Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 490: Tortured to Death

Tsukuyomi, a special pupil technique that resides in the Mangekyou Sharingan, can drag the enemy into the illusion space. In this space, any factors such as time and quality are controlled by the caster.

No matter how long time passes in the illusion space, it is only a moment outside.

Usually when you are hit by such a powerful illusion, you need a companion to disrupt the illusion in order to break the illusion. However, once Tsukuyomi is cast, the effect will occur within one second in the real world, so conventional cracking methods are not applicable. Tsukuyomi can only be broken by the person being cast.

When Tsukuyomi succeeds, it can be said that the battle has been moved to another different space.

The pupil technique in Ye Zi's right eye, 'Yu Tianshen', cannot be perfectly immune to illusions. There is an upper limit on the degree of resistance. When the enemy's illusion intensity exceeds this upper limit, Ye Zi can be hit by the illusion. On the contrary, the intensity does not exceed the upper limit. Limit, you can be immune to illusions.

Now that Uchiha Tomigaoka has dragged Ye Zi into the Tsukuyomi space, the illusion he used exceeded the upper limit.

In just one month of reading, Ye Zi's 'Goten God' is immune, but the pupil technique in Uchiha Tomigaoka's left eye is the key to drag Ye Zi into the Tsukuyomi space.

'Great God', this is the pupil technique that resides in Uchiha Tomigaoka's left eye, which can increase the intensity of illusions tenfold. He used this pupil technique to enhance the power of Tsukuyomi, and this was how he broke Ye Zi's 'God of War' The illusion defense dragged him into the Tsukuyomi space.

This is the fundamental reason why Uchiha Tomigaoka doesn't believe that anyone can be completely immune to genjutsu, even if the other person has the Mangekyō Sharingan.

When Ye Zi entered this space, Uchiha Tomiqiu thought that the victory was determined, and he thought so because he did not understand Ye Zi's 'God of Heaven'.

But Ye Zi had some doubts in his heart. Even though he had a 'God of Heaven', he still fell into Uchiha Tomigaoka's illusion. Could it only mean that the opponent's eye power was too strong?

For this reason, Uchiha Tomigaoka would not be kind enough to tell Ye Zi about the pupil technique lodged in his left eye.

You have no chance.

Uchiha Fiqiu looked at Ye Zi with cold eyes, crossed his arms, raised his chin slightly, and had a chill on his face.

I saw where Ye Zi was standing, a pair of arms suddenly stretched out, and in the blink of an eye, Ye Zi's limbs were tied to the wooden pillars in violation of the laws of physics, and his neck was also tied horizontally to the pillars with an iron rope. .

It was just an ordinary Xing Jia, but Ye Zi couldn't break free.

In this space, time and quality are all under my control. Uchiha Tomigaoka said in a cold voice. No movement was seen. In the air around Xingjia, blood-colored long knives suddenly appeared out of thin air. There were hundreds of them. The handle was suspended in the air, with all the tips facing Ye Zi on the Xing frame.

Even though the sharp blades were floating around him and he was tied to the Xing Frame, Ye Zi's expression remained calm, as if he didn't care at all about the danger that would happen next.

'Gotenjin' is slowly absorbing the energy that makes up this illusion space. As long as all the energy is absorbed, this space will collapse on its own. Before that, it only needs to resist Uchiha Tomigaoka's illusion attack. , and 'Yu Tianshen' can provide Ye Zi with the greatest help.

No matter how terrible the intensity of the illusion is, the 'Goten God' will be the nemesis of the illusion. Moreover, Uchiha Tomigaoka's two pupil techniques can make his 'Goten God' continuously absorb the energy of the illusion.

This is a welcome sight.


Hundreds of sharp blades shot at Ye Zi without any warning.

Tsk tsk...!

In an instant, Ye Zi, who was tied to the Xing frame, was pierced through the heart by Wan Jian, and the flesh and bones on his body, together with the wooden Xing frame, were directly turned into debris.

Uchiha Fiqiu watched this scene with cold eyes, his expression unmoved.

Tsukuyomi is an illusion and cannot cause actual damage to the target, but it can torture the target to death through illusion.

Without the ‘Great Royal God’, Ye Zi would not have been dragged into this moon reading space, let alone tortured Ye Zi to death with illusions.

If the target of the Tsukuyomi is an ordinary jounin without the Sharingan, even without the 'Great God' to increase the power, the Tsukuyomi alone can directly torture the target to death, and if the target is an Uchiha with the Sharingan The tribesmen can only inflict extremely severe mental trauma on the target, but cannot cause death.

This is where the difference lies.

Now using the 'Omikami' and 'Tsukuyomi', Uchiha Tomigaoka is confident that he will torture Ye Zi to death in this space. In other words, after the effect of Tsukuyomi ends, less than a second will pass in the real world outside. , and at this time, Ye Zi would die directly.

This terrifying pupil technique can only be used against powerful individual soldiers, and Ye Zi is the most suitable target.

The messy pieces of meat and bones waited for a second on the blood-red ground, then suddenly disappeared. A moment later, Ye Zi, without any injuries on his body, appeared on a intact frame, still floating in the air around him. With hundreds of sharp knives.

Mental torture? Ye Zi frowned subconsciously, raised his head and showed a cold smile to Uchiha Fiqiu in the distance.

In this wonderful space, this is not a simple matter of thousands of arrows piercing the heart. The trajectory and time of each knife fired at that moment are different. It is like a programmed process between them. The force slashed through Ye Zi's body, cutting Ye Zi into pieces on the ground in one breath.

This phenomenon that is not consistent with common sense can actually be displayed in this space.

Moreover, the pain caused by each knife cutting off a bit of flesh or a small piece of bone will not be lumped together, but actually separated.

In other words, in one breath, hundreds of knives smashed Ye Zi's body into pieces, but Ye Zi had to bear the pain of hundreds of knives in this short breath.

This is the weirdness of Uchiha Tomigaoka's manipulation of time. In this illusion space, as long as you think about it, you can achieve it.

Seeing that Ye Zi's reaction was so dull after enduring hundreds of knives, Uchiha Tomiaki raised his eyebrows and said nothing. The sharp blades floating around Ye Zi once again cut Ye Zi into hundreds of pieces of flesh and bones.

A second later, the intact Ye Zi appeared again. This time, he still just frowned slightly with a sneer on his face.

The intensity has been increased ten times. This kind of pain is not something that normal people can bear. It is estimated that they will fall down after one attack, let alone two, three, four times... hundreds of knives will be endured in one second, so in sixty seconds, three times What about one hundred and sixty seconds?

This is literally torture to death.

Seeing that Ye Zi's reaction seemed to be very dull, Uchiha Tomiqiu just thought that he had a strong pain tolerance and controlled the torture to continue.

In this way, time passed by second by second, and Ye Zi had to endure hundreds of cuts of bones and flesh every second, while the cold smile on his face remained.

Doesn't it hurt?

Of course it's impossible.

Every time the knife cuts on the bone, it will affect the nerves. Let me tell Ye Zi faithfully, it will hurt!

And if you have to endure the pain of hundreds of knives in one second, a normal person would go crazy after just one attack.

But Ye Zi's reaction was very dull. That was because Ye Zi's 'God of Heaven' was at work, which helped Ye Zi weaken the pain to the maximum extent.

Uchiha Fiqiu's expression gradually turned expressionless. Even though Ye Zi didn't scream from the beginning to the end, he still continued the torture.

He firmly believed that no one could survive such torture.

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