Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 515 Two different types of thunder

Crossing the distance woven by words, the two top lightning escape masters in the ninja world, at this moment, shortened the distance between each other to the shortest distance in history.

They are both thunder, but the light they emit is different. The third generation Raikage is a blue that is several minutes darker than the light of chakra, while Ye Zi is as black as an eternal night. Two different colors of thunder give people the feeling Not the same either.

The Third Raikage's lightning is violent and rough, giving people a dull and oppressive feeling that is as solid as substance. If you stand in front of him, you will feel like you will be torn apart in the next second.

Ye Zi's black thunder is oppressive and dull, like the color of death, with a hint of mystery and unspeakable danger. It feels like a black long knife that merges with the night, with its edge hidden in the darkness, but Ubiquitous and extremely dangerous.

Two different styles of thunder are about to collide with the actions of the third generation of Raikage.

The Third Raikage came with ferocity and was incredibly fast. Regardless of Yumu Ren's safety, he punched Ye Zi in the head.

This seemingly hasty behavior showed no regard for Yumu Ren's safety. In fact, the Third Raikage knew very well that Ye Zi would not harm Yumu Ren's life, so he dared to approach so recklessly and punch him. He wasn't even worried that Ye Zi would use Mu Ren as a human shield.

What he saw when he came was that his subordinates were defeated and Yumu Ren was imprisoned. Moreover, the person coming was Ye Zi, so he knew that Ye Zi came for the tailed beast and it was impossible to let Yumu Ren die.

It can be seen that although the third generation Raikage has a very rough appearance and figure, his mind is the opposite, a bit delicate, and he is very good at assessing the situation.

A punch with violent wind pressure came over like a thunderbolt, but Ye Zi's reaction was extremely cold and showed no signs of surprise, as if he did not understand the pressure that could squeeze out the air after the third generation Raikage came close. Something happened.

He held Yumu Ren's collar, and in such a situation, with a twist, he threw Yumu Ren towards the house that had been turned into ruins. In this way, his back was facing the Third Raikage.

Perhaps when he came to Yumuren, Ye Zi had already planned to throw Yumuren out as soon as possible. This kind of plan was like the stubbornness that got into the corner of an ox. It would not change due to any changes, even for three generations. The same thing happened when the Raikage's terrifying fist hit him.

How dare you underestimate me like this!? The third generation Raikage's eyes suddenly became as violent as thunder.

There were many cloud ninjas around, and most of them couldn't catch the movements of the Third Raikage. Only a few people and Ai could see this scene clearly. Although it was not clear why Ye Zi wanted to throw Yuki Ren away, he showed his back. Are you tired of living a crooked life for the Third Raikage?

Ai's reaction was timely. When Ye Zi was thrown out by the wooden man, he took action.

And in Yumu Ren's room that was destroyed by Mu Dun, a black and white figure quickly appeared, but it was Bai Jue.

The reason why Ye Zi was thrown over by Mu Ren was naturally because he wanted to hand Mu Ren over to Bai Jue and then transport him away.

The atmosphere seems dull!

The Third Raikage's casserole-sized fist had already touched the black thunder surging on Ye Zi's body.


A terrible sound resounded, swaying very far in the mountains, and it was extremely harsh.

The expected scene did not happen. The Yun Ninja present and the Yun Ninja and Inolu Die who came over to see this scene all had silent expressions on their faces, and couldn't help but stop their steps and stand on top of the buildings.

Why wasn't Ye Zi punched into pieces by the Third Raikage?

Even if he wasn't blasted to pieces, why didn't he even take a step back? And Ye Zi doesn't look like he's injured. This isn't scientific at all, right?

When the incomprehensible thoughts of the surrounding people arose like lightning, they were drowned by a violent and surging wind.

When the Third Raikage's fist pressed against Ye Zi's back, the two collided, setting off a strong wind that swept in all directions, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye spread out in the blink of an eye.

The fine gravel on the ground created by the previous battle was wrapped up in the strong wind and blown in all directions like bullets.


There was a small stone with a slightly sharp appearance that even pricked a bloody hole in the arm of a dumbfounded Cloud Ninja, which shows how terrifying this wind force is.

