Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 499: Death (4th update)

Can't stop it...

The relationship between them is that of pure natural enemies.

When the snake shoots out like an arrow from a bow, the toad cannot resist it.

The severed tongue was flying in the air, dotted with blood. Fukasaku and Shima groaned, and a crisis that was so cold that they were frozen to the bone enveloped the two of them.

After living for more than eight hundred years, this was the first time they had fallen into such a dangerous situation. The young man wrapped in black thunder gave them an extremely uncomfortable pressure, as if the air around them was compressed, and his breathing was slightly... It has to be difficult.

This is the black snake predicted by Toad Sennin... an existence that can bring devastating disasters to the ninja world.

The faces of Fukasaku and Shima showed surprise, which was in sharp contrast to Ye Zi's expressionless face.


The light red blade was covered with high-density black thunder, forming a black blade as dark as night.

The figure approached, the black knife split the air, and chopped off the head.

His tongue was cut off, and Fukasaku's mouth was full of blood. His eyes were fierce. He didn't have time to ventilate with Jiraiya and Shima, so he left his shoulder and faced the black knife that Ye Zi was slashing towards.

The feet merged with Jiraiya's shoulders, and when they left, they stretched like springs, looking a bit like a snake's body.

Do you want to block the knife with your body? You're too naive. Seeing Fukasaku taking the initiative to face the knife, a thought flashed through Ye Zi's mind.

Jiraiya didn't have time to look back, not knowing what was happening, but Shima could only watch Fukasaku leap towards the black sword with a sudden change of expression, unable to even say anything.

Fukasaku really had this idea of ​​blocking the knife with his body, but he knew very well that no matter how strong his body was, he would never be able to block Ye Zi's black knife.

From the moment he made this choice, Fukasaku had already risked his life. At the most dangerous moment, he didn't even have time to shout out the words to tell Jiraiya and Shima to escape quickly.

Fukasaku's body seemed to have turned into a whirlpool, absorbing the invisible natural energy around him into his body, transmitting it to his tiny arms, and then crossed to face the black thunder knife that Ye Zi slashed at him.

The arms that looked thin and small turned directly into stone.


The black knife slashed at the petrified Fukasaku's arms, but it did not cut them off directly. Instead, it pressed against the petrified arms, cutting out small cracks in them.

At the cost of absorbing excessive natural energy, he turned his arms to stone and blocked Ye Zi's knife with all his might. However, there was only one consequence of this decision, and that was death.

Not completely blocked... just barely blocked.

At least we can delay it for a while. Fukasaku gritted his teeth and used all his strength to push Ye Zi away.

However... the power gap between the two sides is too obvious.

Ye Zi's eyes turned cold, the dark thunder on his body rippled for a moment, he shouted low, and continued to pour power into the blade.


The fine marks on the petrified arms spread out like spider webs, and stone chips suddenly flew into the air and broke with a sound.

After cutting off Fukasaku's petrified arms, the black sword continued to slash at Fukasaku's body.

That's it...

Dark light appeared in Fukasaku's old eyes, and after a bitter smile, he was drowned by the dark thunder.


The petite old body was cut in half by the black knife and flew into the air.

Old man! Seeing Fukasaku being cut in half by a black sword, Shima suddenly let out a cry of grief and anger. The blood gushing out from her tongue being cut off made her look quite embarrassed at this moment.

Jiraiya's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but turn his head to look. His heart seemed to have been hit by a sledgehammer. His fists suddenly clenched, and Fukasaku Sage...

After killing an old toad, Ye Zi kept walking, closing the distance with Jiraiya again.

Jiraiya suddenly stopped, turned around, faced Ye Zi who was chasing him, slid back a certain distance on the ground, gritted his teeth and directly lifted the 'blood sentence of the contract', then grabbed the sad Shima and walked towards the cliff He threw it hard in the direction of the edge.

Sister, please go back to Miaomu Mountain as soon as possible.

