Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 525 Natural Disaster

During this year of exploration, Ye Zi not only integrated the sealing technique into Wood Escape, but also explored the ability of the 'Royal God'.

Now, he wants to use the power contained in the 'Royal God'.

The deadlock had been broken, and the Third Raikage was defeated for the first time in a one-on-one battle. This was unacceptable to many Kumo ninjas, but the battle was still going on, and there was only one enemy.

Since we are outnumbered, there is no need to fight alone. Attacking in groups and destroying Ye Zi as soon as possible is the best option.

During the fight with Ye Zi, the Third Raikage understood that he might not be able to defeat Ye Zi on his own, and this was a cruel battle. There was no need to act like a gentleman. Why should he fight alone when there were obviously many people on his side?

At this time, Ye Zi has been surrounded, and he is far away from Ye Zi. There is no need to hold back at this time. Even if Ye Zi's defense is as amazing as him, as long as he gathers the power of ten thousand people, he can't move towards Ye Zi. Stop bombardment ninjutsu, he didn't believe Ye Zi had enough chakra to be able to withstand it.

Yes, after all, there is an absolute advantage in numbers. Even if there is no way to cause effective damage to Ye Zi, Ye Zi will be beaten to death for the purpose of consumption.

The Third Raikage recognized Ye Zi's strength. When he retreated to his own camp, he didn't need to speak at all. The nearly 10,000 cloud ninjas present all understood what to do now, which was to launch a combined attack on Ye Zi.

We can use Tailed Beast Jade. Kirabi thought to himself.

When the Third Raikage was not entangled with Ye Zi, there was no need to hold back.

At this moment, it is truly one against ten thousand, deeply surrounded.

There are not many choices, run away, endure the endless attacks, and then be beaten to death, or...break the solid wall composed of these ten thousand people in an instant?

Only by defeating 10,000 people in a short period of time can we break the wall without being trapped in a desperate situation by the wall and being tortured to death. But even if 10,000 people line up to be slaughtered by one person, it will take a lot of money. time.

Faced with such a dangerous situation, Ye Zi still looked calm. He was not very sure, but even if he was not very sure, he would not feel fear because he was surrounded by thousands of people.

He has experienced many deadly battles in the past, and in the process, he has deeply understood that fear is meaningless. That kind of emotion will only cause a drag and burden on himself, so he overcame this kind of emotion in the battle a long time ago. .

This must be the psychological quality that one should have on the road to becoming a strong person.

Seeing Ye Zi's unmoved expression, as if Mount Tai collapsed in front of his eyes, his expression would not change. Although the surrounding Yun ninja did not show it, as enemies, they still admired Ye Zi. However, this is a battle after all, even if it is Admiration will not make them soft.

The second round of attacks was quickly prepared.

But Ye Zi was faster, and the kaleidoscope eyes in his eyes merged with the snake's eyes, exuding a bit of dangerous luster.

He directly activated the pupil technique in the two kaleidoscope eyes, completely liberating the power of the 'Ocean God' residing in his right eye, and then through the strengthening of the 'Great Ogo God', the resulting power poured out directly.

An invisible energy swept away in all directions instantly, expanding like a planetary ring at the speed of a blink of an eye!

All the cloud ninjas present were startled. In vain, they felt a slight vibration coming from under the water. The next moment, the intensity of the vibration increased more than a hundred times. The entire water surface seemed to be boiled by boiling water in an instant, and it started to boil crazily. .

what happend?

Is this an earthquake?

Such a strong earthquake happened at such a time.

The strong shock without warning made most of the cloud ninjas suddenly startled. They thought that this timing was too coincidental. They did not expect that it was Ye Zi's handiwork. After all, in the eyes of everyone, Ye Zi just stood there calmly. , did nothing.

The earthquake came so suddenly, and the energy generated was transferred in the water, causing the entire water surface to boil. Like the sea surface during a violent storm, the entire water surface floated up and down. The Cloud Ninjas barely stood firm and could barely maintain their encirclement. Let alone using ninjutsu.

