Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 531: Wood Release Susanoo (To Alliance Leader TA Chiaki)

Waves of water several meters high were pushed to the edge, hitting the rock wall and breaking into countless splashes.

In front of Ye Zi's sword, the entire left arm of the Third Raikage was crushed to pieces, and there was no life left, but his body was still standing on the water.

I wanted to die vigorously in the battle, I wanted to burst out all my power before dying, I didn't expect to kill Ye Zi, I just hoped to at least hurt Ye Zi, but I still couldn't do it.

Ye Zi suffered no accidental injuries, but the third generation of Raikage died like this.

The cloud ninjas who watched this scene were speechless and silent, with a mixture of sadness and anger in their hearts.

After killing the Third Raikage, Ye Zi waved his wrist, intending to chop off a piece of flesh from the Third Raikage's body and use it as a medium for the reincarnation of the dirt. However, at this moment, another tentacle came to disrupt the situation and directly killed the Third Raikage. Shadow's body was swept away, but it was Kirabi's tentacles.


Ye Zi's eyes changed slightly, and he wanted to catch up with the body of the Third Raikage who was swept away. Another tentacle hit the water in front of him, exploding into a large wave, blocking his sight.

The waves turned into showers and fell down, but Kirabi's tentacles suddenly swung, throwing the body of the Third Raikage towards the mountains in the distance. The force was so violent that he must have used all his strength.

The body of the Third Raikage was forcibly thrown out, and the Kumo ninjas on the high mountain safely caught the body of the Third Raikage.

Seeing Kirabi going to great lengths to send away the body of the Third Raikage, Ye Zi frowned. It was indeed a pity that he could not get the DNA of the Third Raikage, but Kirabi's actions seemed a bit targeted.

It seems... to prevent him from obtaining the DNA of the Third Raikage, don't you want him to use the Third Raikage as the reincarnation of the dirt?

Even with the vague speculations made during the battle before, Ye Zi was not sure whether the speculations at this time were facts.

Could it be that... even the Kumo ninja knew the information collected by Konoha?

Ye Zi's frown slowly unfurled. For now, it was better to capture the Eight-Tails as soon as possible and think about other things later.

Kirabi was able to take away the Third Raikage in such a critical manner because of the information sent by Konoha.

After sending away the body of the Third Raikage, the unconscious companions in Yunlei Gorge were basically moved away.

In the huge Yunlei Gorge, only he, who had completely transformed into a tailed beast, and his enemy Ye Zi were left. After spending a lot of chakra, the cut off tentacles also grew out. Next, you can go without any worries. Use Tailed Beast Eight Volumes!

Although he was sad about the death of the Third Raikage, at this time, Kirabi had no time to be sad, he wanted to kill Ye Zi!

Let's get started, partner! Kirabi said coldly.

Yeah. Eight-Tails responded.

The eight thick tentacles of the eight tails suddenly rolled up towards his body, and the tentacles fit seamlessly together, covering the upper body perfectly.

Seeing the movements of Eight-Tails, Ye Zi was alert. It looked like a prelude to unleashing his ultimate move, but Bai Jue's intelligence did not include this movement.

But he saw that the Eight-Tails, which had covered itself with tentacles, suddenly started spinning. The first few rounds started at a slightly slower speed, but starting from the back, it was as fast as an electric motor. The air flow generated rotated around the Eight-Tails' huge body. The sea water was swept up by the air current, and rolled upward along the Eight-Tails' body.

The moment the air flow was generated, it spread out in all directions very quickly.

Ye Zi immediately realized the power of this move, and quickly formed seals with his hands, just in case. Before the eight-tailed trick was fully revealed, he could not think about saving chakra, but should directly use the safest defensive means.

The powerful air flow rotated, and the sea water in Yunlei Gorge directly turned into a huge waterspout. With the Eight-Tails' body as the center point, it rolled upwards and rushed towards the sky, as if to merge with the starry night sky.

Within a few breaths, the sea water was empty, but the swirling air current was getting stronger and stronger.

And the tree roots that Ye Zi used to use the tree world to descend were all swept in by the airflow. When all the tree roots were swept in, the stone platform collapsed and shattered, turning into pieces of debris. Stepping up the tree Following in the footsteps of the roots, even the large and small peaks in the Yunlei Gorge were crushed into gravel by the airflow and blended into it.

