Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 483 Surprise

After all, it was just a training battle to test one's strength. Ye Zi looked at the wings behind Kimimaro and asked, Can those wings make you fly?

Kimimaro flapped his wings a few times and said with a smile, I can fly.

Very good. Hearing Kimimaro's answer, Ye Zi nodded. He did not expect that the second form of the curse seal could actually give Kimimaro the ability to fly. Flying is a very useful ability.

The children around looked at Kimimaro's wings and couldn't help but look envious. Those were wings that could fly. It would be great if they had wings themselves.

They didn't resist Kimimaro's monster-like appearance at all, and even yearned for him.

Hearing Ye Zi's praise, Kimimaro showed an excited look on his face and said, Master Ye Zi, this next move is my strongest attack at the moment!

Come on. Ye Zi's eyes narrowed slightly, looking forward to what Kimimaro said would be the strongest attack.

Well, here I come!

Kimimaro looked serious. This move is a range attack, and it can only exert its greatest power in the second form of the curse seal. Any enemy who has never seen this move of his, he is confident that it will kill the enemy. , even the wooden clone of Master Ye Zi is the same.

Suddenly, Kimimaro returned to normal and pressed his hands towards the ground of the training ground, and a powerful chakra wave emanated from his body.

What a strong chakra! The crowd watching the battle couldn't hide their shock. Kimimaro had caused too many impacts to them today.

Corpse bone veins, the dance of the final fern!

A large amount of chakra was input towards the ground through both hands, and countless sharpened bones thicker than arms broke through the ground of the training ground and stabbed out without warning.

This is…!

Ye Zi looked startled, and jumped into the air in time, narrowly avoiding the sharp bone pillars that protruded from the ground. The next second, his pupils shrank sharply, and he saw that the bones below seemed to be growing crazily. Like plants, they kept spurting out from the ground, covering most of the training ground in the blink of an eye.

When the thought of surprise first arose, the bone pillar did not stop moving, and kept rising towards Ye Zi who was in the air.

In such a dangerous situation, Ye Zi smiled. At this moment, he realized that he had far underestimated Kimimaro's strength.

Wood escape, seal the circle!

The wooden pillars poured out from his hands and instantly wrapped Ye Zi into a ball.

Numerous bone pillars rushed to stab the ball. The sharp end could only penetrate the ball within the width of a finger, but it was difficult to penetrate any further. There were about twelve bone pillars, which stuck the ball in the air. Forming a scene of interlocking teeth.

The pale forest of bones formed by so many bone pillars shocked the spectators at the edge of the training ground, and almost everyone was stunned.

Orochimaru's eyes flashed. This kind of power can be called tactical level. If used in war, if used properly, it can at least kill hundreds of enemies in an instant. Kimimaro is still less than ten years old, and he can use such a powerful weapon. What will Ninjutsu be like in a few years?

very scary.

Is this the true power of Kimimaro's Blood Succession Limit?

How can I defeat such a strong Kimimaro?

Inside the wooden ball, Ye Zi frowned and looked at the bone spurs that penetrated the wooden wall and revealed a little bit. He now had many ways to get out of danger, but he planned to just bear Kimimaro's final blow.

Kimimaro vibrated his wings and flew up, and came to the vicinity of the wooden ball. He did not approach easily, but stretched out his hands and pressed them on the nearby bone pillar, injecting chakra to control it.

In the second form of the release of the curse seal, he can integrate his body into the bones and move at will. This is similar to the earth ephemera technique of Mu Dun, and the geographical advantage created by the end fern thing can make him invincible. Everywhere.

However, he didn't do this, because this ability is usually used to get close to the target and then launch a close attack, and now he didn't have to do that.

The remaining chakra can be used for stronger attacks.

This will end it!

Kimimaro looked serious. After injecting chakra, the bone pillars near the wooden ball stuck in the air suddenly boiled. They rushed towards the wooden ball, and instantly squeezed the wooden ball into pieces, taking the wooden ball with it. The clone also fell into countless bone pillars.

