Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 530: Broken (congratulations to the new leader TA Qianqiu)

Even though he was seriously injured, the body of the Third Raikage was still upright and erect, with a helmet of blood covering his body, adding a solemn look, and there was no longer any sign of embarrassment.

His right hand is completely disabled, and his left hand is pierced by a long knife. What can be used are his legs, head, and teeth... However, he also has a move known as the 'Strongest Spear', and that move requires It can only be used with your hands.

The Kumo ninjas all felt heavy. They all understood the Third Raikage's determination, but no one was sad about what was about to happen.

This is the choice made by the Third Raikage, and it is also the choice made by being a 'kage level' strong man in Cloud Ninja Village, so we cannot be sad about the consequences of this choice.

Ai, do me a small favor. The Third Raikage stared coldly at Ye Zi who was fighting with Kirabi.

After hearing the words of the Third Raikage, Ai came closer.

The Third Raikage raised his injured left hand towards Ai. Compared with his right hand, the injury on his left hand was not completely disabled. It was barely usable, but it needed some treatment.

Looking at the bloody left hand, Ai couldn't help but remain silent. The Third Raikage didn't say anything about being busy, but he knew what the so-called small favor was.

Hurry up. The Third Raikage said solemnly.

Ai took a deep breath, and suddenly pulled out the belt, then stretched out his right hand wrapped around Lei Liu, pressed on the penetrating wound on the left hand of the Third Raikage, and used the high temperature generated by Lei Liu to cover the wound, and then The third Raikage's severed phalanges were pressed tightly into the palm of his hand, leaving only a usable index finger.

After finishing, Ai tied the third Raikage's palms with a belt in a circle, extending to the elbow, and the whole belt ended.

Throughout the entire process, the Third Raikage's expression remained calm, as if the arm being processed was not his.

After finishing the processing, the Third Raikage moved his left arm slightly and frowned slightly, seeming to be dissatisfied, but this was already close to the limit of processing.

Go ahead.

After Ai stopped for a few breaths, he turned around and left without saying a word, and followed the other Cloud Ninjas to start carrying the body of his companion. Before Kirabi used that move, he had to move the unconscious companion out of Yunlei Gorge as soon as possible.

For the sake of efficiency, Ai asked the cloud ninjas who mastered the shadow clone technique to use shadow clones to increase the efficiency of transportation, but he himself did not use the shadow clone technique, because if he used the shadow clone technique, the chakra would be divided into half.

The battle will not end so easily. As the main force, he must leave enough chakra.

It seems to be the style of Yun Ninja. When a decision is made, the efficiency is amazing and there is no delay.

When Ye Zi cut off Kirabi's six tentacles, Yun Ninja had already begun to carry his unconscious companions, and the third generation Raikage who had been destroyed by him once again emitted a powerful thunder flow, which was stronger than before. He seemed not to care at all. Whether your body can bear it.

Noticing the Third Raikage, Ye Zi's eyes narrowed slightly. It would be too naive to think of making a difference even if he is so disabled.

Feeling the actual murderous intention coming from the Third Raikage, Ye Zi sneered silently, just in time, I was worried that it would be troublesome to kill you, so now is the best time to send it to your door. As the main force of the dirty earth body, the Third Raikage is undoubtedly is one that exceeds the qualifying standard.

The main target of this trip is the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki, and the next person worth killing is the Third Raikage. As for the other Kumo ninjas, Ye Zi doesn't take them seriously. It doesn't matter if they are moved away. Although chakra doesn't count at the moment. A lot, but not a little, should be enough to defeat the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki.

White Zetsu is now transporting the two-tailed jinchuriki to the Rain Ninja Village, so if he catches the eight-tailed jinchuriki, he has to take it away himself, so he needs to leave enough physical strength.

This guy is too difficult to deal with. In the sealed space, Kirabi and Eight-Tails were communicating.

The Tailed Beast Jade is restrained by Wood Release. If the Tailed Beast Bajuan cannot kill him, as the Third Raikage said, no matter what the cost, his life must be left in Yunlei Gorge, because this enemy is too Stronger. Eight-tailed said solemnly.

The tentacles that grew out are not enough for him to cut off! Kirabi nodded, then suddenly exclaimed, and Ye Zi cut off another tentacle.

