

After injecting the magical chakra into the planted curse seal, Ye Zi withdrew his hand.

At the same time, Uchiha Shin groaned, his brows furrowed tightly, and he reacted immediately after placing the curse seal.

His neck was very hot. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and pressed it on the curse seal, covering it hard, as if this could alleviate the pain.

Ye Zi stood aside and calmly watched Uchiha's reaction after accepting the curse seal.

The area where Ye Zi had placed the cursed seal was getting hotter and hotter, as if lava was pouring down on it, and it soon spread to his whole body.

Uchiha Shin roared, covering his neck and half-kneeling on the ground, his forehead resting on the ground, and a lot of cold sweat soon broke out on his body.

Seeing Uchiha Shin in such pain, Ye Zi remained expressionless. He knew that this was a process that he had to go through to adapt to the curse seal. Judging from this phenomenon, the curse seal was successful. Because of Hashirama's cells, the mortality rate It seems that it can be ignored.

As if he was in hot magma, Uchiha suppressed his voice and kept roaring, with a very painful expression on his face.

A faint red light was seen emitting from the place he covered with his hand, which quickly spread to his cheeks and body, occupying half of his body.

The red light disappeared, leaving behind a large black curse mark in the shape of lightning. At this time, the pain receded like a tide, and Uchiha's stiff body suddenly relaxed and he lay on the ground shaking slightly.

Looking at this scene, Ye Zi knew that Uchiha Jin had fully accepted the curse seal, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly.

How does it feel?

Huh... Uchiha entered, struggled to get up from the ground, and said with difficulty: My body is a little numb.

As he spoke, he stretched out his slightly trembling hand, curled and opened his fingers several times, and frowned: Not very obedient.

Still adapting. Ye Zi looked at the lightning-shaped black curse marks on Uchiha Jin's cheeks.

Orochimaru said that there are two types of curse seals, one is the curse seal of heaven and the other is the curse seal of earth. The curse seal he placed on Uchiha Shin is the curse seal of heaven.

The difference between the two is not only reflected in the effect. When the curse seal takes the first form, the curse seal of heaven spreads in the shape of a pattern, while the curse seal of the earth spreads in the shape of lines. This is the basis for distinguishing the difference between the two.

The two waited for a while, and Uchiha Shin's body gradually recovered. He took a deep breath, then exhaled, and then tested his own changes.

Huh? My whole body is soaked in Master Ye Zi's chakra. Uchiha Jin felt the changes in his body very keenly. One of the changes was that he could feel Ye Zi's chakra flowing in his body.

Stretching out his hand and making it into a fist, he could vaguely feel that his strength had increased, but there was no actual measurement, so he didn't know to what extent it had been enhanced, and the amount of chakra had also increased significantly.

Is this the effect of the curse seal... Uchiha looked at his hands and whispered to himself.

There is a second form of Cursed Seal Transformation. You can adapt to it slowly. Don't worry. Ye Zi could sense the changes in Uchiha's chakra entering his body and smiled slightly.

The curse seal developed by Orochimaru is really good. It can forcibly increase the strength by external factors. This method is probably the dream of every ninja village. Of course, the shortcoming of survival rate must be eliminated.

It is not that easy to train a qualified ninja. Although the curse seal can forcibly increase the power, it cannot be put into use as long as the disadvantage of survival rate persists.

The obvious changes in his body made Uchiha Shin a little more excited. After all, power was what he had always been pursuing, and the curse seal could directly improve his power.

The lightning-shaped black pattern glowed red, shrunk towards Uchiha Shin's neck, and slowly disappeared.

After getting rid of the curse seal transformation, Uchiha checked his body. Master Ye Zi said that the side effects of the curse seal transformation will corrode the body, but there is nothing unusual so far because he has not used it yet. ?

Go and rest. After the test was successful, Ye Zi asked Uchiha to leave.

After mastering the method of placing a curse seal, we are waiting for the day when the children will be implanted with Hashirama cells, but we don't know how many people will survive by then.

Ye Zi thought silently.


After hearing Ye Zi's words, Uchiha Jin, although still a little confused, left obediently and went to the training ground.

After that, Ye Zi was not idle and continued to train in a forest outside the stronghold.


The land of rain.

The raindrops were flying, carried by the strong wind from time to time, and fell in all directions, causing ripples in the puddles on the ground.

Yu Ninja Village is like a strange steel city, standing in the wind and rain, quiet and cold.

Jiraiya endured the cold wind and rain and hid in an obscure puddle. There were several boulders piled up next to it, forming good protection.

Watching the Rain Ninja Village silently, Jiraiya did not invade rashly, he acted very cautiously, and he had been like this for the past few years.

He basically collected most of Konoha's information about Akatsuki and Rain Ninja Village, but he has never been able to get the key information.

The so-called slow work and careful work means that the price of collecting intelligence so cautiously and avoiding risks is that we cannot collect critical information. However, we can still collect a lot of useful information, such as Akatsuki members and some ability information. .

Now, the information Jiraiya wants to collect is the ability information of other Akatsuki members, the identity of the mysterious leader, and the true purpose of the Rain Ninja Village.

Ye Zi is so powerful, but he is still a member of Xiao, so who is the leader?

Jiraiya left Konoha this time, targeting Ye Zi and Yu Ninja Village, but he was unable to accurately grasp Ye Zi's movements. He could only collect intelligence around Yu Ninja Village, and perhaps he could discover Ye Zi's movements.

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