Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 532 Capture Successful

The reason why jinchūriki is regarded as a strategic weapon depends on the huge destructive power of the tailed beast jade and its huge body. For example, if the Eight-Tails is thrown into the enemy's ninja village, it will only rely on the high-speed rotation of the body to unleash the tailed beast. Eight volumes can level a large area of ​​a shinobi village.

Even if the Eight-Tails doesn't use the Tailed Beast Hachimaki or the Tailed Beast Jade, it can still cause a lot of damage by crushing it with its huge body. This is the terrifying thing about the jinchūriki.

Even if you don't have enough knowledge and strength to control the jinchuriki, you can still find a way to throw the unstable jinchuriki directly into the enemy's ninja village, causing devastating damage. If you master the means to make the jinchuriki go berserk, you can even sneak into the enemy's ninja village. In the village, the tailed beast is released directly from the enemy's jinchuriki.

The Jinchuuriki itself is a double-edged sword, how to drive it, how to use it...

However, Kirabi, who can perfectly cooperate with tailed beasts, does not have this shortcoming. He can be regarded as the strongest among the jinchūriki, but facing Ye Zi's Wood Release Susanoo, he can only be completely suppressed.

The reason why is that the black thunder sword in Wooden Release Susanoo's hand can easily cut off the tentacles of the Eight-Tails, and Wooden Release can restrain the tailed beast jade.

The huge body took several steps. From a distance, the movements looked very slow, but the distance covered by one step was extremely exaggerated. Every time a step landed, the entire bare Yunlei Gorge ground shook.

In just a few steps, he was approaching Kirabi. The black thunder knife in his hand struck Kirabi's head cleanly and domineeringly without any fancy tricks.

Wood Release Susanoo's speed is actually not very fast, but Kirabi, who is equally huge, cannot easily distance himself, because the distance between the two sides is not that far in the first place.

The black thunder knife exuding terrifying chakra fluctuations struck head-on, squeezing all the air as it passed, leaving a small area in a direct vacuum.

Kirabi's heart froze, and he cleverly did not use his tentacles to directly resist the black thunder knife. Instead, he separated six tentacles, two of which went to the left and right wrists of Wooden Release Susanoo, two to the waist, and two to the waist. The strips rushed towards the ankles.

The six tentacles have different directions, faster speeds, and clear goals.

Ye Zi, who was among the Wooden Release Susanoo, sneered disdainfully. It takes a lot of chakra to support this move. Likewise, the effect cannot be underestimated.

Ignoring the six tentacles that Kirabi stretched out, Ye Zi did not change his moves, and still maintained his slashing action. He was so confident.

After all, Kirabi was a little faster, and his tentacles wrapped around Ye Zi's Wood Release Susanoo first, and then used strenuous strength to forcibly stop the Wood Release Susanoo's movements.

That terrifying black thunder sword was hanging in front of the Eight-Tails' head, making it difficult to move forward.

We succeeded! Kirabi shouted slightly excitedly: Big guy, let's see how I can defeat you, oh yeah!

Don't be careless. Yawei looked very serious. Since the beginning of the war, he has never been in a relaxed mood.

Don't worry...huh? After controlling Ye Zi, Qilabi was very optimistic, but the next moment, his face darkened.

The Wood Release Susanoo, who was tightly controlled by the tentacles, was indeed unable to move, but the black thunder sword hanging not far in front of him changed.

The long knife that was trembling irregularly was very unstable. At this moment, Ye Zi stopped controlling and suppressed the long knife formed by the black thunder, and released the power contained in it.

I saw the huge black thunder sword suddenly exploded, shooting out countless black lightnings, spreading out to the surroundings in the blink of an eye, forming a black thunder ball, directly including the huge upper bodies of the Eight-Tails and Wood Release Susanoo, and then , the expansion trend did not stop here.

Tangled in the black thunder that broke out, Eight-Tails let out a huge scream of pain, and the powerful current paralyzed his body.

The black thunder that will not disappear for a while, from a distance, looks like the effect caused by Amaterasu, the same darkness, the same astonishing power.

