Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 513: Terrible

Not to mention that there are many ninjas who know about the tailed beast jade, even those who don't know about the tailed beast jade can judge the terrifying nature of the tailed beast jade from the terrifying energy fluctuations contained in the sphere.

But such a terrifying tailed beast jade was seemingly easily held by Ye Zi, and he could also use it. It could be said that he was killing people with a borrowed knife. Nearly a hundred of his companions died directly from the attack of the tailed beast jade without any bloodshed.

The battle between ninjas is either a one-hit kill or a fight lasting more than several rounds. If ninjutsu is used as the factor that determines the outcome, then in a battle where ninjutsu is used as a means of fighting, the one who chooses ninjutsu will Timing is especially important.

For example, if the enemy performs a B-level ninjutsu that requires a lot of chakra, but he uses a substitute technique that requires very little chakra to avoid it, in this round of ninjutsu duel , you can gain a considerable advantage, thus laying a brick for victory.

If the strength of both sides is similar, the side that effectively uses ninjutsu and saves chakra will be the victor.

The tailed beast jade is the strongest attack method by Bokuto. When used, the enemy can either escape, die in the tailed beast jade, or else it will cost a lot of money to defend against the tailed beast jade.

Even if a regular jounin can resist the tailed beast tama, it will still consume a lot of chakra, even close to half is not an exaggeration, but for Yukito, the consumption of one tailed beast tama is nothing at all.

This is the strength gap between Yuboku and Jonin, which is very obvious.

But now, Yumu Ren's strongest attack was blocked by Ye Zi at a negligible to incalculable cost, not to mention using the tailed beast jade.

Therefore, when this scene happened, it directly showed the obvious gap between Ye Zi and Yumu Ren.

No chance.

Proud as you are, when you commented on Ye Zi's terribleness, your heart sank to the bottom.

This act of repaying the other with the same thing really crushed her pride to pieces, not by violent means, but like twirling a delicate flower with her delicate jade fingers, rubbing it slightly between her fingers, no need to If you use too much force, you can crush this delicate flower into pieces.

This seemingly easy way hit her even more seriously.

The understatement shocked everyone who saw this scene.

Ye Zi stared at Maomata, whose body was burning with blue flames. Feeling the despair and reluctance in the anger at close range, he suddenly sneered.

Wood escape, seal the door!

His hands quickly formed seals, and the magic chakra surged out.

In the air above Nekomata, a wooden arch shaped like a torii fell out of thin air, falling directly towards Nekomata's neck.

Fortunately, Nekomata was very alert and alerted Yukito at the critical moment. The latter jumped back and avoided the sealed door falling from the air. With a bang, the bottoms of the two door pillars of the sealed door were slightly embedded in the hard ground.

The doorposts of the sealed door are covered with black incantations, and the style tends to be that of a sealing technique.

Yumu Ren, who avoided the first sealed door, immediately spit out a stream of high-temperature blue flames towards Ye Zi. However, he saw that Ye Zi maintained the posture of sealing the seal, moving left and right, fighting against the blue flames coming towards him. As he passed by, at the same time, the second sealed door, the third sealed door, the fourth sealed door... fell from the sky one after another.

This opportunity was just when Yumu Ren was about to fight back. Seeing that the number of sealed doors falling from the top suddenly increased, Yumu Ren hurriedly dodged.

She took a quick glance and saw the black spell on the sealed door. Although she didn't know what effect it had, she also knew that it would definitely not be a trivial matter if she was hit, so she tried hard to hide.

However, when the second sealed door appeared and fell, the number of sealed doors approached ten in an instant. There were too many, but the speed was not slow.

Controlling the body that was completely transformed into a tailed beast, he was able to dodge the sealed doors nimbly at first. However, because the body that was completely transformed into a tailed beast was too large, there was a slight error in the body sense, which created a fatal crisis.

Yuki Ren failed when she avoided the ninth sealing door. The ninth sealing door directly grabbed her back and pressed her to the ground, while the tenth sealing door was buckled on her neck.

Two sealed doors were covered with sealing techniques, pinning Yumu who had completely transformed into a tailed beast to the ground.

The moment the wooden man was pinned, he immediately started to struggle, but Ye Zi's move to seal the door was a combination of wood escape and sealing techniques, and finally the sealing technique used by the fairy chakra, even if the wooden man completely transformed into a tailed beast , let alone breaking free, even the sealed door couldn't be shaken in the slightest.


