Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 507: Leave it to dry

Dodai briefly glanced at the information recorded on the scroll, then placed the scroll lightly on the table and looked at the Third Raikage, who looked thoughtful.

There is no doubt that this is a rare piece of information, and Konoha can easily share this rare piece of information, showing enough sincerity.

You know, every ninja village often has to pay a high price in order to obtain some required information, and this information is equivalent to being sent out by Konoha for free.

However, the Cloud Ninja Village still had no reason to participate in this alliance, but the Third Raikage did not refuse immediately.

Without too much speculation, Todai knew that the Third Raikage was probably interested in the tailed beast that was taken away by the Rain Ninja Village, so he did not immediately refuse this ridiculous proposal.

Now that Yun Ninja Village is powerful and has a private cooperative relationship with Yu Ninja Village, there is no reason to participate in this alliance. They are happy to see other Ninja Villages and Yu Ninja Village competing with each other.

The Third Raikage did not speak, so Todai naturally did not express any opinions and stood quietly to one side.

Seeing that the Third Raikage did not refuse immediately, the three of Inoraka Die and the others felt a little hope in their hearts. If the Kumo Ninja Village agreed to join forces, the matter would basically be done.

However, Shikaku thought too well. What the Third Raikage was thinking about was not participating in the alliance, but thinking about how to get more tailed beasts. If it was feasible, there was nothing wrong with participating in the alliance.

After a while, the Third Raikage came back from his thoughts, looked at Ino, Deer, and Butterfly, and said carelessly: I can't decide this matter so quickly. Why don't you guys stay here for a few days and let me How about thinking about it carefully and giving you an answer later?

Dodai glanced sideways at the Third Raikage, and then looked at the Inogacho and the three of them quietly. It was not yet clear what the Third Raikage was thinking. If he was targeting tailed beasts, he might not be able to get them that easily, because how could other ninja villages do it? Allow this to happen.

The three of them, Zhu Lu Die, looked at each other after hearing this, maybe there might be a turn for the better.

I don’t have any expectations from the beginning, but if I have the opportunity, I won’t let it go easily.

Okay. Shikaku thought for a moment and was willing to stay in the Cloud Ninja Village for a few days, waiting for the reply from the Third Raikage.

The Third Raikage stretched out his hand and pressed it on the scroll, looked at Shikaku calmly, and said, I will accept this information without ceremony.

Shikaku's eyes flickered a few times, and he smiled and said: Even if the Third Raikage does not agree to the alliance, this information is still a free gift from Konoha to you.

You're welcome. The Third Raikage smiled, then looked at Tudai and said calmly: Tudai, arrange a place for them.


Tutai nodded, then walked to the side of Zhuludie and the others, stretched out his hand to indicate the direction, and said politely: Please come this way.

Shikaku nodded and followed Todai with Haiichi and Dingza.

Soon, Tutai arranged a place for the three of them, Zhu Lu Die.

The house is not simple and can accommodate ten people, but it has been arranged solely for Zhuludie and three others, which is considered a very good treatment.

In the room, Shikaku put down the simple luggage he carried with him and looked around. After observing it once, he looked at Haiyi.

Sensing Shikaku's gaze, Haiyi shook his head slightly.

Ding Zuo sat carelessly on the bed, took out the dried meat and ate it carelessly. When he was hungry, he didn't seem to have any sense of crisis.

Shikaku and Haiichi couldn't help but look at each other and smile bitterly as they looked at Ding Zuo who was safely there.

Want to eat? Ding Zuo took out another piece of dried meat with his free hand and asked the two of them.


After rejecting Dingzuo, Shikaku asked Haiyi: When I came here just now, I made a little observation. This house is located at the center of the building complex. Did you find anything?

Haiyi said calmly: There are many people with good chakra in the surrounding houses, the number is about thirty-two.

Lu Jiu heard this and stretched out his hand to touch his chin, and whispered: We don't arrange for anyone to monitor us at close range, and we don't restrict our range of activities. It seems that the Third Raikage is quite relieved about us, or... in his eyes Here, our threat level is low enough that we don’t need to be on guard.”

That's most likely it. Hai nodded. He reacted indifferently to the fact that the three of them seemed to be looked down upon by the Third Raikage and didn't care at all.

Anyway, wait patiently for the Third Raikage's reply. Until then, stay here. Shikaku walked to the single bed and lay down with his head in his hands.

On the way to the house, I had a little chat with Tudai, and Tudai clearly said that the three of them could wander around the village.

Shikaku really wanted to take a walk around the Kumo Ninja Village and write down the terrain, but in order to avoid suspicion, even if Dodai said so, he gave up this plan.

Still the old rules, Zuo Ding, you defend the first round. Haiyi walked up to Zuo Ding and took away a piece of dried meat.

Ding Zuo swallowed the dried meat and said with a smile, No problem.

Even though the accommodation environment was good and no one was arranged to monitor the area around the house, the Inoludie team still arranged for a person to 'keep watch' as ​​usual.


After arranging accommodation for the three of them, Todai returned to the Raikage's office.

Have the arrangements been made? the Third Raikage asked.

What he was asking about was naturally not about arranging accommodation for Zhuludie, but about the deeper defenses.

Tutai nodded and said: Everything has been arranged.

That's good. If they do anything weird, then kill them. The Third Raikage picked up the information scroll and said casually.

I will order you to go down. Tudai replied. After a pause, he asked curiously: Lord Raikage, there is absolutely no need for us to participate in this alliance, why don't you just refuse?

The Third Raikage looked at a name in the scroll quietly and sneered silently: There is indeed no need to participate, but there is no need to refuse so hastily.

Dodai was slightly startled. With the behavior of the Third Raikage, if something was considered unnecessary, he would decisively refuse it. But now he left Konoha's three pigs, deer, and butterflies hanging, and couldn't help but ask: Raikage-sama, is that right? Do you want the tailed beast in the hands of the Rain Ninja Village?

There is such a plan, what do you think? The Third Raikage did not deny it.

Tutai shook his head and said: The hope is very slim. It can be said that there is basically no chance.

By joining forces, one can obtain the tailed beasts of Rain Ninja Village at a minimal or even negligible cost, but it is precisely by joining forces that there is no way to take advantage.

If you go to the Rain Ninja Village alone, you may be able to get other tailed beasts, but you will definitely have to pay a high price.

The Third Raikage smiled boldly and said: That's true, but you can think about it carefully. If there is no chance, then create an opportunity. However, what I want more... is Konoha's Kyuubi.

With the means of controlling tailed beasts that Cloud Ninja Village has mastered, after obtaining the Nine Tails, other Ninja Villages will no longer be able to resist, and then Cloud Ninja Village will be worthy of its reputation as the strongest.

So, how many days does Lord Raikage want to give them a reply? Tudai asked.

It won't matter if it hangs for a few days. The Third Raikage threw down the scroll and said calmly: I'm a little curious about the collection of tailed beasts in the Rain Ninja Village. With the background and knowledge of the Rain Ninja Village, they don't have the ability to control the tailed beasts. Even the Jinchuuriki can create such conditions.

So, what is the purpose of collecting tailed beasts in Rain Ninja Village?

Tutai couldn't help but remain silent after hearing this...


Rain Ninja Village.

Nagato stared at the steady rain.

it's time.

The low voice of muttering to himself was covered up by the heavy rain.


It's like a puddle of mud. I can't get up, and I don't even have the energy to type.

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