Jiraiya didn't want even Shima to die because of him.

Little Jiraiya! Shima shouted sadly as he was thrown into the air.

I told you, none of you can escape.

Ye Zi opened his eyes, his expression cold and terrifying, but it was Shima who threw the black knife in his hand into the air.

He often throws his long knife as a means of pursuit, and has accomplished many feats, and this time is no exception.

The black sword cut through the air like lightning, passed Jiraiya, and shot diagonally towards Shima, who was flying towards the edge of the cliff.

Jiraiya's eyes suddenly trembled. He ignored Ye Zi who was not far in front of him and looked towards Shima. He saw the black knife coming from the sky and directly penetrated Shima's abdomen. The latter whined, Flying into the distant sky.

Sister-in-law! Jiraiya's heart trembled violently, and a bone-freezing cold current suddenly spread all over his body, and his body trembled slightly.

The strength is too much. Ye Zi said coldly to himself, and he would be in trouble picking up the knife soon.

In the past, I suffered a lot at the hands of these two toads. It could even be said that I almost died at their hands. Now I got my revenge.

After Fukasaku and Shima died, Jiraiya could not maintain the sage mode and returned to his normal state. At this time, he slowly turned his head and stared at Ye Zi with an angry face.

Facing Jiraiya's angry gaze, Ye Zi did not take action directly, but looked at Jiraiya and said calmly: What's the use of anger? Battles are always cruel. If only one party can survive, of course only You can be yourself.”

Indeed, angry emotions are meaningless, and many times in battles, they can even lead to one's own destruction.

Jiraiya silently removed the scroll from his waist, and Fukasaku-senshi and Shima-senshi died. Without the sage mode, he knew that he would have no chance to escape. Ye Zi did not take action immediately, but already regarded him as a dying man. man of.

If he made any special move now, Ye Zi would definitely take action immediately.

Where's Orochimaru? Jiraiya stretched out his hand, and the Rasengan was condensed in his palm. While fighting the trapped beast, he suddenly asked about Orochimaru.

Ye Zi looked at the Rasengan in Jiraiya's palm, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and instead of answering Jiraiya's question, he said: You are going to die.

If I could, I really want to kill you here. Jiraiya smiled bitterly, as if he was desolate at sunset, his tone gradually became lower, and he sighed: I have never wanted to kill someone so much.

The black snake that can bring disaster to the ninja world, if he is powerful enough, can kill Ye Zi here and save the ninja world from the disaster.

However, he is not the son of the prophecy, so he still has to follow the prophecy and leave everything to Minato and the others...

Ye Zi also stretched out his right hand and said coldly: After joining Gen, I killed countless people. I also thought that one day I would die at the hands of others, but it will never be now.

A ball of chakra was condensed on the palm of the hand, which was the Rasengan. Then, with a cry of birds, the black thunder clung to the Rasengan, forming a Rasengan that stirred the black thunder.

Looking at the Black Thunder Rasengan in Ye Zi's hand, Jiraiya suddenly let out a long sigh, not afraid of shifting his gaze and creating opportunities for Ye Zi.

He raised his head slightly and looked at the sky. Maybe all this time, he had only seen the sky from a well.

You're terrible.

After knowing that death was coming next, Jiraiya didn't have the slightest fear. He slowly lowered his head and looked at Ye Zi.

The scarier thing...will be later, but I can guarantee that you will see it.

Ye Zi's eyes turned cold, holding the Black Thunder Rasengan, and rushed towards Jiraiya.

Jiraiya's expression tensed, and he rushed towards Ye Zi. At the same time, a lot of detonating charms were attached to his body, and fireworks were set off.

Even if he dies... he must die vigorously.

Ye Zi noticed the detonating talisman on Jiraiya and sneered disdainfully. The black thunder rasengan in his hand suddenly spread a large amount of thunder, like a pair of dark wings.

Two disproportionately powerful Rasengans collided together, causing a violent explosion, and the dust mist engulfed the two of them.

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