Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 505 The key point (4th update, please vote for me.)

When they arrived at the Sand Ninja Village, the sandstorm still showed no signs of abating.

Zhuludie experienced the dangerous weather of the Kingdom of Wind firsthand.

The sand ninja who was in charge of the guard was surprised by the actions of the three of them coming in the sandstorm, and welcomed Inorika Die who was covered in sand and looked quite embarrassed.

Although they knew that time was tight, this appearance was really not suitable for meeting the Fourth Kazekage, so, under the leadership of the Suna ninja, the three of Inokacho and Inokacho briefly washed themselves before going to meet the Fourth Kazekage.

The decoration of Kazekage's office is very simple, with a desk, a chair, and a bookcase.

The desk is made of wood, the same color as sand, and the surface is mottled and old. I think it has been used for a while.

The severe geographical location and weather made it difficult for the Wind Country's economy to improve. Thanks to the Fourth Kazekage's ability to extract placer gold, the situation of Sand Ninja Village gradually improved.

There was only Kazekage in the office, but there were no less than fifteen ANBU in the darkness. These were all ANBU directly under Kazekage and also their bodyguards.

Luo Sha crossed her hands and put them on her chin, looked at the two of them calmly, skipped the pleasantries and got straight to the point, asking: What's important?

It is not normal for people to arrive at Suna Ninja Village without prior notice.

Lu Jiu took a step forward and said with a little respect: What I did here this time was related to Ye Zi.

Luo Sha's eyes changed vaguely, showing cold murderous intent, and then he slowly covered it up, waiting for Lu Jiu's next words.

Before explaining, I hope the Fourth Kazekage will take a look at the information we have compiled. Shikaku took out the intelligence scrolls he had prepared in advance. He prepared four copies. Compared with oral narration, the information recorded in writing is more Clearer and more intuitive.

If you want to persuade other ninja villages to agree to join forces, this information is the key. Even if other ninja villages are unwilling to join forces, this information will be sent by Konoha for free.

call out!

Without Rasa's instructions, an ANBU appeared in front of Shikaku, took the scroll in Shikaku's hand, checked it carefully, and then handed it to the Fourth Kazekage.

This obviously defensive move made Zhuludie and the other three sigh in their hearts. There is still a long way to go to unite.

Luo Sha took the scroll, and the ANBU disappeared in a flash and continued to perform his duties in the dark.

An Anjing checked the information about Ye Zi and Yu Ninja Village recorded in the scroll. Luo Sha's eyes were always cold. Ye Zi had an sworn hatred with the village. The entire Sha Ninja Village wanted to kill Ye Zi. .

After reading the information in the scroll, Luo Sha placed the scroll on the table with his backhand. His expression was calm, but he was slightly surprised in his heart. This information was so useful.

You can elaborate.

Luo Sha accepted this information unceremoniously.

Shikaku didn't care about the actions of the Fourth Kazekage. He nodded slightly and said solemnly: Konoha wants to unite the major ninja villages and send troops to deal with Ye Zi and the Rain Ninja Village. After reading the information, the Fourth Kazekage must also realize that Ye Zi The potential threat to Heyu Ninja Village cannot be ignored.

Among the intelligence, there was a lot of key information, including the location of Ye Zi's stronghold.

Luo Sha looked at Lu Jiu and said calmly: We agree with this alliance, but... Luo Sha paused and said, The only target we are willing to target is Ye Zi.

If the major ninja villages could unite, it would naturally be something that Sand Ninja would like to see, but the target Luo Sand wanted to target was very clear, and that was Ye Zi. As for the Rain Ninja Village, he was unwilling to fill it with troops.

Shikaku continued calmly: What the Rain Ninja Village is planning to do by collecting tailed beasts must not be simple. If the Rain Ninja Village can be eliminated, the tail can be returned to you, and if the major Ninja Villages can unite, , maybe you won’t have to bear too many casualties.”

Rasa's brows raised slightly. What Shikaku said touched on two important points. One was the return of the tailed beast, and the other was the cost of casualties that Suna Ninja had to consider.

If the tailed beast can be returned, those old guys will definitely agree to the alliance directly. What Luo Zha considers more is the casualties that the Suna ninja may face. Among the five major ninja villages, the Suna ninja is the weakest and has the lowest development The most difficult thing is that if we just unite to deal with Ye Zi, the risks we need to bear will be smaller.

After Luo Sha was silent for a moment, she felt confident and said solemnly: If Konoha can convince other ninja villages, we are willing to participate in this alliance.

He agrees with this alliance, but he also knows that the key lies in whether the other ninja villages agree or not. He does not need to ask how the current talks between Konoha and other ninja villages are going. He only needs a result. Anyway, if everyone is willing, Then let's go together. If one of the families is unwilling, then let's not talk about it.

Shikaku also knows that this is the key, so this is his mission, and he is already prepared for any disagreement, at least he can draw the line in advance.

The first leg of the alliance was successfully negotiated.

The Suna Ninja would agree, and according to Shikaku's expectation, the most difficult person to convince was probably the Kumo Ninja Village.

After politely rejecting the Fourth Kazekage's invitation to stay, and after the matter was settled, Ino Luka Die left the Sand Ninja Village in spite of the sandstorm, and rushed to his second destination without stopping, which was the Land of Earth.

The next step is to convince the Iwa Ninja Village, which is half the success. If the focus is on the tailed beasts, the Mist Ninja will probably not have any difficulty. The most difficult to convince is the Kumo Ninja Village.

In itself, Yun Nin Village has nothing to do with Yu Nin Village and Ye Zi, and the current development of Yun Nin Village is the best among the major ninja villages. There is no reason to mobilize troops to deal with Yu Nin Village and Ye Zi.

On the contrary, if the Cloud Ninja Village does not participate in this matter, other Ninja Villages will definitely refuse. The reason is very simple.

Yun Ninja Village is so strong now, but if they don't participate in this matter, won't this make Yun Ninja Village's advantage even greater?

Not to mention that other ninja villages disagree, Konoha will also disagree.

After climbing over mountains and crossing steep mountain roads, Ino Lu Die came to the Iwa Ninja Village with its very stylish architecture.

Still being blocked outside the cordon, with the consent of Tsuchikage Onoki, Ino Shika Die was let into the Iwa Ninja Village, and an elite Jonin team accompanied Ino Shika Die three people, and their defensive posture was clearly visible.

Strictly speaking, even if Iwa Ninja kills the three of Ino Shika Butterfly now, Konoha will only suffer a dull loss.

Inoshikacho was led to the Tsuchikage office by an elite Jonin team. Later, the Jonin team did not leave, but stayed around, and there were many ANBU in the dark.

Ohnoki sat behind his desk, with a middle-aged man standing next to him.

Speak directly of your intention, no nonsense. Ohnoki said coldly.

Haiyi and Dingzao's expressions and bodies were tense, and they couldn't help but guard against the Iwa Ninja's formation.

Shikaku was calmer and took out the scroll...


Ye Zi, who is in the country of Taki, doesn't know about Konoha's actions. Even if he knows, he probably won't take it seriously.

Ye Zi was very satisfied with this strength test of the members of the Snake Team. Although the members of the Snake Team were generally younger, their strength was more important than age, especially Kimimaro, which made him look at him with suspicion.

With Hashirama Cells and the Sharingan, the Corpse Veins can exert a powerful effect. Coupled with the Curse Seal Transformation, the Dance of the Final Fern has a very good range of damage.

Later, Ye Zi prepared to dig out Uchiha Tomigaoka, Jiraiya and the two toads.

Ye Zi informed Orochimaru about this matter in advance.

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