Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 533: The Eve of Union

After Ye Zi pretended to be cool, he ran away decisively, causing all the cloud ninjas to pounce on him, and Ai's plan failed.

Arriving at the location where Ye Zi disappeared, Ai's mood sank directly to the bottom, and he yelled out of control: Location!?

Yun Nin, who was in charge of perception, said in despair: The speed is too fast, beyond the range of perception.

After hearing the report from the Sensing Cloud Ninja, Ai roared angrily, and punched the ground with his casserole-sized fist. Where the fist hit, the ground sank dozens of centimeters and was filled with cracks.

Even if it is beyond the range of perception, seeing which direction to escape from, there is still the possibility of pursuit, but Ye Zi's way of escaping is like a clever use of earth escape. From the moment he leaves, he does not know where he is going. Which direction, and the speed is astonishing, cannot be sensed at all.

If there were not more than 4,000 unconscious companions, and there were not many people present, they could try to send people out in a blanket manner, but the hope was slim because Ye Zi was too fast.

The surrounding Kumo ninjas looked dejected. Tonight was not only the failure of the Third Raikage, but also the failure of the entire Kumo ninja village. The giant wooden warrior standing in the Cloud Thunder Gorge seemed to be mocking them wantonly.

At some point, most of the stars in the night sky disappeared, and dawn broke through the darkness, dividing the entire sky into different scenes.

Just like the cloud light at sunset, it emerges at the edge of the mountains, and the gradually brightening light floats up at a speed visible to the naked eye, dyeing the sky over there with color, but on the other side, there are still some stars. night sky.

The wooden warrior had his back to the mountains. The light shone on his huge body and cast a large shadow, covering the cloud ninjas below.

This may not be a coincidence, because this large shadow is just like the reflection in the hearts of everyone in the Cloud Ninja at this time.

Completely defeated...

The topics that had been discussed a lot before were like heavy slaps, slapping deeply into the hearts of every Kumo ninja.

The sun is about to rise in the east, and a sad and decadent atmosphere lingers in Yunlei Gorge, which has turned into a piece of red earth.

Ye Zi took the unconscious Kirabi and rushed to the Kingdom of Rain as quickly as possible. He captured the two Jinchuuriki of the Cloud Ninja Village alone. The next step was to wait for the good news from the Mist Ninja Village. News.

Thinking about it, so many people were dispatched, and there were Juzo and Kisame, rebellious ninjas from the Mist Ninja Village, even if they were to capture the jinchūriki who was the Mizukage, they should be able to capture them easily.

Ye Zi is willing to believe that there will be a good result, and then he will wait for Nagato to go to Konoha Village...

The pace is approaching the end step by step, faster, faster!

The mood that had been calm for a long time gradually became excited.

Ye Zi set out on the road back to Yuren Village as quickly as possible.


In Yunlei Gorge, the huge wooden warrior left by Ye Zi stands like a symbol of shame that will never go away.

However, Yun Ren did not deal with it immediately, because he still needed to bring more than 4,000 injured people back to the village for treatment as soon as possible, so even if he wanted to destroy the giant warrior formed by the wood escape, he was unable to do so.

At dawn, a light mist arose in the mountains, carrying a salty and wet smell that was so light that it was almost impossible to smell it.

The Yun ninja group who sent troops to attack Ye Zi were defeated and returned to the village.

The crumbling formation shocked all the members of the Cloud Ninja Village. Not long ago, the commotion caused by the corpse of the Third Raikage being returned to the village has not dissipated. The defeated remnants of the army led by Ai returned, even more so. The members of the Ninja Village could not calm down again.

How could this be the result?

The ruthless and cruel reality impacts those who are unwilling to accept it.

Holding back the sadness and anger in his heart, Ai showed his qualities as a Kage, and cooperated with Todai to mobilize the Kumo ninja who could be mobilized with great efficiency, and arranged for the treatment of more than 4,000 companions who were in a coma as soon as possible, and at the same time arranged for the return of soldiers. The thousand or so Kumo ninja who could stand went to rest.

