Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 489 Fu Qiu’s Eye Technique

The dark clouds in the night sky quietly blocked most of the moonlight. The temperature began to drop, the wind gradually became stronger, and there were signs of rain.

Many Konoha ninjas rushed towards the Uchiha station, and Kushina was one of the fastest.

As the distance to the Uchiha station shortened and it came within the range of perception, Ye Zi's chakra was perceived.

Ye Zi...! Kushina's expression changed, her beautiful eyes trembled slightly, and then quickly turned firm.

She didn't know why Ye Zi sneaked into the Uchiha station at this time, but the scene a year ago could not be repeated again!

Uchiha resident.

Uchiha Tomigaoka, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, how could Ye Zi not recognize him?

Staring at Uchiha Tomigaoka's Mangekyō Sharingan, Ye Zi's inner plan changed.

Uchiha Tomigaoka's Mangekyo Sharingan looks a bit special, like the shape of a Fuma shuriken, but the blade is relatively slender, and there is a small black dot near the three blades.

It is this small point that makes Ye Zi feel that Uchiha Tomigaoka's Mangekyō Sharingan is special.

He has also seen other Mangekyō Sharingan, including his own. The transformed shape is one piece, unlike Uchiha Tomigaoka's Mangekyō Sharingan, which has three more black spots.

Moreover, Uchiha Tomigaoka's kaleidoscope eye seemed to specialize in illusions, and it actually made his right eye sting like a needle, giving him a feeling that he seemed to be unable to resist. However, just that moment, his 'control' The God has absorbed a lot of spiritual energy, and is still almost half way from saturation.

Originally, I simply wanted to kill this kid and take away the last pair of three magatama sharingan, but I didn't expect that this kid was a little difficult to deal with, and Uchiha Tomigaoka's support was so fast, he just rushed over in his pajamas.

After all, we are in the Uchiha station...

After seeing Uchiha Fiqiu's kaleidoscope eyes, Ye Zi changed his mind directly.

The perception ability in the sage mode spread out, and the ninjas who could sense Konoha were rushing here, and the ninjas in the Uchiha station were already close to his location.

Father, Itachi said softly.

Itachi, step back. Uchiha Fiqiu crossed his arms with a cold light in his eyes.

Itachi nodded obediently, and then quickly backed away. He knew one fact very well. Although he was very unwilling to do so, he could not intervene in a battle of this level. Even after a year of hard work, he could still only become a bystander.

After Itachi left, Uchiha Tomiaki stared at Ye Zi coldly and said in a cold voice: You are very confident if you dare to sneak into Konoha alone.

I just used the pupil technique that resides in the Mangekyou Sharingan, but I only succeeded in forcing Ye Zi back, without dragging him into the space created by the illusion.

He was not surprised that there would be such a result, because in the battle report a year ago, according to Shisui's description, Ye Zi's single-eyed kaleidoscope seemed to be immune to illusions.

Uchiha Tomigaoka disagreed with this speculation. He specialized in illusions, and the abilities held by the two kaleidoscopes were related to illusions. How could he agree that someone could be immune to illusions.

In his opinion, illusions can only be used to resist, not to immunize. The reason why Shisui's illusions are ineffective against Ye Zi is simply because they are not powerful enough.

Just now, the pupil technique on the right eye did make Ye Zi react. Although it failed, it was just because the power was not strong enough. From now on, as long as the pupil technique on the left eye and the right eye are used together, he does not believe it. Ye Zi could still resist.

This is his strongest trump card. Using the two eye skills together, he believes that no one can resist him when faced head-on.

I want your eyes. Ye Zi suddenly showed a dangerous smile. Originally, he had never thought about seizing the Mangekyo Sharingan. He only sneaked in to prepare three Magatama Sharingan for the members in the stronghold. Uchiha stationed himself, but now that he saw Uchiha Tomigaoka's kaleidoscope, he immediately changed his mind.

He was determined to make a decision on this pair of kaleidoscopes, and he would try it even if he took the risk.

