Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 477 Yunlei Gorge

Jiraiya's actions after leaving Konoha have not been able to collect even a little bit of information about Ye Zi.

He knew well that he should not be in a hurry, so he kept circling Yu Nin Village to collect information. However, Ye Zi seemed to have disappeared from Yu Nin Village and had never been seen.

He also tried to catch several members of the Rain Ninja Village who were out, but still couldn't pry out any useful information.

In the days that followed, he discovered that Akatsuki had new members, and that there were fewer and fewer rain ninjas coming in and out of the rain ninja village.

If members of a Ninja Village come in and out very frequently, it means that the Ninja Village receives a lot of tasks, and the members who come in and out are all acting to perform tasks.

In the beginning, members of Yu Ninja Village were indeed coming in and out frequently, but in recent days, this phenomenon has been suppressed, and there have been significantly fewer people coming in and out.

Jiraiya had a vague guess, so he became more concerned about the changes in Yu Ninja Village. What was the reason behind this?

And the new member... is also a strong person.

Jiraiya collected some ability information about this member. This new member's water escape and sword skills are very powerful, and he seems to have a lot of chak.

After he organized the information collected regularly, he sent the information back to Konoha Village by summoning Toad.

If this trend continues, we will never be able to grasp Ye Zi's movements. Maybe one day we will actually go into Yu Nin Village to find out. Only in this way can we break the fog shrouding Yu Nin Village.

His method of collecting intelligence is not just to stay on guard. Most of the time, he will follow the rain ninjas who leave the rain ninja village, or follow the relatively rare core members of Akatsuki.

In terms of ability information alone, Konoha has a lot of ability information about Akatsuki members, especially Ye Zi, who almost compiled detailed ability information during the battle a few months ago.

The rain kept falling, and thin streams of water fell from Jiraiya's face.

He stared at the Rain Ninja Village quietly, his eyes firm.


Yunlei Gorge is located on the edge of the Kingdom of Thunder, still some distance away from the location of Yunren Village.

The mountains here are towering, and each mountain is about the same shape and size. It looks like a giant stone pillar. It is bare and without any vegetation.

The distance between mountains is not short, forming a scattered forest of peaks. Clouds and mist linger between the tops of the mountains, and underneath is a vast ocean, which is seawater flowing in from the outside sea.

Within the entire Yunlei Gorge, there are several steep mountains that tower over these forest-like peaks.

On the top of the highest mountain, Bai Jue's lower body blended into the ground, and his upper body was mostly covered by a raised stone. Only half of his face peeked out, staring at a huge platform below.

The platform has traces of artificial carvings. It is lower than the surrounding peaks and stands above the water.

A young man with sunglasses and bronze skin stood on the platform and danced in weird postures, his head shaking from side to side, and his light yellow hair fluttering gently in the wind.

I'm in a really good mood today, yeah! Ah! I will definitely be able to write great rhyme poems.

The young man's eyes suddenly lit up, he immediately straightened his body, took out a pen and paper from his pocket, and started writing quickly, with a light look on his face.

This person is Kirabi Kirabi, the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki of the Cloud Ninja Village. After the war, the role of the Jinchūriki will be greatly reduced. In addition, the Cloud Ninja Village has a strong protection for the Jinchuuriki, so Kirabi is released in the In Yunlei Gorge.

The more critical reason is that Kirabi has an active personality and is very playful. If he is allowed to go out to perform tasks, Raikage and others will be very worried.

The reason why he was released in Yunlei Gorge was to make him practice seriously. For this, the son of the Third Raikage, Kirabi's partner, always felt very guilty. This method was actually the same as imprisonment. How many.

Fortunately, Kirabi was optimistic by nature and didn't care about this at all, and even if he was alone in Yunlei Gorge, he could still find ways to entertain himself.

For example now...

He wrote several rows of rhymes in a small book, and then started dancing with his hands and feet happily. After a while, he stopped moving and read out the rhymes he had just created facing the mountains with excitement.

The exciting sound instantly spread among the mountains, leaving a lingering sound.

The cloud ninjas who were guarding various important positions covered their foreheads with helpless expressions on their faces.

Lord Kirabi has started again.

So ordinary. A cloud ninja complained.

Haha, you dare to say that, or Mr. Kirabi will beat you until you have teeth all over the floor.

The complaining Cloud ninja suddenly shrank his neck and smiled awkwardly.

On the top of the peak, Bai Zetsu's face turned slightly dark, and he sighed: Although I have heard it many times, the level is still so low. This is the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki, but it is really strong.

Black Zetsu said calmly: No jinchūriki who can fully control a tailed beast will be weak.

That's right. Bai Jue nodded slightly.

Enduring Kirabi's complacent and low-level poetry recitation, Bai Jue quietly observed Kirabi.

He has been here for a while, and he came here under Ye Zi's order to collect information about the Jinchūriki and the Cloud Ninja Village.

The intelligence on the abilities of the two-tailed jinchuriki has almost been collected. The next target is the eight-tailed jinchuriki. As for the third-generation Raikage mentioned by Ye Zi, he has a certain intelligence foundation. However, after a few years, there is no I know what changes will happen to the abilities of the third generation Raikage.

That can only be put to the end. For now, it is better to understand the ability of the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki.

On the platform, Kirabi looked satisfied after finishing his high, then put away his pen and paper and started his daily training.

Huang Ling Lu slashes the knife, oh yeah!

Kirabi threw the seven thin knives into the air with a long tail sound. After the thin knives fell, he used various parts of his body to control the seven thin knives.

The mouth, between the elbows, under the armpits, and between the leg sockets are biting or pinching, all of which control a thin knife. With the strange posture of standing on one foot, he controls seven thin knives.

Every time I see this scene, I always feel it's amazing that someone can actually control seven knives at once, and the sword skills are terrifying. Bai Jue's eyes showed a hint of amazement.

But he saw Kirabi controlling these seven thin knives and waving sword lights on the platform very quickly.

The advantage of Huang Linglu's sword is that the trajectory of the seven knives is traceless and difficult to predict, and because of the large number of knives, the offensive will be stronger.

To be able to control seven thin knives like this requires great physical skills, and the control over the body is different from ordinary people.

In theory, Kirabi is the first ninja in the ninja world to be able to use seven swords at the same time.

In fact, Kimimaro can use bones to form more than a dozen bone knives on multiple parts of his body, and he can wield powerful taijutsu-style swordsmanship without having to hold these knives effortlessly.

Kirabi practiced slashing the wild harlequin sword for almost an hour, and then returned the sword to its sheath and put it away.

The next step is my octopus monster performance!

Kirabi raised his head and made a cool gesture, while the Eight-Tails in the sealed space tried his best to complain about Kirabi.

I saw the tailed beast chakra surging from Kirabi's body, and he quickly passed through the first form, the second form, and reached the completely tailed beast form.

Just like the white smoke produced when summoning a psychic beast rose in vain, Kirabi turned into the complete Eight Tails, a bull-headed monster with eight octopus tails.

That's basically all the information about this guy's abilities. Bai Jue said to himself as he looked at Kirabi, who had transformed into a complete body-tailed beast and could still maintain normal sanity.

The ability information that can be collected through daily training alone is quite limited. Day after day, the basic ability information has been fixed.

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