Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 482 Kimimaro’s strength

Kimimaro's heart became as happy as a flying dandelion.

His Karamatsu Dance is somewhat similar to the Hyuga Clan's Soft Fist, but the large number of sharp bone spurs makes his attacks very hard. Once Ye Zi's defense is broken, so many bone spurs carry strong power. If hit, you will be seriously injured even if you don't die.

Ye Zi's blind defense made it difficult for Kimimaro to make any progress no matter how he changed his moves. However, the density of his bone spurs was astonishing. Even though he collided with Ye Zi's thunder knife so frequently, there was never any sign of breaking.

The crowd watching around them watched the battle with bated breath, not even daring to blink for fear of missing any scene, although most of them could not clearly see the attack and defense between the two.

Between offense and defense, Kimimaro's Sharingan eyes quietly bloomed with fighting intent.

Corpse bone veins, the dance of the first ferns.

Kimimaro's fist that hit Ye Zi made a soft sound, and the bone spurs covering his fist and arm suddenly shot towards Chi Chi, like an arrow from a string.


Ye Zi's pupils shrank sharply, chakra gathered under his feet and suddenly burst out, pushing his body back, briefly widening the distance between him and the bone spurs that were shooting at him, giving him a few breaths of time to Fight off these bone spurs.

Clang Clang…!

In the gap between retreating, Ye Zi swung his knife and knocked off all the bone spurs.

Even though he blocked this move, Ye Zi was still surprised. Kimimaro's move was a close combat nemesis.

He was actually able to shoot the bone spurs on his arm instantly. If he hadn't reacted quickly and retreated in time with the bone spurs that were coming at him, giving him so much time to knock off the bone spurs, he might have been hit by this move at close range. The wooden clone will collapse directly.

Being able to instantly cast so many bone spurs, it seems that Kimimaro has a very good grasp of corpse bone veins now. Ye Zi's wooden clone thought so, and Ye Zi, who took this scene into his eyes at the edge of the training ground, also thought the same. Thinking like this.

In order to block the bone spurs, Ye Zi distanced himself from Kimimaro.

Corpse bone veins, ten fingers piercing bullets!

Kimimaro stretched out his hands towards Ye Zi, the phalanges of each finger were exposed to the air, and then were pushed by the impact of chakra, like bullets shot out of the barrel of a gun, towards Ye Zi Shoot away.

The flying speed of the finger bones is extremely fast, faster than the speed of the thrown Senbon. Even if the average ninja is prepared, he will still be unable to react at this speed.

high speed.

A comment flashed through Ye Zi's mind like lightning. His dynamic vision was no worse than Minato. He could see the flight trajectories of ten finger bones at once, so he didn't need to waste chakra and just used a knife to cut the finger bones. Knock them all down.

Ten finger bones were knocked off, Kimimaro closed the distance a little bit, and shot ten more finger bones towards Ye Zi.

Can it regenerate in a short time? If it can regenerate infinitely, this move will be very practical when used to kill enemies. Ye Zi calmly knocked off the ten flying phalanges again.

At this time, Kimimaro was already close. He had stronger attack methods, but he knew what Ye Zi's purpose was in this training battle, so when he didn't show all his physical combat skills, He will not use the strongest attack method he currently has.

From this we can see Kimimaro's delicate thoughts, and this delicate thoughts will also be helpful in battle.

Corpse bone veins, dance of iron spears!

After Kimimaro used two ten-finger piercing bullets to cover himself and close the distance, his hands turned into bone spears and stabbed straight towards Ye Zi's face and chest.

Ye Zi turned sideways as if in an understatement, avoiding Kimimaro's dance of iron spears. At this moment, even if Ye Zi planned to defend blindly, he would inevitably have the idea of ​​counterattack. This was also a habit accumulated over a long period of time.

The 'blood' wrapped around the lightning struck towards Kimimaro's right arm.

At this time, Kimimaro had a faint smile on his lips.

Ye Zi caught a glimpse of this smile, and without thinking too much, he decisively gave up the attack and took a step back. It was this step that saved him from possible defeat.

The right side of Kimimaro's body, including the arm that turned into a bone spear, thrust out bone spurs towards Ye Zi's position without any warning!

Fortunately, Ye Zi took that step back, opened a little distance, and avoided Kimimaro's very insidious move. This move once again changed Ye Zi's perception of Kimimaro's mastery of the blood inheritance limit.

As expected of Master Ye Zi, I can avoid it this way. Kimimaro suppressed his smile, his eyes slightly disappointed.

Ye Zi kicked back a few times to distance himself from Kimimaro, and then said calmly: During the battle, try not to show emotions. For example, I just saw you smiling, so I avoided this move. .”

In Ye Zi's view, it is very stupid to show such an emotional reaction like success before the attack is carried out, which will often make the enemy more vigilant.

However, he really didn't realize that Kimimaro had this kind of trick. Even though he saw Kimimaro's smile, in the past, he would not have retreated so decisively because the counterattack was already underway.

It was a counterattack after dodging Kimimaro's attack, and it was also an opportunity to cut off Kimimaro's arm directly. How could he let it go so easily.

However, he retreated and was spared from injury. This feeling was strange and made him frown slightly.

Kimimaro saw Ye Ziqing's frown and thought it was a serious mistake, so he silently remembered it in his heart and told himself that he would never make it again in the future.

All the melee moves that need to be shown are also shown. Next is the second form of the Curse Seal of the Sky... In that form, one's own corpse veins can exert the strongest power!

Master Ye Zi, I am going to use the second form of the Heavenly Curse Seal!

The curse seal pattern on Kimimaro's body suddenly emitted red light and moved, quickly covering his whole body. Then, a pair of bone wings suddenly broke open on his back and slowly unfolded.

There is a layer of fleshy membrane wrapped between the bone pillars like umbrella bones. It is the color of dead wood, which is also the color of Kimimaro's current body.

Kimimaro... Jugo, who was standing with the others, looked at Kimimaro who had entered the second form of the curse seal, and his heart was suddenly greatly touched.

This appearance was similar to how he looked when he was furious. He looked like a monster, but Kimimaro didn't seem to care at all, and he looked eager to try.

The teenagers present were also surprised when they saw Kimimaro's change.

Is this the power that Mr. Ye Zi gave Kimimaro? They were all thinking in surprise.

Wings? Ye Zi raised his eyebrows. If he could fly, it would be of great help to the battle.

Although they had only fought for a few rounds, Ye Zi could see how much energy and effort Kimimaro had put into the Blood Succession Boundary, so that he now had such a strong grasp.

Before the second form of the Curse Seal was activated, he was already stronger than the average jounin. But now that the second form of the Curse Seal was activated, how strong could he become?

Ye Zi really had a sense of expectation for Kimimaro. Corpse veins, Sharingan, Hashirama cells, and the incomplete Sage Mode Heavenly Curse Seal. So many factors combined together seemed to create a real meaning. monster on.

Suddenly, he couldn't help but think about what would happen if Kimimaro and Akai fought?

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