Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 498: Unstoppable

The relationship between snakes and toads is that of natural enemies, and toads are the prey of snakes.

But worldly affairs cannot be summarized like this. Toads can be the prey of snakes, and snakes can also be the prey of toads. The White Snake Immortal has always been suppressed by the Toad Immortal. Of course, the relationship between these natural enemies at this time is based on Ye Zizhan. Excellent.

In Ye Zi's eyes, the two giant toad immortals and Jiraiya were his prey. They fell into the snake's mouth and could no longer escape.

Fukasaku, Shima, and Jiraiya all focused on Ye Zi at this time, and then they saw the strange snake eyes in Ye Zi's eyes quietly changing, and their expressions changed, as if they could feel the air getting colder.

A pair of Mangekyō Sharingan eyes with different shapes appeared in Ye Zi's eyes. There were three colors in them, such as the red of blood, the black of eternal night, and the gold of snake eyes.

There is an extra Mangekyō Sharingan. Jiraiya was surprised.

Illusion, the art of self-restraint.

As soon as Ye Zi finished speaking, he used illusion.

Jiraiya's eyes suddenly became confused, but became clear again in an instant.

Little Jiraiya, be careful of illusions. Shima's face was solemn. In just a moment, the three of them were directly affected by illusions. However, according to the magical and special connection of the blood judgment of the contract, the illusions can be broken.

However, in battle, a moment of distraction may kill you, so you can only be careful.

Escape. Jiraiya headed towards a place one kilometer away. There was a cliff with a large lake at the bottom. Many rivers passed through here. If you escape there, you can escape with a toad and a ladle. Escape.

Although I didn't want to use too much of the illusion energy in the 'Royal God', it was resolved instantly. Is it because of the connection between the three of them?

Ye Zi's face was indifferent, and he quickly closed the distance between him and Jiraiya at an extremely fast speed.

The art of inorganic reincarnation.

All the ground including this area is controlled by Ye Zi.


The ground around Jiraiya rippled like liquid, and stone thorns formed in an instant, stabbing towards Jiraiya.

This ability is really difficult and terrifying.

In desperation, Jiraiya jumped into the air ahead, dodging the stone thorns, and then shouted: Boss, big sister!


Shima quickly formed seals with his hands, and sprayed out a burst of powerful wind downwards. With the help of the wind, he pushed Jiraiya's body so that he would not stagnate in the air, while Fukasaku sprayed out from his mouth at Ye Zi who was chasing him. A stream of ultra-high pressure water rushed out towards Ye Zi.

This is the Water Blade Technique, which is stronger than the ordinary Water Release. It has the terrifying water cutting ability. Once it hits the enemy, it can instantly cut the enemy in half.

The ultra-high-pressure water flow comes quickly and is very precise.

Ye Zi raised his thunder knife expressionlessly and slashed it down, directly cutting the ultra-high-pressure water flow in half without slowing down.

When Fukasaku saw this, he couldn't hide his surprise even though he had seen many big scenes.

I'm afraid I can't stop his speed, Xiao Lai, you can only speed up. He reminded him helplessly and started to form seals again.

Fortunately, he didn't attack easily with his tongue just now. I'm afraid even if a large amount of magic chakra condensed on his tongue, he would probably be cut off by that kid's knife.

After Jiraiya landed, he didn't look back and ran towards the edge of the cliff. Fukasaku and Shima were the ones to stop him. He just had to concentrate on running. This was the advantage of the three-body sage mode.

Ye Zi kicked his feet, his figure was like thunder, and he suddenly approached Jiraiya.

Immortal magic, the wind escapes the sand and dust!

Shima used senjutsu chakra to create a large cloud of sand out of thin air, swallowing up Ye Zi's figure. She knew that in sage mode, this blinding method was very ineffective, but it was better than nothing, and it was also to assist Fukasaku's next ninjutsu move.

Toad barrier!