This kind of natural disaster is the same for both parties. Ye Zi's side must not be able to stabilize his body.

However, when everyone looked towards Ye Zi, they were stunned. They saw Ye Zi standing there with a calm face, and the water under his feet was as calm as his expression, and the area was about one diameter. meters, forming a strong contrast with the wildly surging water around it.

Looking at this scene, most Kumo ninja couldn't understand it at all. Is this a superb use of water escape?

Just when they were surprised, the sudden change in the sky made their hearts beat fiercely.

In the clear and cloudless night sky, all the stars were eclipsed, and the disc-like moon had been obscured by thick dark clouds at some point.

Dark clouds that came from nowhere soon covered the entire night sky. Their thickness was so thick that the Kumo ninja who raised his head and noticed this scene felt as if the sky had become lower.

The surrounding dark clouds seemed to be alive, constantly rolling, and streaks of red lightning suddenly appeared, looming in the dark clouds, turning the entire sky into a blood-red color.

At this moment, there is no sound of human beings between the sky and the earth. The red thunderclouds that seem to be pressing to the ground, and the increasingly strong earthquake on the water surface. The combination of the two seems to be a natural disaster that cannot be resisted by human beings. Everyone's mood suddenly became heavy.

This natural disaster came without warning.


The deafening thunder exploded in vain between heaven and earth.

Among the red thunderclouds in the sky, countless dragon-like red lightnings were rolling in the clouds. Such a sight was unbelievable.

Suddenly, a thick red lightning fell from the sky and bombarded the Kumo ninja team.

The ear-splitting sound was accompanied by the dazzling thunder light. The cloud ninjas' hearts skipped a beat. The thunder light disappeared, only to see hundreds of cloud ninjas turned into charred corpses in the area where the lightning fell.

There was no exclamation or shouting. This terrifying natural lightning made all the Kumo ninjas fall into deathly silence.

Escape first! The Third Raikage looked up at the sky with a solemn expression, and gave the order to retreat with difficulty. He didn't know where the area covered by this natural disaster would reach, but he must leave here as soon as possible. The power of that lightning was too terrifying. , non-human beings can contend.

Just as the order was issued, all the Yun ninjas suddenly discovered that Ye Zi, who was standing on the calm water, was missing.

The entire night sky covered by dark clouds was as red as blood, but it was caused by the raging lightning inside.

A person was floating quietly in the air, looking down at them like a god.

That's... The cloud ninjas looked shocked.

Ye Zi floated very close to the thunderclouds. The terrifying red lightning that was raging around the thunderclouds was very close to him. However, these red lightnings seemed to be afraid of Ye Zi. When they cut through the sky, they all avoided him. Opened Ye Zi.

This scene that was difficult to describe in words made the Cloud Ninjas feel confused.

Could it be that...this natural disaster was caused by Ye Zi?

When this doubt first arose, the water beneath my feet suddenly became hot.

All the cloud ninjas were basically standing on the water. Now they were preparing to retreat, but they found that while Ye Zi was floating in the air like a god, the water became hot and emitted a red light.

It's magma!

One of the Iwa nin reacted quickly and made a heart-rending sound of fear.

Then, I don't know if his voice attracted the attention of the magma. The water surface where he was standing burst out with a steam containing terrifying heat, swallowing his body.

The steam came quickly and suddenly, but also went away quickly, which was very strange.

When the steam disappeared, the cloud ninja who shouted turned into a pile of scattered white bones, which fell into the water with a pop and disappeared.

At the same time, hundreds of meteorites shot down from the clouds raging with red lightning...

Everyone looked at this scene in despair.

The thick clouds that eclipsed the sky and the earth, the wildly raging red dragon-shaped lightning, and the hundreds of falling fire-wrapped meteorites all became Ye Zi's background.

Is this... the power Ye Zi exerted?

Most of the Yun Ninja stared at Ye Zi suspended in the air.


Thank you all for your monthly votes. There are two chapters today, but I will give you another chapter tonight.

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