Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 529 Homecoming

The long knife covered with dense black thunder penetrated the middle of the fist bone of the Third Raikage, then cut diagonally from the middle of the thick arm, pierced into the chest of the Third Raikage, and pointed directly at the heart, but the tip of the knife was still far away from the heart. But it stopped a little distance away.

Although the intensity of the thunder flow on the Third Raikage is much weaker, the defense is still not that fragile, and his physical fitness is terrifyingly strong.

The force carried by Ye Zi's knife was partially resisted by the casserole-sized fist bones, and another part of the force was resisted from the arm to the chest. When the tip of the knife penetrated directly into the chest of the Third Raikage, the strength was no longer strong. Support to the heart.

Being stabbed straight into the chest, close to the heart, the Third Raikage's body stiffened, his face looked very ugly, and a large amount of blood dripped from his mouth.

Even though the tip of the knife did not penetrate his heart, the knife still seriously injured him, and the entire right arm was destroyed. The fist bones were shattered, the arm bones were twisted and punctured the skin, exposed to the air, and blood flowed along the broken bone spurs. , constantly dripping blood to the water surface.

The left arm, which was still intact, was now penetrated into the front half by Ye Zi's long knife.

This was the first time the Third Raikage had experienced such a tragic injury. It could be said that he had stepped into hell and now he was just lingering.

Didn't it sting you?

The force that stabbed out finally turned into weakness, and it seemed that it did not penetrate into the heart, so that the Third Raikage still showed signs of resistance.

But that's about it.

Ye Zi's eyes suddenly turned cold. It would be better to deal with the Third Raikage first. Otherwise, when the thousand cloud ninjas recover from the sequelae of the illusion, their strength will slowly return. Moreover, in order to use the illusion in the 'Royal God' All the energy was released, consuming a lot of chakra. Even with the support of Ghoul, the remaining chakra was not optimistic.

A super-wide 'wide-area illusion' like this requires a large amount of chakra support. Without the support of Ghoul, Ye Zi would not be able to release such a huge amount of illusion energy at once, and there is another more stringent condition. , it can only be released once, and you have to continue to store it if you want to use it again.

Just when Ye Zi pushed the long knife hard again, Ai, enveloped in the thunder flow, arrived in time, put his five fingers together, and struck Ye Zi's left side.

In desperation, Ye Zi let go of the Third Raikage's right hand and hastily blocked Ai's palm with his arm. With a muffled sound, Ye Zi took three or four steps back and stabbed the long spear into the Third Raikage's chest. The knife was withdrawn as Ye Zi retreated.

The long knife was withdrawn from the chest, and once again caused damage to the left arm. The Third Raikage just grunted slightly like a man, and then half-knelt on the water. A large amount of blood fell on the water, and a dazzling blood flowed out, which was slightly dark. His face was a little pale.

Dad. After forcing Ye Zi back three or four steps, Ai looked at the Third Raikage with an extremely panicked expression.

Ye Zi hurriedly accepted the attack, but was knocked back three or four steps, which frustrated the idea of ​​killing the Third Raikage. Although the Third Raikage was now disabled, he had no intention of letting it go.

Just when he was about to kill Ai together, two huge octopus tentacles rushed over, picked up the Third Raikage and Ai and pulled them back. At the same time, two more octopus tentacles passed over the Third Raikage and Ai and fell in the air. Draw towards Ye Zi.

Ye Zi frowned slightly, sensing an octopus tentacle diving from the bottom of the water, preparing to attack from the bottom up, forming a pincer attack with the two octopus tentacles that had been pulled out from the air.

make a prompt decision!

Ye Zi jumped on the spot and faced the two octopus tentacles pulled out from the air. At the same time, an octopus tentacle sprang out from the bottom of the water and rolled up.


The knife slashed through, leaving a dark trail in the air.

The two octopus tentacles pulled out in the air were cut off neatly, and the broken parts fell to the water.

The octopus tentacle that sprang out from the bottom of the water was drawn towards Ye Zi who was in the air. Ye Zi deflected his body, turned around and cut it off with a knife.