Suddenly, an extremely large tornado quickly formed, and its scope was so large that it completely covered the entire space of Yunlei Gorge.

Stones, sand, tree roots, and water were mixed and rolled together by the air current, forming a curtain that blocked the view, making the entire Yunlei Gorge difficult to see.

Many Kumo ninjas who had run to a safe distance stared blankly at the huge tornado in Yunlei Gorge. Objects in the airflow blocked their sight, preventing them from seeing what was going on in Yunlei Gorge at this time, and they could not see what was going on in Yunlei Gorge. What happened to Ye Zi?

The strong wind hit every cloud ninja's dignified face, making their clothes rustle.

What they were thinking was that they expected Kirabi's move to cause devastating damage to Ye Zi.

Ai clenched his fist hard, glanced at the third-generation Raikage lying on the ground, lifeless, and said solemnly: If Kirabi fails, Ye Zi will be killed at all costs, do you understand?

The order left by his father was to get rid of Ye Zi at all costs.

Later, Ai ordered a Kumo ninja to escort the body of the Third Raikage back to the Kumo ninja village.

According to the information given by Konoha, Ye Zi must not be allowed to obtain the DNA information organization of the Third Raikage, otherwise it will be used in the art of filth reincarnation.

Kirabi's tailed beast eight scrolls lasted for more than ten seconds before slowly stopping. Everything picked up by the airflow, including sea water, was swept high into the sky and then flew to unknown places.

The entire Yunlei Gorge turned into a bare land of loess. Eight-Tails' huge body stood in the center. Besides him, there was another body about the same size as Eight-Tails in the Yunlei Gorge.

The Kumo ninjas, who were originally shocked by the effect of the Eight-Tails' move, looked shocked when they saw the huge figure confronting the Eight-Tails.

Today, their hearts seemed to be numb. Surprising scenes, one after another, kept impacting their vision.

The body confronting the Eight-Tails was a huge wooden man. The body was covered with a set of one-piece wooden armor, and the head was covered by a layered semi-sealed helmet, revealing two pairs of dull eyes.

After all, the size is too huge. Even if Ye Zi has strong control and can create a stronghold, he cannot depict such a large wooden figure in detail. The details are only almost perfect and cannot be compared to the real thing.

Looking at the huge wooden man wearing a suit of armor, the Eight-tailed Beast was stunned. Couldn't the Tailed Beast Eight-Juan have any way to cause harm to Ye Zi? And this wooden man... put a lot of pressure on him.

Wood Release, Susanoo!

At the critical moment, Ye Zi used this move at the expense of a large amount of chakra to resist the eight-tailed beast Baju.

Because only one Kaleidoscope Eye was awakened, Ye Zi could not use Susanoo, and this Wood Release move was a copy of the Wood Release created by Susanoo.

The essence of Susanoo is a kind of embodied chakra, which has extremely strong defensive power. The Wooden Release Susanoo is also embodied, but its defensive power is not as good as Susanoo, but it forms the Wooden Release Susanoo. The essence of Nohu is Senjutsu Chakra, and even if it is not as good as the real Susanoo, it is actually not far behind.

If you want to say what is the difference between them, I am afraid it is sensitivity.

Ye Zi controlled Wood Release Susanoo's right hand to lift up, and a jet-black thunder suddenly burst out from his palm, barely maintaining the shape of a long sword, and the left and right sides of the blade part had very unstable waves. Trembling, it seemed difficult to control.

This long knife cast out of thin air with black thunder exudes an ominous aura. Just looking at it will make your eyes sting slightly, and it looks very dangerous.

Kirabi and the Cloud Ninjas looked at the giant wooden man and the black thunder sword. They did not despair, but their uneasiness gradually spread throughout their bodies.

The forehead of Wood Release Susanoo is where Ye Zi is.

There is not much chakra left. We must fight as quickly as possible and get out of here.

Ye Zi thought silently, holding a huge long knife made of black thunder, and rushed towards the Eight-Tails. He wanted to kill the Eight-Tails within three rounds.


After creating Wood Release Susanoo, Purple Pig was very satisfied.

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