A group of cloud ninjas watching the battle outside the Cloud Raid Gorge watched the dark thunder group exuding terrifying power as it continued to expand, as if it was about to swallow the Eight-Tails and Wood Release Susanoo. The dark thunder and lightning completely obscured their vision.

Yun Ren, who was stunned by the strength displayed by Ye Zi, could only stare blankly, unable to say a word at all.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but just looking at the terrifying black thunder ball, I felt a faint tingling sensation on my skin.


Ai looked grave, and directly used the Thunder Escape Possession, saying in a deep voice: Get ready.

Even if the residual effects of the illusion on everyone have not ended yet, they cannot be timid at this moment. After the effects of this terrifying spell are over, Ye Zi must be killed even if it is filled with human life.

But, would Ye Zi give them this opportunity?

The powerful jet-black thunderbolt lasted for about five or six seconds. During this period, the eight-tailed screams never stopped, which showed that the damage caused by the jet-black thunderbolt was not low.


When the jet-black thunderbolt disappeared, the Eight-Tails suddenly turned into a burst of white smoke. Kirabi fell from the sky dying, and the Wood Release Susanoo, who was also included in the jet-black thunderbolt, was charred black.

Compared with the Mangekyo Sharingan's Susanoo, the Wood Release Susanoo is a thankless move, but it also has its unique functions and abilities. By releasing the energy of the Black Thunder Sword, even oneself will be destroyed. The jet black thunder was involved, but Susanoo, the Wood Releaser, was able to defend against the black thunder that broke out.

But the Eight-Tails is pure. At close range, if it is caught in the black thunder, it can only completely absorb this move.

Kirabi, who was forced to release his complete tailed beast transformation, fell heavily from the air to the ground, cracking a spider web and falling into a coma.


Ye Zi's body emerged from the forehead of Wood Release Susanoo, and his figure shot out like an arrow, turning into a black shadow and falling on the ground in front of Kirabi, exploding a burst of thick smoke.

With only a small amount of chakra left, he could still maintain the sage mode. Naturally, he could sense the cloud ninjas running to the outside of Yunlei Gorge. After seeing Kirabi defeated, they all rushed as quickly as possible. Come.

In the current state, Ye Zi naturally does not want to tangle with these cloud ninjas. The main goal is the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki, and now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to stay any longer.

As the smoke filled the air, Ye Zi stretched out his right hand, and a thin crack suddenly appeared on the palm of his hand. Then he opened it, revealing a mouth full of fangs.

Pressing his right palm on Kirabi's body, the mouth on the palm, like sucking jelly, sucked in the unconscious Kirabi in two seconds, and then opened it. His mouth slowly closed into a thin slit and then disappeared.

This is the ability of Ghoul. It can swallow unconscious life forms into a different space, and that different space is equivalent to a sealed space. There are only two ways for the life being sucked in, one is to forcefully break it. The other one was released by Ye Zi on his own initiative.

In order to go to the ninja world, he signed a soul contract with Ye Zi to live and die together, and this ability was prepared for Ye Zi.

After all, he is bound by the relationship of life and death, but using this move to swallow Ye Zi into a different space can forcefully seal Ye Zi in the space, and use some means to keep him in a deep sleep. By providing a little nourishment every day, you can perfectly avoid the mutual death relationship of the soul contract.

Now, Ye Zi, who has sealed Nao into his body, can use part of Nao's abilities, but if he wants to use all of Nao's abilities, the two people need to be completely integrated into one, just like the relationship between Kirabi and Eight-Tails.

However, it is probably very unrealistic to develop such a relationship with Ghoul.

Moreover, in his heyday, Ghoul could use his huge mouth to swallow powerful life forms that still had consciousness directly into another space, but generally speaking, he preferred to swallow them alive and then digest them.

After swallowing Kirabi into a different space, Ye Zi no longer stayed. He used the technique of inorganic reincarnation combined with the technique of earth ephemera to blend into the underground and leave this place at an extremely fast speed.

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