Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 526 The end is coming

The red lightning was continuous, like a filament that continued to emit light, turning the entire night sky into red, and the light source was very sufficient.

Ye Zi was suspended in the air, silently looking down at the nearly 10,000 cloud ninjas below. Several thick red lightning bolts occasionally struck the sky behind him, and when the lightning left a momentary trace in the air, it seemed as if You can see that Ye Zi, with his back to the sky, has a cold and cruel look on his face.

The meteorites that broke out from the thick clouds were each wrapped in flames. They were about ten meters in diameter and numbered hundreds. In this way, they fell diagonally from the clouds behind Ye Zi, towards the clouds. Falling in the direction where Ren was, not a single meteorite touched Ye Zi.

He was like a god, looking down from the air at the struggling behavior of a group of ants in the face of natural disasters.

If this is his power...then, this must be the power of God. A weak-willed Cloud Ninja collapsed and stared blankly at the rain of meteorites coming from the sky. He gave up struggling and just stood on the scalding water. Above, waiting for death to come.

Wisps of green smoke curled up from his feet, and the bottom of the water emitted a deep red light, gradually approaching the surface of the water. As the surrounding water surface boiled, more and more high-temperature steam was generated.

Spread out, spread out!

Stop standing there stupidly, get out of here as soon as possible!

Run quickly, run with all your might for me!

There are people with weak wills, and there are naturally people with strong wills. Not to mention the thunder and lightning that is gathering momentum, not to mention the meteorite rain that comes into view, the place where you stand is extremely unsafe.

High-temperature steam may be emitted at any time and anywhere, which can melt a human body into a pile of bones in an instant. In less than a few seconds, dozens of Kumo ninjas were melted into piles of bones by the high-temperature steam.

And Yun Ninja, who burst out his will to survive and was not frightened by the scene of a natural disaster, shouted heartbreakingly at the loudest volume in his life, and severely 'beat' the stunned Yun Ninja awake one by one.

Even if there is a possibility of lava erupting under the water, even if the Thunder Dragon is ready to strike in the sky, even if hundreds of large meteorites are about to fall towards them, only those who do not give up the struggle will have a glimmer of hope.


The first meteorite fell into the water first, making the already scalding water even hotter. It exploded like dozens of detonating symbols, blasting out water waves that soared into the sky, and formed a circular wave that moved towards the surroundings. And go.

A dozen Kumo ninjas who were running were closer and were knocked directly into the water by the hot waves, and then disappeared.

This water is no longer at normal temperature, but has a temperature that can burn the human body to a bloody pulp in an instant. If the blanket is covered, you will not even have a chance to struggle, and you will die directly in the water.

The first meteorite seemed to have blown a horn, and then more meteorites fell accurately into the Yunlei Gorge as if they were controlled by humans.

Bang bang...!

The deafening rumbling sound has never stopped since the first meteorite fell. The meteorites fell one after another, directly smashing countless gaps in the nearly ten thousand cloud ninja who fled in a hurry.

A single meteorite can kill a dozen or even dozens of people.

There are too many meteorites, and naturally there are many people who fall under them.

At this moment, the screams are rising and falling, and there is no place to show heroism. Even as powerful as the Third Raikage, there is no way to stop these hundreds of meteorites. They can only lead many Kumo ninjas and head towards the outside of Yunlei Gorge as quickly as possible. direction to escape.

Supporting each other has lost its meaning at this moment. If you want to survive, you have to run non-stop. You can't stop for a moment. Even if someone stumbles and falls to the ground, you can't stop to help him up, because once you stop, you will only be Both died here.

When the meteorite rain began to exert its power, no one had time to think about whether Ye Zi was the instigator of this natural disaster. All everyone could think about at this time was to run as fast as they could.


At this time, it can be said that the house leaked and it rained all night. Before all the meteorites fell, the red lightning brewing in the clouds finally began to show its power.

Deafening thunder exploded between the sky and the earth, and the extremely dazzling thunder light made the whole world bright as red day for an instant.

Bolts of terrifying red lightning that were faster than thoughts, like roaring thunder dragons, fell from the clouds and struck directly at the many cloud ninjas who were fleeing towards the outside.

Water conducts electricity…

In an instant, dozens of lightning bolts struck the surface of the water, forming a powerful thunder flow that directly electrocuted thousands of Kumo ninjas into charcoal.

In just such a moment, thousands of people disappeared immediately. This unimaginable scene happened before their eyes, like an extremely heavy sledgehammer hitting their hearts.