The three octopus tentacles that have completely transformed into tail beasts have a single diameter area that far exceeds Ye Zi's height, but they are so fragile that they can be cut off by Ye Zi's knife.

Although three tentacles were cut off at once, the purpose of bringing back the Third Raikage and Aila was accomplished.

Kirabi drove the tentacles to place the Third Raikage and Ai in his own camp. The huge body directly blocked them in front of them, and then the remaining tentacles continued to wave towards Ye Zi.

You guys take a break, Ye Zi will be dealt with by me for the time being. At this time, Qilabi stopped speaking in a rap tone and stared at Ye Zi fiercely with a pair of bull's eyes.

None of the cloud ninjas present are weak, but the sequelae of the illusion caused their bodies to continuously transmit pain to their heads, as if they had been seriously injured. Their combat effectiveness was naturally greatly reduced, but the essence was illusory after all. As long as a moment of time, their heads would Once you get used to it, the pain will disappear and your strength will return quickly.

The Third Raikage's current situation is very miserable, but his breath is not weak. Thanks to his strong physical fitness, his chest is rising and falling sharply, his brows are furrowed, and his face is filled with incomprehensible anger.

Ai supported the Third Raikage with a gloomy look on his face. He and the Kumo ninja present were silent. The embarrassing and miserable Third Raikage directly overturned the previous scene.

The figure who stared at him in the battle now has both arms broken and a deep stab in his chest. If an ordinary person suffered such an injury, he would die soon, but the aura of the Third Raikage was not yet strong enough. Considered weak.

Medical ninja... Ai Fei quickly glanced around. Among the cloud ninjas who could stand, there was not even a medical ninja.

Damn it. Ai gritted his teeth hard, and an illusion made a good situation fall to this point.

No matter how much it costs... The Third Raikage slowly raised his head, with a pair of angry eyes fixed on the figure fighting Kirabi, and said in an extremely angry and low tone: Kill Ye Zi, from now on. The village will be left to you, Ai...

Dad! Ai's eyes trembled, and he heard his father's determination.

Even though my hands are almost useless, the remaining chakra can still make this broken body useful, paving the way for you to get rid of Ye Zi. The third generation Raikage said in a low voice. As more blood was lost, his strength also decreased. It will slowly drain away.

He planned to use this broken body to use up all the remaining chakra and even overdraw his life to injure Ye Zi.

Ai still wanted to dissuade him, but the Third Raikage said: I have made up my mind.

Entrusting the future to Ai, and then fighting to death heroically, this is the ending that we deserve now, and it is also what a movie needs to do.

For as long as he can remember, his father began to train him when he was three years old. He forcibly set a goal called strong, which made him start high-intensity training since he was a child.

Being born into the ninja clan, perhaps one is born to fight, and one should die vigorously in battle.

The life of a ninja is to carry some important things on his back and fight non-stop... for his family, his village, and his country, until he dies in the battle. This is his destiny that has been decided from the moment he starts fighting.

Kirabi, who controlled Ye Zi from a distance by controlling the tentacles of the Third Raikage, also heard what the Third Raikage said. He couldn't help but feel heavier. At this time, he really wanted to use the 'Tailed Beast Eight Scrolls', but there were still many in Yunlei Gorge. If the unconscious companion is used, it will hurt the allies. As for the Tailed Beast Jade, which has the strongest attack power, it is restrained by Ye Zi's Wood Release. If it is used continuously, the effect is unknown.

If you want to cause harm to Ye Zi, your first choice is the 'Tailed Beast Eight Volumes'. Before that, you can let Ai and the others send away their unconscious companions first. With the final restraint of the Third Raikage, there may be enough time. Finish.

Ai! Let everyone leave. At the critical moment, Kirabi had no time to negotiate secretly and shouted his thoughts directly.

Ai Wenyan understood immediately. As a tacit partner, he instantly realized Kirabi's plan.

Just right. The Third Raikage, dripping with blood, stood up with his seriously injured body, like a god of war unwilling to fall.


After thinking about it, the hard-working Purple Pig still didn't want the Third Raikage to die in such a miserable way, and he had to die with great fanfare.

Moreover, the battle ended so quickly that the Third Raikage's famous stunt was not used, and he felt so guilty.

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