If the person who appears in front of him is Shisui or Obito, he will also decide to seize the opponent's eyes. As long as it is a kaleidoscope, it contains special eye skills, such as Shisui's eye skills that forcibly change his will, and Obito's eyes at that time. Space magic.

Perhaps because of his mottled blood, Ye Zi only opened his right eye when he opened his eyes. As long as he took away Uchiha Tomigaoka's kaleidoscope eye, he could take out one and transplant it into his left eye. The remaining kaleidoscope, but Make plans again.

In the darkness, Bai Zetsu showed a faint smile. He also saw Uchiha Fiqiu's kaleidoscope, and he only felt that there was a good show to watch.

After hearing Ye Zi's words, Uchiha Tomigaoka suddenly exuded cold murderous intent, not caring about the side effects at all, and the pupil skills in his eyes suddenly activated together.

Ye Zi's right eye suddenly became hot, and his brows furrowed. He could feel a powerful spiritual energy entering his right eye fiercely and dissipating.

So strong!

Because of his right eye, Ye Zi was able to position the ethereal spiritual energy into a physical entity, and he deeply felt how powerful the illusion energy displayed in Uchiha Tomigaoka's eyes was.

Tick ​​tock.

A drop of water fell on Ye Zi's cheek, but there was no reaction at all.

Ye Zi and Uchiha Fiqiu, like old monks who have entered meditation, are still, and the time around them seems to have frozen and stopped flowing.

Suddenly, Ye Zi entered a dark red world. The sky was dark red, with a dark red full moon. There was not a single cloud in sight. The ground was clearly flat, but there were corpses all over the ground. The broken sword was stuck on the corpse, and there were many shurikens and kunai scattered in the open space next to the corpse.

The blood turned into a gurgling trickle, forming thousands of streams. Groups of black vultures fell on the corpse. Each time they pecked, they could pick up a strand of flesh. There were several vultures. The eagle pecked the eyes directly from the corpse.

Everything he saw before his eyes was the color of blood, except for the vulture, which was dark in color and looked extremely dazzling.

This is an illusion space. Even though the 'Goten God' can resist illusions, it was still dragged in. This shows that Uchiha Tomigaoka's eye skills are not weak.

After being dragged into the illusion space, Ye Zi looked very calm. His right eye was always hot, as if it was being baked on a fire, and he could feel the energy of the illusion being exerted by the 'Royal God' everywhere. The illusion energy is poured into the right eye like a trickle.

Interesting. Ye Zi suddenly smiled. Ever since he learned about the ability of the God of Heaven, he was worried about where to absorb the illusion energy. Usually only Uchiha Shin could help him fill it up, but he was still far from the saturation state. It's been a long gap, but tonight's action was an unexpected surprise.

Not only was a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan presented in front of him, but it was also able to break through his 'Goten God' and forcefully pull him into the illusion space, providing the 'Goten God' with an environment that constantly absorbs illusion energy.

A few hundred meters away from Ye Zi, the space became distorted, and Uchiha Tomigaoka suddenly appeared, covered in bright red, with his arms still folded and a cold look on his face.

Everything in this space is under my control. When you enter this space, your defeat is determined. Uchiha Tomiaki said coldly.

When the two pupil techniques are used together, the side effects of the eyes will soon appear. It will sting slightly at first, and will continue to worsen. The side effects are now acceptable, so they don't take it seriously.

The number of times he can use the two most powerful pupil techniques at the same time is limited. After about four or five uses, the side effects of the kaleidoscope will be extreme. By then, Uchiha Tomigaoka will also be mentally prepared, at least When it's time to use it, you will never hold it back.

For example, now... it would be great if we could deal with Ye Zi, a powerful enemy.

Are you sure? Ye Zi smiled.

Uchiha Tomigaoka sneered. In this space created by the 'Tsukuyomi' eye technique lodged in his right eye, he was a god.

Moreover, he also has the pupil technique in his left eye, so he has absolute confidence.


Just now, Zizhu made a difficult decision, that is... Starting from today, he will stay up late and save manuscripts to prepare for the war!

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