Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 506: The Eve (Fifth update, please vote for me.)

The forbidden technique of reincarnation in dirty soil is quite terrifying.

After Uchiha Tomigaoka's eyes were taken away by Ye Zi, Guitu was reincarnated, but the kaleidoscope eyes were still there, and he could continue to use the pupil technique in the kaleidoscope eyes.

Ye Zi was not interested in seeing Uchiha Tomigaoka again, so from the preparation of the dirty earth to the reincarnation of the dirty earth, he always suppressed the consciousness of Uchiha Tomiqiu and prevented him from waking up. Then he threw him into the coffin and into the psychic space, and waited. Channel it when needed.

After Uchiha Tomigaoka was finished with Uchiha, it was Jiraiya and the two toads. This was so that Jiraiya, who came out of the dirt, could activate the sage mode and increase his strength, so the two toads were also brought out by the dirt.

When Ye Zi wanted to kill Jiraiya, Orochimaru was there.

Jiraiya and the two toads were soon revealed, but their consciousness was suppressed by Ye Zi.

Orochimaru looked at the lifeless Jiraiya with a cold look on his face. Ye Zi glanced at Orochimaru and couldn't tell what he was thinking.

Do you need me to liberate his consciousness? Ye Zi asked.

Orochimaru came here specially, maybe because he wanted to meet Jiraiya before he was thrown into the coffin by Ye Zi, but since he didn't speak, it must be that this idea was not firm enough.

Orochimaru did not answer Ye Zi immediately, but quietly looked at Jiraiya, the dirty earth body, with slightly complicated eyes.

Ye Zi was not in a hurry to throw Jiraiya into the coffin, and waited patiently for Orochimaru's answer.

No need. After a moment, Orochimaru said coldly.

After hearing Orochimaru's answer, Ye Zi threw Jiraiya and the two immortal toads who came out of the dirt into the coffin, and then sent the coffin into the psychic space.

Uchiha Tomigaoka and Jiraiya, who can activate the sage mode, are two very good combatants.

Watching the coffin sink into the ground and disappear, Orochimaru left the room silently without saying a word.

After Ye Zi watched Orochimaru leave the room, he stayed in the room for a while, then left and went to his room to rest.

There was not much time left before Nagato summoned him, and Ye Zi was almost ready to go to Yun Ninja Village.

By way of invasion, first get rid of the two-tailed jinchuriki, and let White Zetsu send the two-tailed jinchuriki away first, and then go to Yunlei Gorge to find the eight-tailed jinchuriki. During this period, it would be best to avoid a head-on confrontation with the Cloud Ninja Village. But if it cannot be avoided, Ye Zi will not be afraid of fighting.

But the main thing is to capture the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki...

After returning to the room, Ye Zi lay on the bed, squinting his eyes slightly, trying to let himself fall asleep.

During this period of time, Naoto has been working hard to refine chakra...


Iwa Ninja Village.

Ohnoki's attitude was very bad at first, but after Shikaku's lobbying, he somewhat corrected his attitude.

Regarding the alliance proposed by Konoha, Onoki agreed without hesitation for too long. Now, like the Sand Ninja, there is no tailed beast in the village. For the Ninja Village, the tailed beast is equivalent to a strategic weapon. Even if It's not easy to control, but when used properly, it can be a killer move that shouldn't be underestimated.

There is still no clue about the disappearance of the Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki, but it is very likely that it is in the hands of the Rain Ninja Village.

The reason why Onoki agreed so decisively was because of two conditions.

The first condition is that after the rain ninja village is captured, the tailed beasts belonging to the rock ninja must be returned. The second condition is that even if other ninja villages can unite, they must agree to the conditions first.

Both conditions are indispensable. If you don't agree, then there is no need to discuss the alliance.

Shikaku agreed, so Iwa Ninja also agreed to the alliance.