The sharp bone pillars are intertwined like a blooming bone flower.

The wooden clone shattered, and the memory was immediately transferred to the main body.

Ye Zi's face trembled slightly, which was a normal reaction after receiving the memory of death. After that, his expression returned to normal. He looked at the bone forest in the training ground with a smile on his lips.

This move can be called a weakened version of the ninjutsu of Tree World Descendant. The range and maneuverability are much worse, but the attack power is stronger than Tree World Descendant. His wooden clone was very keenly aware of the abnormality and jumped directly to He dodged the bone pillars that protruded from him in the air, but he didn't expect that the number and range of the bone pillars would be so terrifying. In the airborne state, he was directly defeated by Kimimaro's move.

Although it was a serious letdown, Kimimaro's strength was indeed fully demonstrated, and Ye Zi successfully made him regard him as a qualified fighting force.

After releasing the dance of the final fern, Kimimaro almost consumed all of it and flew to Ye Zi. Only then did he release the second form of the curse seal. As a result, he even lost the strength to stand. His legs became weak and he was about to Fall to the ground.

At this time, Ye Zi took a few steps forward and supported Kimimaro's body.

What is this move called? Ye Zi asked looking at Kimimaro who looked tired and weak.

Kimimaro forced a smile and replied: The Dance of the Final Fern!

It's amazing. Ye Zi praised sincerely. Kimimaro gave him a lot of surprises in this battle. Such combat power was already above the qualifying line.

Kimimaro no longer had the strength to speak, so he could only maintain a happy smile.

Chonggo, take Kimimaro to rest. Ye Zi glanced at Chonggo who was not far away. Hearing the words, the latter immediately ran over and helped Kimimaro, who was weak.

Kimimaro, I'll take you to the room. Jugo whispered. Kimimaro's appearance just now left a deep impression on him. If he could control his own appearance and his own power, he would not be able to control it. It is necessary to resist and fear.

Kimimaro nodded gently to Jugo. He was very tired now and couldn't exert any strength. He just wanted to lie down and have a good rest.

Jugo supported Kimimaro and headed towards the room amidst the eyes of many people who couldn't hide their surprise.

Ye Zi watched the two people leave. He was not surprised that Kimimaro seemed to have exhausted all his strength. After all, Kimimaro was less than ten years old, and it was extremely rare to be able to do this.

It's time to clean up the mess. Ye Zi turned to look at the bone forest in the training ground and turned on the immortal mode.

Kimimaro's final object is indeed terrifying, and even changes the entire terrain, but if Ye Zi turns on the immortal mode, he can use the immortal method of inorganic reincarnation to control these bone pillars.

The relationship between the two can be mutually incompatible or cooperative.

If they fight against the enemy together, Ye Zi and Kimimaro can form stronger lethality if they cooperate.

Under the watchful eyes of the onlookers, Ye Zi, who turned on the immortal mode, easily disposed of the bone forest that occupied most of the training ground and restored it to its previous appearance.

Afterwards, Orochimaru and Nanako went back to continue studying Hashirama's cells, while Kohaha and Uchiha suppressed their surprise and continued to be responsible for training the children.

Today's battle left a deep impression on the children watching. Kimimaro's strength was beyond their knowledge.

Ye Zi went back to the room and let others see Kimimaro's strength. It would be more or less beneficial. I believe that if Hashirama cells are transplanted, as well as Sharingan and curse seals, the children will be easier to accept.

Ye Zi lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling silently. There was less than half a year left before the one-year deadline. In a few months, they would have to undergo surgery to transplant Hashirama cells, and then give them one or two more. Months of time to adapt.

At that time, it is also time to carry out the task of capturing the tailed beast. The key lies in Nagato and Kushina...

The difference between Nagato's failure and Kushina's capture is that the former will cause changes in Ye Zi's plan, while the latter will make it easier for Ye Zi's plan to succeed.


Ye Zi murmured to himself, as long as that moment comes, he won't have to be so tired anymore.

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