Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 514 Five Seconds

Yuki Ren can clearly feel the constant flow of chakra, and what is linked to it is physical strength.

If this continues, the chakra will be sucked out in less than twenty seconds, and the power will gradually leave the body.

A deep sense of powerlessness rose from the bottom of my heart. As the chakra became less and less, the sense of crisis quietly eroded the whole body like a chill, rising from the soles of the feet and gradually climbing to the chest.

The areas eroded by the cold become cold and stiff, making it impossible to move.

As if trapped in a quagmire, his body slowly sank into the hopeless space at the bottom, until it reached his chest, and breathing began to become uncomfortable.

The doorpost with its powerful confinement power made people despair, but Yumu Ren didn't want to despair completely. She didn't give up her struggle, but when she couldn't break free, she could only place her hope on her friends in the village.


The sharp end of the tree root mercilessly pierced the chest of a Cloud Ninja. When blood splashed into the air, it pushed the Cloud Ninja's body, which screamed miserably, into the air, and then smashed into the hard ground.

The gravel splashed, the screams stopped suddenly, and the remaining light of life disappeared in an instant.

In such a scene, each other rises and falls, each ruthless and sharp tree root breaks through the cloud ninja's defense, penetrates each body emitting heat, and then penetrates hard into the ground.

Exclusive and gorgeous lights such as fire escape, wind escape, and thunder escape bloomed in the night, but they could only block the crazy growing trees. The roots of the trees that were interrupted by ninjutsu were not few, but there were more to follow. The glory of life This is most evident at this time.

This seems to be a living trick, endless and endless. It can be resisted for a while, but it cannot be resisted forever.

When a large wave of ninjutsu exerted its due effect, the tree trunk invaded the enemy formation like a python, rolled up a Kumo ninja who could not avoid it, and suddenly shrank and twisted in the air with a click. Ren, the bones in his body shattered into countless pieces.

Apart from tree trunks, the most lethal thing is the tree roots that can penetrate Kumo Ninja.

A total of two hundred Kumo ninjas were defeated by Ye Zi's move with the help of the fake tree world coming from Bokuto's chakra. The weaker chunin were the first to fall.

Supported by Bokuto's astonishing amount of chakra, the area covered by the arrival of the False Tree Realm is too large. In addition, the terrain is relatively special, and the space for dodge is compressed to a very small size. Therefore, these chunin often release a wave or After two waves of ninja, they died under tree trunks or roots.

After decimating nearly a hundred Kumo ninjas, the remaining Kumo ninjas were still able to survive for a while.

Among them, a group of about thirty Cloud Ninjas built a line of defense. The common feature of this group of Cloud Ninjas was that they used heavy swords and could easily cut off tree roots. They gathered together, and several people were responsible for one direction. It was a successful defense against the wildly growing trees.

The defense line organized by them also gave other Kumo ninjas the opportunity to slowly gather together.

Seeing that Yun Nin barely blocked it, Ye Zi didn't care. His target was Yumu Ren, and if these Yun Ninjas could solve it, they would do it. If they couldn't solve it, they couldn't be allowed to rescue Yumu Ren.

There are about five seconds left. Ye Zi looked coldly at the giant tailed beast that was struggling gradually.

The speed of wood escape in absorbing chakra is very good, and it can absorb all the jinchuriki's chakra in less than thirty seconds. Now it only takes five seconds, and Yuki will die due to the chakra being sucked out. Fall into coma.

Yukito pinned his hopes on the two hundred nearby Kumo ninjas, but he was disappointed. His body gradually became weak, and it was particularly difficult to just lift his arms.

The thirty cloud ninjas built a line of defense with swords, but they could not break through Mu Dun's attack. There was no hope of saving Yumu Ren in a short time. Not only did they not have the chance to save Yumu Ren, those who wanted to maintain the defense line The pressure is getting stronger and stronger, and there are faint signs of collapse.

Five seconds…

Four seconds…

Ye Zi glanced over there, and four or five of them broke in vain from the feet of the Yun Ninja team, directly piercing the chests of the five Yun Ninjas with swords. At this moment, the defense line collapsed instantly.

The sharp tree roots pushed the five cloud ninjas upwards into the air. When the light in the cloud ninja's eyes dimmed, the thick sword in their hands fell from the air.

At this time, the five tree roots that penetrated the chest of the cloud ninja were suddenly withdrawn, stained with dazzling blood, and they rolled up and held the five thick swords respectively, and their original owners fell from the air like rag bags. ground.

The five tree root scrolls held five kind-hearted swords, causing a bloody storm among the Kumo ninja team.

The tree roots are like the tentacles of an octopus, sucking the sword and dancing wildly. There is no plan, only powerful strength and speed. If you kill a cloud ninja, you will die.

Three seconds…

Two seconds…

The last line of defense organized by Yun Ren in front of Ye Zi collapsed in the blink of an eye.

Ye Zi showed no signs of relaxing. He suddenly raised his eyes and looked in that direction, and saw an extremely powerful chakra coming over him.


In the darkness of the night, a dazzling bolt of lightning flashed out of thin air, flying past the crazy and raging Mudun.


The slight noise was not noticeable at this time.

Ye Zi's eyes narrowed slightly. When the light of lightning remained in his eyes, without any movement, many tree roots and trunks broke off and flew into the air.

A tall and strong naked man suddenly stopped. From extreme movement to extreme stillness, his body was as steady as a rock, which showed that his body strength was amazing.

This man stared at Ye Zi coldly. His body was constantly emitting light with the thunder attribute chakra, which was particularly conspicuous in the night.

The Third Raikage, who was dubbed the 'monster', appeared at the last second and destroyed Mu Dun's offensive in an instant, saving the remaining twenty-odd Kumo ninjas.

Seeing the Third Raikage arriving, the Cloud Ninjas who had been beaten down by Ye Zi and lost their temper suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. If the Third Raikage arrived, Yukito would be saved.


Another figure shrouded in lightning came and stopped next to the Third Raikage. The two figures were similar in stature and looked very similar.

The two strongest men in Yun Ninja Village arrived.


At this time, Yukito's tailed beast form was released without warning, and he returned to his human form. He fell from a low altitude, closed his eyes tightly, and fell into a coma.

Yumu Ren... In the sealed space, Mao Mata held on tightly to keep his eyelids from falling. He wanted to save Yumu Ren, but he was helpless.

After Yumu Ren completely released his tailed beast transformation, the huge sealed door suddenly seemed empty.

Five seconds have passed, which is the moment when the Third Raikage first appeared. The chakra absorbed has reached the end. The chakra supporting the arrival of the false tree world is broken, and naturally no longer moves. In this way, it looks like It was the Third Raikage who destroyed the false tree world, but in fact it just stopped the chakra output.

Otherwise, even if the Third Raikage destroys many tree trunks, they will continue to appear in the future.

Ye Zi was closest to Yumu Ren, and with a flick of his eye, he picked up Yumu Ren who was unconscious.

The Yun Ren who were present were suddenly shocked. At this time, the third generation thunder shadow suddenly moved. When Ye Zi picked up Yumu Ren and was making a move, his strong body flashed in front of Ye Zi.

Two pairs of eyes with different meanings looked at each other in mid-air for an instant, and the lightning flashed like a killing intent!

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