As soon as Fukasaku's seal fell, he stared at Ye Zi's position in the sand.

This is probably the most effective way to stop Ye Zi at the moment. If it doesn't work, the only way to do it is to use the Toad Duo.

Suddenly swallowed by dense sand and dust, even if he had the ability to sense, Ye Zi's movements still stopped subconsciously, and at this moment, Fukasaku's toad barrier was formed.

When Ye Zi reacted, he was already in a strange place, with squirming flesh tissue in all directions.

This is the stomach of the giant toad of Iwajuku. It can be used as a barrier to trap enemies. It is a very useful ninjutsu.

Normal people are trapped in this stomach barrier and it is difficult to escape in a short time.

Ye Zi glanced at the squirming stomach wall. The black thunder wrapped around his body suddenly became a few points thicker. He swung his knife towards the stomach wall in front of him expressionlessly.

Well done, boss!

Jiraiya felt that Ye Zi's aura disappeared instantly, and knew that Ye Zi was trapped by the toad barrier, so he couldn't help but praise.

The stomach barrier of the Yansu Big Toad is not easy to break. It can at least trap Ye Zi for a while, increasing his chances of escaping.

As soon as he finished praising him, he suddenly felt Ye Zi's missing aura reappearing, and his face suddenly condensed.

Fukasaku and Shima's expressions also became ugly.

Iwajuku Big Toad's stomach barrier was broken so quickly?

After escaping from the stomach barrier, Ye Zi chased Jiraiya again.

Having summoned the two great immortals and activated the immortal mode, Jiraiya was considered one of the top masters in the ninja world today, but when facing Ye Zi, not to mention not having the confidence to win, even escaping was so difficult.

Fukasaku and Shima tried their best, but they could only delay Ye Zi for a while.

And the methods they used were not simply delaying ninjutsu, many of them were immortal techniques with powerful attack power, but they were all broken by Ye Zi one by one.

We can only use that trick. Fukasaku said helplessly. This trick had been used in front of Ye Zi. He knew that the effect might be very low, but it was also one of the ways to delay.

Shima nodded heavily. This time she had no objection at all. The snake behind her was too scary.

The distance from the cliff edge is still about five hundred meters.

The bodies of Fukasaku and Shima merged with Jiraiya's shoulders. They could twist their legs and turn around, facing away from Jiraiya's field of vision.

Both of them were facing Ye Zi, who was chasing him.

Jiraiya's speed in starting Sage Mode is not slow, but Ye Zi's Thunder Escape Technique is faster.

Toad duet!

Fukasaku and Shima suddenly opened their mouths and let out harsh frog sounds, forming a wide range of high-intensity sound waves that covered Ye Zi.

Is this the trick again... Ye Zi sneered, ignoring the sound waves that shook the air.

This is an auditory illusion. It is very easy to resist it, that is, you will destroy your ears.

When exposed to sound waves, Ye Zi decisively destroyed the hearing in both ears.

Seeing that Ye Zi was not affected by the sound waves at all, Fukasaku and Shima's eyes changed. Is it really still the case? This person is too decisive.

Little Jiraiya, hurry up. Fukasaku stopped the toad duet and warned in a solemn tone. The two of them tried their best, but it was really difficult to stop Ye Zi.

This is already the fastest speed! Jiraiya said in a deep voice.

At this time, Ye Zi finally got close, still nearly three hundred meters away from the edge of the cliff.


Fukasaku had no choice. He suddenly stretched out his frog tongue, which was condensed with a large amount of senjutsu chakra, and swung it at Ye Zi who was approaching like a whip. Shima's movements were a little slower, and he also used tongue combat, using his tongue He slashed at Ye Zi.

The thunder knife in Ye Zi's hand swung one knife to the left and one to the right.

The two frog tongues broke apart in the air, and blood immediately spattered.

The frog's tongue, which can cut through steel, was easily cut off like this. What else can be used to stop Ye Zi in the future?

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