The night covered the calm water waves, and nearly ten thousand cloud ninjas stood still on the water like sculptures, their faces generally pale.

Ye Zi was surrounded and helpless in the center, exuding a dangerous aura that was solid. The long knife in his hand was covered by an unknown black thunder, cutting off the bright moonlight. He stared quietly. Kirabi, the only one who behaved normally, had ice-like eyes.

Hearing Ye Zi's words, Kirabi couldn't hide the shock on his face, and his eyes trembled sharply. If it weren't for the eight tails in his body, he would be like his companions around him. He didn't know what kind of illusion he would be pulled into. Even the third generation Raikage and Ai had such obvious reactions.

This is indeed not an ordinary illusion at all. How can an ordinary illusion make 10,000 people fall into the illusion at the same time?

There are so many people, how can I help them remove the illusion one by one? Besides, this dangerous guy is still there. By the way, this guy's target is me. As long as I leave here, he will definitely chase me. In this way , Ai and the others will be safe.

Kirabi's thoughts were spinning rapidly. He had not thought about what was special about Ye Zi's illusion. He just thought that if he wanted to help his teammates remove the illusion, they had to do it one by one.

After learning his thoughts, Yawei remained silent. This was a choice to put himself in danger and save his companions. Like Kirabi, the strength Ye Zi showed had an intuitive impact on them.

Although I am not convinced when I say it, facing Ye Zi alone, who has been defeated even by the third generation Raikage, I am afraid the ending will be very unhappy.

Kirabi thought that the unusual illusion that Ye Zi meant was the ability to make so many people fall into the illusion together, but in fact, that was not what Ye Zi wanted to express.

Ye Zi took a step forward. When Kirabi saw this, his body suddenly tensed up as if he was conditioned.

At this time, one of the Cloud ninjas in the queue moved in vain.

Ye Zi and Kirabi were the first to notice the Yun Nin who had made some moves.

Ye Zi's expression was still as calm as a cold pool, while Kirabi was a little surprised. However, the scene that happened next made Kirabi subconsciously open his mouth with a look of shock.

The Kumo ninja who made the move first was very young, even immature. He was about fifteen or sixteen years old. Judging from his age, his strength was probably at the chunin level.

The young Yun Ninja moved, but it was also an unconscious movement. His body seemed to have lost the strength to support him, and he fell towards the water in front of him. His whole body fell directly into the water, and there was a crash. There were quite a few waves.

However, his body did not float above the water, but sank directly to the bottom.

This scene was not enough to shock Kirabi. What shocked him was that when the young Cloud ninja fell into the water and disappeared, he only raised his head. The next second, nearly 10,000 Cloud ninjas present seemed to be falling. The falling dominoes fell to the water one after another.

Ye Zi took one, two, three steps on the water... leaving circles of silver ripples behind him, and there was a continuous sound of splashing water all around.

The Kumo ninja present seemed to be affected by his steps, just like the courtiers and soldiers who bowed to the emperor. Every time he took a step, the crowd fell prostrate.

As Ye Zi took further steps, more and more Yun Ninjas fell, and the sound of splashing water became denser. This strange and shocking scene made Kirabi confused.

Falling to the ground after being hit by a genjutsu is a normal thing. However, among the thousands of Kumo ninjas who fell in a few seconds, at least half of them sank directly into the water and never floated again. What does this mean?

For ninjas whose bodies have adapted to the instinctive control of chakra, they can make their bodies stand on the water without conscious control. Even if they are under a genjutsu, they can still float on the water.

However, many Kumo ninjas have already sunk into the water and have not come up. The result will undoubtedly be death.

The domino effect quickly spread around Kirabi as Ye Zi approached. The good news is that there are about a thousand Yun nin who have not fallen and are still standing on the water.


A Kumo ninja who was relatively close to Kira fell into the water and sank.

Kirabi directly transformed into an octopus tentacle and picked up the cloud ninja. Then, his body shook slightly, confirming his suspicion. could this happen?

It's just an illusion, but it actually has the effect of killing enemies?

In other words, all the thousands of companions who sank into the water were dead?

Are you kidding... Kirabi weakly let go of the octopus tentacles, causing the cloud ninja to fall into the water again and sink directly. The fact before him was unacceptable to him.

Fortunately, there were still thousands of Kumo ninjas who had not fallen on the water, and the Third Raikage and Ai were among them. Moreover, out of about 9,000 Kumo ninjas who fell, only close to 5,000 Kumo ninjas sank to the bottom of the water, while the other four About a thousand Kumo ninja were still floating on the water.

If the phenomenon of sinking to the bottom of the water and not rising up can be directly judged as death, then Ye Zi's magic trick directly took away the lives of about five thousand companions.

This kind of thing, even if you see it with your own eyes, is not something you can easily accept.

Seeing Kirabi's look of disbelief, Ye Zi showed a cold smile. The intensity of the illusion released through the 'Goten God' far exceeded any illusion in the ninja world, even if it belonged to the illusion type in the eyes of Uchiha Mangekyo. His eye skills are not comparable.

This can be said to have gone beyond the scope of illusion. First of all, this is a 'wide-area' illusion, and the effects produced are not just a few or a dozen, but the counting units are in the tens of thousands. Secondly, the effects released by this pupil technique are The energy of illusion is difficult to estimate, and can even achieve the effect of directly killing the target. It can also be understood as: part of the illusory damage becomes reality.

It can have such a powerful effect not only because of the pupil technique in Ye Zi's right eye, the 'Go God', but also because it is closely related to the 'Great Go God' that was taken from Uchiha Tomigaoka.

The pupil technique 'Yu Tianshen' that resides in Ye Zi's right eye is not so much immune to illusions as it is the absorption of illusions. The factors that constitute illusions are defined as energy bodies. During the process of 'Yu Tianshen' absorbing the energy of illusions, , there is a critical value. If it exceeds this critical value, the energy released will still make Ye Zi fall into the illusion.

However, since the 'Yu Tianshen' is continuously absorbing, even if Ye Zi is hit by the illusion, its effect will become very weak, and it only takes a certain amount of time to completely absorb the energy that constructed the illusion, thereby breaking the illusion.

The illusion energy absorbed by 'Yu Tian Shen' will not disappear out of thin air. It is all placed in Ye Zi's kaleidoscope eyes. The illusion energy absorbed so far has reached saturation.

In other words, the kaleidoscope eye in Ye Zi's right eye has huge illusion energy. He completely released this illusion energy to form the illusion of wide-area effect, which made all the cloud ninjas present fall into Tsukuyomi' is a fantasy world constructed from a template.

However, the kaleidoscope eye that Ye Zi obtained from Uchiha Tomigaoka by accident can increase the burst of illusion energy tenfold. The higher the base number, the more terrifying the effect of the increase. And Ye Zi's right eye has reached saturation with illusion energy. Energy, calculated in numerical units, is already terrifying. If it is increased ten times, the effect will be far beyond the phenomenon.

In Kirabi's opinion, this is probably the most powerful illusion.

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