Onoki's straightforwardness made Shikaku feel much more relaxed during the lobbying. After leaving the information in the Iwa Ninja Village, the three of Ino Shikacho set off again, diverting to the Land of Thunder.

The terrain of the Kingdom of Thunder is dominated by towering mountain peaks, and the Cloud Ninja Village, which represents the power of Thunder, built its village on the mountains.

It took a lot of effort for Inarika Die to reach Kumo Ninja Village, and after passing many obstacles, he was finally able to meet the Third Raikage.

The Raikage's office building was built on the top of the highest mountain among the mountains. It was surrounded by clouds and mist. When you opened the window and stretched out your hand, it seemed like you could touch the clouds.

In the office, the Third Raikage was sitting on a rough stone chair, with his right elbow on the armrest of the stone chair and his palm on his cheek. His body was slightly tilted and he looked indifferently at the pig deer butterfly in front of him. His body was as strong as a rock. , exuding a trace of pressure.

Next to the Third Raikage stood a middle-aged man wearing a hat, with an eyepatch with the word Thunder painted on his left eye. This man was Dodai and the Third Raikage's right-hand man.

Shikaku handed the scroll recording the information to Dodai, and then looked at the Third Raikage silently, feeling the pressure coming towards his face, and a little cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

During the third Ninja War, Konoha suffered a lot at the hands of the Third Raikage. The monster-like body and strength were even more intimidating than the tailed beasts, and they were also called humanoid tailed beasts. Not an exaggeration.

These reputations were all gained by the Third Raikage during the war.

In every previous battle, no one had been able to cause harm to the Third Raikage. It had always been the Third Raikage who killed the enemy one-sidedly, giving people a very unfair sense of deja vu.

You can't hurt the Third Raikage, but the Third Raikage can easily break your neck.

The scary thing about the Third Raikage is this. When fighting against him, you will feel a deep sense of powerlessness because you don't know how to kill the Third Raikage at all.

Standing in front of such a person, it would be false to say that there is no pressure.

Kumo Ninja Village can now be said to be the strongest Ninja Village. Being able to bear this title is not only due to having two Jinchuuriki that cannot be underestimated, but the fundamental reason is the terrifying strength of the Third Raikage. Shikaku thought silently.

The Third Raikage took the scroll and read it. When handing over the scroll, Shikaku had tried his best to tell him the purpose of Konoha's visit. For this, he was deeply disdainful in his heart, but on his face Didn't show it.

Jointly attack Yuren Village and Ye Zi?

What reason is there to do such a thankless job? I wanted to rely on Yu Nin Village and Ye Zi to continue to weaken other Ninja Villages, but unfortunately Yu Nin Village and Ye Zi have not made any big moves in recent years.

Although he thought Konoha's intention to come this time was ridiculous, the Third Raikage did not reject it directly. Even if his subjective thoughts had been finalized, he had to run through all the thoughts and ideas in his head before making a decision. Make a decision.

After silently reading the information on the scroll, the Third Raikage threw the scroll to Dodai, but did not refuse it immediately because he had his eye on the tailed beast.

Dodai took the scroll and opened it to read. He knew that the Third Raikage threw the scroll to him to ask him to take a look.

The three of Inar, Deer, and Butterfly waited patiently for the Third Raikage's response.

He was in the Raikage's office, but there were no ANBU guards around him, which was completely different from the situation in the Iwa Ninja Village.

At that time, the Iwa ninja was putting on a big show, which caused a certain amount of psychological pressure on Inoshikacho. However, now there are only the Third Raikage and Tsuchidai in the Raikage's office, but at this time, Inokacho is under more pressure than when he was in Tsuchikage's office. Even bigger,

The Third Raikage, who is known as the strongest, can give people a solid sense of oppression just sitting there.

Thinking of the information recorded by the Third Raikage in Konoha Village, people will have a question.

Who can defeat the Third Raikage? No, I should say, who can hurt the Third Raikage.

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