The severed tentacles can be grown back using chakra, but it will take some time, and the speed at which Ye Zi cuts off the tentacles completely overwhelms the speed at which they can grow back.

Just when Kirabi was about to be unable to contain Ye Zi, the Third Raikage was finally ready.

Kirabi breathed a sigh of relief and immediately retreated, leaving the fighting space to the Third Raikage. If he wanted to use the Tailed Beast Hachimaki later, he would also need tentacle support, so he had to grow the tentacles as soon as possible.

Ye Zi's target is him. As long as he stays in Yunlei Gorge, the companions who are transported out will be safe. If the ultimate trick can't kill Ye Zi, most likely they can only fill it with human lives to have a chance to kill Ye Zi. .

I won't let this happen! Kirabi looked solemn. No matter what, he was going to kill Ye Zi directly with the Tailed Beast Bajuan.


Kirabi retreated, and the Third Raikage turned into a bolt of lightning, passing over Kirabi's huge tailed beast body and heading straight towards Ye Zi.

In a quick glance, Kirabi saw the movements of the Third Raikage.

The strongest spear of the Third Raikage is the Ippon Hand. However, if the hand is injured like that, can it hold up? It's also the left hand. Kirabi thought worriedly while paying attention to the progress of his companions' transportation.

A bolt of lightning flashed across the water, only the sound was heard, but no one could be seen.

Kirabi could barely see clearly, and Ye Zi could see clearly, but the speed of the Third Raikage at this time had already surpassed the previous peak. This was also the speed he broke out at all costs.

The thunder attribute chakra fiercely burned every inch of the body, stimulating the body to reach its maximum.

One consistent hand!

The blood armor attached to the body of the Third Raikage was directly evaporated into gas by the thunder flow. Most of the thunder flow flowing on the body converged on the index finger stretched straight forward, like a thrown ball as fast as The lightning spear came to Ye Zi in the blink of an eye.

The strongest Mao 'One Straight Hand' pierced Ye Zi's chest.

Ye Zi's demonic eyes were full of light, and the black knife in his hand suddenly pierced the finger stabbed by the Third Raikage.

Being able to accurately stab the finger with the tip of the knife at such a terrifying speed, his reaction ability and dynamic vision are astonishing.

When his fingers and the tip of the knife touched together, the Third Raikage suddenly felt unwilling. No matter what the outcome would be in a few seconds, he would die in Yunlei Gorge tonight.

He is not a person who values ​​reputation, but thinking that after tonight, the news of his defeat at the hands of Ye Zi will probably spread throughout the Ninja world, he feels a sense of unwillingness that he cannot let go.

However, the strong are respected, the weak are powerless, so what can they do if they are unwilling?


It was clearly a collision between the finger and the tip of the knife, but a sharp and deafening sound of iron impact erupted. The air wave formed directly raised a water wave several meters high, blocking the sight of the cloud ninjas who wanted to pay attention to this scene. , but this couldn't block Kirabi's sight.

Most of the Kumo ninja didn't know what the outcome would be. Their unconscious companions had already moved away. At this moment, they had no intention of paying attention, but had to move their companions away as soon as possible.

Ai and many Yun Ninja stood on a mountaintop outside Yunlei Gorge, silently watching the scene happening in front of them, with several veins popping out from their foreheads and fists.

What cannot be seen cannot be seen, but what can be seen is seen.

The 'Ippon Shou', known as the strongest spear, was shattered into pieces by Ye Zi's thunder knife.

Starting from the finger bones, to the arm, to the shoulder bone... it was a complete defeat, but the stalwart body of the Third Raikage did not fall.


Last night, the Third Raikage actually entrusted Purple Pig with a dream. In the dream, he was filled with snot and tears.

He said that he felt like he was about to kneel down before using his One Inner Hand, and he was very unwilling to do so, so he specially entrusted the dream to Zizhu, asking Zizhu to be merciful and give him a chance to show off.

Alas, Purple Pig is too kind, so he agreed. I believe the book lovers who read this book are also kind, right?

At the same time, I would like to thank TA Qianqiu from Chuangshi for his reward and becoming the second leader of this book. I owe you an update.

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