The Kumo ninja, who knew how to use lightning escape, could barely withstand the thunder and lightning of nature, but when he saw the corpses of thousands of his companions drifting with the waves on the water, his legs began to feel weak.

Meteorites and red lightning traveled together, pushing the cloud ninjas directly into the abyss, unable to resist at all.

However, the journey of survival continues.

Some people stopped and gave up the struggle, but more people still wanted to live.

At this moment, it is not an exaggeration to say that time is life. It is clear that there is no chance to convince those companions who have given up. All they need to think about is to save their own lives.

This is a natural disaster that cannot be resisted by human power. There is nothing we can do and we can only struggle in the cracks of life.

The Third Raikage and Ai were the fastest people, but they did not stay away from Yunlei Gorge immediately. Instead, they helped their companions leave as soon as possible at a safe distance. The two of them had already killed three Meteorites have saved many people.

However, when the red lightning struck down as fast as thunder, even though they were two top masters of Thunderbolt, there was nothing they could do to help.

The distance is less than one kilometer, but it seems to be a road that cannot be crossed with life.

Finally, all the meteorites have fallen away, and the water level has dropped to a very low level, because they have all evaporated into water vapor. The platform covered by the tree roots formed by the arrival of the tree world has been smashed into pieces and cannot be seen at all. Things related to plants, even the remains, are just a pile of black ash.

There were no meteorites, but there were still red lightnings that would join in the fun from time to time. One strike took away the lives of dozens of Kumo ninjas.

When they were still more than a hundred meters away from the area where the natural disaster was raging, despair enveloped everyone at this moment, including the Third Raikage and Ai.

It’s magma…

Without any warning, hot magma spurted out from under the feet, and the area encompassed was...the entire Yunlei Gorge!

The mountains collapsed into the rolling magma, and all the cloud ninjas were swallowed up by the magma that spewed out into the air like a hot spring. Short, pitiful screams suddenly resounded through the sky.

Each and every Kumo ninja was directly melted into slag by the high temperature magma.

At the last moment, what came into view was Ye Zi with his Mangekyo Sharingan eyes open and a cold expression on his face.

This is a very strange feeling. When looking at Ye Zi, his face and eyes will enlarge in his eyes, as if the distance of sight is shortened in an instant, and he can see clearly in an instant.

And then...the darkness swallowed them up.

The third generation Raikage and Ai were entangled with the thunder flow formed by chakra, struggling to withstand the extremely hot molten lava, and then they both looked at Ye Zi floating in the air unwillingly.

Are you desperate...

Ye Zi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

At this moment, the world seemed to have lost its voice, leaving only the sound of the three words Ye Zi said. In other words, Ye Zi's voice overwhelmed the world in an instant.

The only remaining third generation Raikage and Ai did not speak, and had no chance to speak. They were wrapped in the molten lava, forming two oval egg shapes. Then the waves formed by the molten lava swept these two' Eggs' slapped into the bottom of the lava.

Once you sink into it, you will no longer have a chance to struggle... The Thunder Escape Bodyguard can withstand it for a while, but it cannot resist it all the time. In the end, it will be eaten away by the molten lava with terrifying temperature.

Red lightning rolled in the clouds, the sky turned a blood-like color, and underneath was a lake of molten fire emitting light. The scene formed by the echo of the two seemed like the end of the world was coming...!

Ye Zi was the last survivor. He felt that the Third Raikage and Ai were also swallowed up by the lava, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly.

The apocalyptic scene was like a picture, with nearly 10,000 bones that had been reduced to ashes, shattered into countless fragments.

The night sky is full of stars, and the full moon hangs high in it.

The bright silver light falls on the earth, reflecting beautiful light and shadow on the water surface.

Wisps of mountain wind passed by, forming a whistling sound. This was the only time now. At this time, everyone was silent, making everything in the entire Yunlei Gorge quiet.

Everyone present had their eyes closed tightly, with expressions of fear, despair, unwillingness, and pain. Most of the cloud ninja's faces were as pale as blood.

Except for the two people, he stood out from the crowd.

These two people were Ye Zi, who looked calm, and Kirabi, who was confused.

Did you use an illusion? Kirabi looked confused. Even though he knew it was an illusion, he still asked because he still couldn't accept that Ye Zi could actually make about 10,000 companions fall under the illusion.

How could such a thing be possible?

This... is not an ordinary illusion.

Ye Zi suddenly sneered, filled with killing intent!

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