Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 480 Results

After telling Kimimaro all the risks and benefits of implanting Hashirama cells, the latter agreed without hesitation. This was a glimmer of hope for him and there was no need to hesitate at all.

After Kimimaro agreed, Orochimaru and Nanako immediately made preparations for Kimimaro's surgery, which was very resolute.

In less than half an hour after Kimimaro agreed, everything was ready, and the surgery to implant Hashirama's cells began.

Ye Zi waited for the results outside the room, while inside the room, the operation to implant Hashirama's cells began.

The whole process was not complicated, except that Kimimaro on the operating table had to bear the risk of high mortality. Fortunately, the Hashirama cells implanted in Kimimaro did not riot, nor did they explode.

After the operation was over, Orochimaru and Nanako looked at each other, and both saw a hint of surprise in the other's eyes.

A strong and healthy body can improve the success rate of implanting Hashirama cells to some extent. On the contrary, if the body is weak, the mortality rate will be higher. In Kimimaro's current state, the mortality rate is very high, but he succeeded. .

Theoretically, Hashirama cells can increase the power of ninjutsu, but I don't know if it can increase the power of blood succession limits. Orochimaru thought to himself as he looked at Kimimaro who was lying on the platform and breathing steadily.

If the power of the Blood Succession Limit can be increased, with Kimimaro's qualifications and talents, given time, he will be able to spread his reputation throughout the ninja world.

Orochimaru knew that Ye Zi would definitely put a curse seal on Kimimaro, and then transplant the Sharingan eye to assist in the performance of taijutsu. In this way, even if Kimimaro is still young, he cannot be underestimated.

After the operation was completed, Orochimaru left.

Nanako stayed in the room. After Ye Zi received the good news from Orochimaru who left, he did not enter the room, but turned around and left.

Since the surgery to implant Hashirama's cells was successful, we just needed to see how the effect was before deciding when to place a curse seal on Kimimaro and transplant the Sharingan.

Walking on the corridor, Ye Zi was really looking forward to what Kimimaro could achieve with the cursed seal and the transplanted Sharingan.

After a few days, the wide-ranging intercolumn cells come into play.

Kimimaro's body can move, which is a good sign.

A few days later, Kimimaro's body returned to normal. Nanako checked him many times during this period, and the final results were very gratifying. Kimimaro's body recovered.

The benefits that Hashirama cells brought to Kimimaro far exceeded Nanako and Orochimaru's expectations. They could actually cure genetic diseases. It must be said that Hashirama cells are really powerful.

After Kimimaro recovered, at Ye Zi's request, Nanako transplanted a pair of three magatama sharingan eyes to Kimimaro, and then continued to study Hashirama cells with Orochimaru.

The eye transplant surgery is very simple. It doesn't even take a day for Kimimaro to adapt to the new eyes. Since the eyes are transplanted, he can only maintain the state of the three magatama sharingan.

How do you feel? In the empty room, Ye Zi stared at the three Magatama Sharingan in Kimimaro's eyes.

Kimimaro stretched out his hand and put it on his eyelids, shook his head and said, I can't tell, I just see things more clearly.

The Sharingan can make your dynamic vision better. If you specialize in physical arts, you can realize the benefits of the Sharingan in actual combat. Ye Zi said.

The characteristic of dynamic vision alone can bring huge benefits to Kimimaro.

Yes. Junmaru smiled. After a pause, he looked up at Ye Zi and asked, Master Ye Zi, can you put a curse seal on me now?

Ye Zi told Kimimaro about the functions and shortcomings of the curse seal on the third day after his surgery.

Kimimaro had no reason to refuse the curse seal that could enhance his strength. He had just finished transplanting the Sharingan today, so he took the initiative to propose it.

Hashirama cells, Sharingan, and curse seals were originally prepared for the children in the stronghold, but Kimimaro was able to enjoy this treatment half a year in advance because of a genetic disease.

Ye Zi smiled faintly and reminded: Yes, but it will be painful to adapt to the curse seal, so be mentally prepared.

Yeah. Kimimaro looked serious, and the pain was nothing to him now.

Where do you want the curse seal to be placed on your body? The second time the curse seal was placed, Ye Zi very humanely allowed Kimimaro to choose the location of the curse seal.

Kimimaro was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, then stretched out his hand and pressed it on the center of his chest, and said with a smile: That's it.

Ye Zi nodded, but he simply stretched out his palm and pressed it on the position pointed out by Kimimaro. The curse seal was planted in the blink of an eye, and injected with the magic chakra. Then he took back his palm and looked at Kimimaro's chest. The black three-magatama curse seal.

The curse seal was successfully planted, and the pain caused immediately hit Kimimaro's nerves like a tide.

Huh? Kimimaro groaned, frowning slightly, enduring the high temperature raging inside his body, as if every bone in his body was being burned by high-temperature flames.

This little pain is nothing at all.

Kimimaro just frowned, expressionlessly resisting the pain caused by adapting to the curse seal, which was even better than Uchiha Shin's performance at that time.

He has long been accustomed to pain, but for a child under ten years old to be able to perform like this, it can be said to be quite good.

Appreciation flashed in Ye Zi's eyes. Kimimaro's strong willpower was most vividly demonstrated at this moment. It must be the pain tolerance he developed while training the 'Corpse Bone Pulse'.

Even if he forced himself to hold back the pain, Kimimaro didn't have the energy to pay attention to Ye Zi, otherwise he would be overjoyed if he saw the admiration in Ye Zi's eyes.

The Heavenly Curse Seal emitted a faint white light, and then spread across Kimimaro's body, covering half of Kimimaro's body with irregular flame patterns.

After a while, the red light on the curse seal disappeared, the pattern was completely implemented, and the pain gradually faded away.

Kimimaro stretched out his hand and pressed the black flame pattern on the right side of his face, muttering to himself: This is the curse seal of heaven.

Feeling the chakra slowly flowing through his body, Kimimaro squinted his eyes, looking like a lazy cat basking in the afternoon sun.

My whole body is soaked in Master Ye Zi's chakra. Kimimaro said happily.

Ye Zi rubbed his brows, feeling that Kimimaro's performance was a bit exaggerated, and said: There are two forms of curse seals. I will give you three days to get used to them, and then you will have a fight with me.

He wanted to see how strong Kimimaro would become after being fused with Hashirama's cells, transplanted with Sharingan, and able to use the Blood Successor Limit under the Curse Seal of Heaven.

Ah? Kimima Lu was dumbfounded. He was fighting Master Ye Zi... wasn't he looking for a slap in the face?

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