Yumu Ren roared several times in anger, and at this moment he finally understood the effectiveness of the black magic seal.

Ye Zi ignored it and controlled several tree roots to climb up Yumu Ren's huge body, quickly absorbing chakra.

From holding the Tailed Beast Jade and throwing it out to kill hundreds of Cloud Ninjas in an instant, to using the Gate Seal to seal the Bokuto, it only took less than ten seconds.

Since the nearby Yun Ninja was directly destroyed by the Tailed Beast Jade Ball, the Yun Ninja who was still some distance away was blocked by Ye Zi with a door seal when he just arrived.

There were about two hundred Kumo ninjas, of which more than a hundred were jounin, and the rest were chuunin. As for the genin, it was difficult for them to fight this battle.

These two hundred Kumo ninjas are faster than the Kumo ninjas at Ino Shiga Die and the Third Raikage and his son who have been running wildly since their home, but this speed is often reflected in death.

In order to rescue Yumu Ren, the two hundred cloud ninjas threw an overwhelming number of hidden weapons and various powerful ninjutsu.

The tree roots formed by the Wood Release have been connected to the wood people. Now Ye Zi does not need to think about the waste of chakra at all, and directly controls the crazily growing tree trunks and heads towards the two hundred Yun Ninjas.

A large number of thick tree trunks grew and expanded wildly in an instant, blocking the hidden weapons and brilliant ninjutsu like a swarm of locusts.

This was not over yet, as the tree trunks that grew and thickened surged towards the two hundred scattered Kumo ninjas.

This is not coming from the tree world used by the senjutsu chakra, but using the characteristics of wood escape to absorb the sealed chakra in Yumu Ren's body, and then using the transfer method to use Yuuki Ren's chakra. Coming out of the False Tree Realm, he not only withstood many attacks, but also launched an attack on the Cloud Ninjas.

The original purpose was to absorb all of Yukito's chakra, make her unconscious, and then throw it to Bai Zetsu so that he could immediately go to Cloud Raid Gorge to capture the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

Before absorbing all the chakra, he naturally had to solve the immediate trouble first, and the chakra absorbed from Yukito became useful.

The chakra contained in the crazily growing tree trunk came from Mu Ren.

It looks like he used the chakra of Yumu Ren to use the tree world to descend. In fact, Ye Zi just transformed the tailed beast chakra absorbed from Yumu Ren, and the carrier is the tree trunk created by Mu Dun. It can grow vigorously by absorbing chakra, so it looks like the arrival of the tree world.

During this process, the absorbed tailed beast chakra did not pass through Ye Zi's body, so this move was not mixed with senjutsu chakra, but purely came from the pseudo tree realm used by the tailed beast chakra.

But this move caused trouble for the two hundred Kumo ninjas.

The tailed beast's chakra is not only powerful, but also has an astonishing amount. The wood escape that is absorbed and converted also becomes powerful. When it is swept away, the two hundred Kumo ninjas suddenly fall into a serious situation. There are more than a dozen Kumo ninjas in each encounter. He was tied to death by a tree trunk that was growing horribly.

Yuki Ren could feel that the chakra in her body was sucked away and used on those wooden escapes. After all, this was her chakra. Thinking about the previous Tailed Beast Jade being caught by Ye Zi, it was thrown out like a baseball and destroyed. Nearly a hundred companions.

This feeling was like being used as a gun, which made Yukito feel terrible, and the crisis became more and more obvious.

The chakra is being drained away too fast, if this continues... it will be over soon.


I had to do one update before going to bed, and I had to go and lie down.

I didn't fall asleep until five o'clock yesterday morning, and then fell asleep at seven o'clock, because my mind was thinking about the subsequent plot, and I couldn't fall asleep.

Then I got up at around eight o'clock and only slept for an hour. I had another busy day today. When I came back, I really wanted to lie down directly.

But everyone voted very hard in the monthly vote, so I typed out a chapter before going to bed just to express my gratitude.

There will only be more updates on the 30th and 31st. Since its launch, Purple Pig has always kept its word.

So don’t stop paying monthly tickets! Purple Pig doesn't want to overturn at the last moment.

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