Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 484 The Age of Jade

One year is not a long time, nor is it a short time. During this period, nothing major happened in the ninja world. Of course, this was just calm on the surface. Little was known about the changes in the secret world, but it was as wonderful as the old and mottled royal family taking on a new look. .

This year can be called the ‘Age of Jade’.

It is an exaggeration to say that an era is the shortest number of years, but it is the fact.

The reason why is that in this year, the strength of many ninjas has shown explosive improvement. These ninjas are all younger generations and people with extremely high qualifications. Among them, the growth of Konoha is the most eye-catching.

Of course, the phenomenon of the 'Tama Era' is not only reflected in Konoha Village, but also in other Ninja Villages. Many young masters have been greatly improved in just one year, as well as the group of children under Ye Zi's command. They all grew up to be ninjas that cannot be ignored.

All of this was caused by the influence of the butterfly Ye Zi, especially the children in the stronghold and the ninjas of Konoha Village.

A very small number of ninjas have achieved the results of five or even ten years in one year, as if their talents have been overdrawn in advance, and their improvement in strength is extremely terrifying.

Among them, the more prominent young boys are led by Uchiha Itachi, Kimimaro, Jugo and others, and the older ones are led by Uchiha Obito, Metkai, Hatake Kakashi and others...

Their changes and promotions were all affected by Ye Zi, an outsider.

There was less than half a month left before the set deadline. Bai Jue, who had stayed outside for nearly a year, brought back his achievements.

First, the information about Mist Ninja Village was handed over to Nagato, and then he returned to the stronghold to prepare to hand over all the information to Ye Zi.

After returning to the stronghold, he realized that Ye Zi was not at the stronghold, and Bai Jue was not in a hurry, so he quietly walked around the stronghold, waiting for Ye Zi to return.

It took almost a year to return to the stronghold. During this period, great changes seemed to have taken place. After seeing the strength displayed by the brats at the training ground, Bai Jue was amazed. He had no idea that in less than a year, How could his strength be so obviously enhanced?

Compared to Bai Jue, who showed surprise on his face, Hei Jue's expression seemed calm, but he was also secretly surprised in his heart.

Hashirama cells, Sharingan, and a little bit of Ye Zi's chakra, Ye Zi, that guy is really incredible. Bai Zetsu hid in the corner without being discovered, looking at the Sharingan of the kid in the training ground. , the light flashed slightly in his eyes.

Black Zetsu was silent and looked very calm. It would be best if the power on Ye Zi's side could be enhanced, which could increase the success rate of the plan. However, Ye Zi integrated Hashirama cells, Sharingan, and curse seal. He was very surprised by the way they formed one body.

There are only less than seventy of these brats left. It seems that a lot of them have died, and less than half of them have Sharingan. Oh, they all have three Magatama Sharingan. Bai Zetsu praised.

Huh? There is also a kid from the Uzumaki clan. Bai Jue's eyes wandered around the training ground, which took up a lot of space, and he suddenly noticed a little girl with red hair, only about six years old, with exposed skin. There are a few shallow teeth marks.

This little girl's name is Uzumaki Koso. Like Kushina, she is one of the few remaining members of the Uzumaki clan. The reason why she is here is because Ye Zi went out two months ago and accidentally discovered her in the Land of Grass.

After seeing her ability, Ye Zi did not hesitate to destroy a logistics camp in Cao Ninja Village.

At that time, Koro was a tool used to treat the injured in Kusanagi Village, and the method of treatment was to bite Koro's body with his teeth, absorb Koro's chakra, and get faster treatment than medical ninjutsu. Those This is why the tooth marks are left.

When Ye Zi discovered Xiang Lu, it happened to be shortly after the death of Xiang Lu's mother. The Kusanagi ignored Xiang Lu's age and forced him to use Xiang Lu as a treatment tool even if the treatment effect was not better than that of her mother.

If Ye Zi hadn't sensed Xiang Lian's special chakra and discovered her, in less than five years, Xiang Lian would have been used to death by Kusanagi like her mother.

With the arrival of Ye Zi, Xiang Liao was only bitten a dozen times before breaking free from this hellish situation.

Because Ye Zi killed more than two hundred grass ninjas in the logistics camp, Xiang Lu chose to follow Ye Zi without hesitation.

This is why Xiang Phosphorus is at the stronghold. However, she arrived too late and has special abilities, so Ye Zi did not let her undergo surgical transplantation of Hashirama cells, nor did he put a curse mark on her. She was lucky. It's unfortunate too.

Hei Jue also saw the brat from the Uzumaki clan and sneered in a low voice, thinking that Ye Zi was really cruel. At this time, he wouldn't even let go of a kid at such a young age, even if it was worth using. , which is also very humble.

White Zetsu didn't have as deep thoughts as Black Zetsu, but he just felt that among the group of brats, this brat from the Uzumaki clan was the youngest, and relatively weak in strength. He hadn't even reached the level of a genin, right?

After observing for a period of time, it became boring. Bai Jue left the training ground and wandered around the stronghold. Before Ye Zi came back, he wanted to find something to do to kill time.

He wandered for a while, and ended up near Orochimaru's laboratory.

He stayed silently around the laboratory for a while, and then left, not easily entering Orochimaru's laboratory.

However, even Orochimaru has been implanted with Hashirama cells?

Ye Zi, this guy, has simply brought out the role of Hashirama's cells. Even Madara should be ashamed of this. Bai Jue thought silently, feeling that things were getting more and more interesting.

One day later, Ye Zi returned to the stronghold and was received by Bai Jue immediately.

In the room, Ye Zi listened quietly to Bai Jue's gains in this year.

Such a large amount of information is usually recorded on scrolls, but Ye Zi and Bai Jue are special. They don't need to use scrolls. One can dictate it and the other can listen and remember it deeply in their mind.

The information about the Mist Ninja Village that was previously given to Nagato, including the distribution of guards, the abilities of the Mist Ninja masters, and the information about the Six-Tails Jinchuuriki, was now spoken to Ye Zi by Bai Zetsu orally.

The information on the Mist Ninja Village is irrelevant, but since it has been collected, it doesn't hurt to listen to it.

After reporting the information about Mist Ninja Village, there is the information about Yun Ninja Village. It contains a lot of information, especially the personal ability information of the strong people in Yun Ninja Village. It is also what Ye Zi wants to know the most. As for Yun Ninja Village The distribution of guards is not very important.

What Bai Jue reported first was the information about the distribution of guards in Yun Nin Village. The terrain was easy to defend and difficult to attack, but Yun Nin Village did not relax at all in terms of guarding, and even paid great attention to it. It could be called an iron barrel defense.

This kind of style is actually the same as the style that attaches great importance to the safety of jinchūriki.

After listening to the general information about the guards of Kumo Ninja Village, it was time to learn about the capabilities of the Third Raikage and other masters.

In the room, Bai Jue's voice spoke calmly, while Ye Zi listened quietly, taking every piece of information into his head.

There is still half a month left, and it is time for the core members of Akatsuki to gather. Before that, Ye Zi has one more thing to do, which is related to the Sharingan.

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