For a moment, there was no time to explore the reason why Ye Zi was not injured. The Yun Ninjas all stabilized their bodies and avoided the rain of gravel brought by the strong wind.

The first sound that resounded was very sharp, like the sound of something hitting steel. Because the sound was too loud, it sounded harsh.

The knife is good.

The Third Raikage stared at the blade lying in front of his fist, with an expression on his face like a glaring King Kong.

It was this half-unsheathed sword that blocked his full-strength punch at the critical moment. Because it was blocked by the horizontal side of the blade, the force was applied to a large area, but it did not break the sword, so the third generation of Lei Shadow commented like this.

This is a good knife. The fundamental reason for this judgment is that the full force punch did not interrupt it.

However, even if the knife is very good, the reason why Ye Zi's feet are rooted in place is not because of the knife, but because of his own amazing strength.

You're pretty good too.

The Third Raikage looked at Ye Zi, who had his back turned to him, half-way unsheathing the long sword hanging on his waist with one hand, and blocking his fist with the blade of the sword, and made a comment.

He is not the kind of person who likes to evaluate the opponent's strength in battle, but at this time, even if Ye Zi was an enemy, he could not hold back and gave a true evaluation.

Even though he had experienced hundreds of battles, he had to admit that Ye Zi's posture in preventing his punch was amazing.

Why did he insist on throwing the wooden man behind him even though he was getting closer, putting his back to him in a very unfavorable situation? Now it seems that he has full confidence to resist his fist.

The enemy's confidence is the underestimation of oneself.

This feeling is very unkind to the Third Raikage, who has always won many battles, so the Third Raikage is in a bad mood now.

Ye Zi didn't care about the mood of the Third Raikage. He leaned forward slightly, held the handle of the knife in his right hand and pulled out most of the blade. His free left hand maintained the posture of throwing things.

In order to use the Wood Release before, the 'blood' was put into the scabbard, but now it has played a big role.

The cold, demonic eyes quickly moved in their sockets. When he saw Bai Jue successfully catching Yumu Ren, and another Ai who was good at using thunder escape, he was rushing towards Bai Jue. With one move, Ye Zi immediately Breaking the frozen deadlock.

The free left hand pressed against the ground and found a point of leverage. The force was transmitted along the body to the left palm, and he pushed hard.


The hard ground where the palms rested suddenly cracked like a spider web.

Ye Zi moved his body forward a short distance, removing part of the power from the Third Raikage's fist.

Because Ye Zi moved forward, the upper body of the Third Raikage also moved forward a little. Then, in the gap created by this, Ye Zi touched the ground with his left hand, turned forward, and kicked with his feet from behind. On top of the straight right elbow of the Third Raikage.

Huh? Ye Zi's move was unexpected. When the Third Raikage reacted, his right elbow was kicked from back to front and from bottom to top. His brows couldn't help but frown. The force transmitted was forceful. to fight him off.

After breaking the short deadlock, Ye Zi completed the forward roll. After landing, his upper body leaned forward slightly, and the corners of his mouth drew a faint arc. He suddenly stepped on the ground with both feet, and shot out in one direction, with some small stones flying. Grains, retreating at the speed of light on both sides of him.

The next moment, Ye Zi appeared next to Ai who was moving at high speed like a roadblock.


Ai, who wanted to take back Yumu Ren, felt the pressure coming from his side in vain. He glanced to his side and saw Ye Zi shrouded in black thunder appearing next to him. His eyes suddenly twitched sharply. shrink.

How did he get away from his father?

As soon as the doubt arose, he was kicked away by Ye Zi. With a whoosh, his strong body crashed into the rock wall of a mountain in the blink of an eye. For a moment, fine rocks flew and smoke filled the air.

He got rid of the Third Raikage and kicked Ai away in time, but it was to create a chance for Bai Zetsu to leave.


After kicking Ai away, Ye Zi completely unsheathed the 'Blood', held it in his hand, and stared coldly at the third-generation Raikage who looked slightly stunned.

The word 'go' was naturally what Bai Jue said.

It's really amazing.

Bai Jue saw the moment that happened in front of him and sighed in admiration before stuffing the wooden man into his body, melting into the ground and disappearing.

After the sounds caused by the previous battle passed, at this time, there was some silence.

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