This will eventually be an uneventful day and night.

As a foreigner from the village, Inokacho was temporarily imprisoned in a symbolic manner. Later, when the body of the Third Raikage was transported back to the village, the shock caused slightly alarmed the three of them, but they did not know that the Third Raikage was dead.

After it was completely light, the three of them were invited out by Tutai.

After coming out of the room, looking at Tutai's extremely gloomy expression, Zhuludie and the others' hearts sank, and they vaguely guessed that Yunren Village seemed to have suffered a big loss at the hands of Ye Zi.

Although in this way, the cooperation between the two parties can be promoted more effectively, but when thinking about the losses suffered by Konoha at the hands of Ye Zi, it is inevitable that the rabbit will die and the fox will feel sad.

Lu Jiu suppressed the surprise in his heart and didn't care whether it was appropriate or not. He was eager to know the result and asked tentatively: Did the operation fail?

Even a shred of information would be enough, at least it would allow him to verify his suspicions.

You know, the troops dispatched tonight should not be underestimated. They are all elites, far exceeding the number that Konoha can mobilize. Moreover, there is also the Third Raikage, a strong man known as a 'monster', and Ye Zi is catching the two-tailed jinchū. After the force, he was heading towards the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki.

You know, the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki also showed great power in the third ninja war before. He has a trait that makes other ninja villages very envious, that is, he can perfectly control the tailed beasts.

In addition, such a Jinchuuriki was also defeated by Ye Zi? If this is the case, then after a year of dormancy, Ye Zi's strength has far exceeded that of the time when he attacked Konoha.

Just thinking about this possibility, Lu Jiu felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Ye Zi is an extremely powerful single soldier, and judging from the strength shown by the Third Raikage in historical wars, he will be a single soldier that is not inferior to Ye Zi. But if Yun Ren is defeated, I am afraid that both of them will be defeated. There is still a gap between them.

This is not good news.

Faced with Shikaku's question, Dodai had no intention of hiding it and said solemnly: We lost.

In fact, it was a complete defeat. Although he decided to cooperate with Konoha and will fully reveal the information about tonight's failure later, as the losing party, Dodai did not have the courage to say a complete failure with relief. come out.

Just two simple words of defeated revealed a desolate meaning in the tone.

After all, the third Raikage died, and he was the strongest person in Kumo Ninja Village.

Hearing Todai's words, the three people who vaguely guessed that it was confirmed that Ino Shiga Die's eyes were fixed. Now they are being brought to see the Third Raikage, probably to discuss cooperation matters, and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki has probably been taken over by Ye Zi. Got it.

Shikaku couldn't help but stretched out his thumb and bit it slightly. The collection of tailed beasts in Yu Ninja Village was like a heavy stone weighing on his heart. He didn't know what the other party's purpose was, but it gave people a very uneasy feeling.

Todai only explained that he would take them to the Raikage's office, but did not say that the third Raikage had died in Ye Zi's hands, so the three of Ino Shika Die didn't know that the third Raikage was dead, and thought that Kumo Shinobi's failure was not Can keep the jinchuriki, and it is not clear that in this battle, the Kumo ninja not only lost the jinchuriki, but also lost more than five thousand high-end combat power.

Even if you don't know it now, when you go to Raikage's office later, in order to further unite, the losses in this battle and the ability information revealed by Ye Zi will be shared one by one. By then, you will naturally know.

Inokacho and three others followed Todai to the Raikage's office, but the person sitting on that desk was no longer the Third Raikage, but Ai.

There is no time to grieve, no time to hold funerals for those killed in battle... The fight back must be urgent.

I agree to join forces. Ai, who looked tired, got straight to the point after seeing the three of them, Zhu Ludie.

Once cooperation occurs, all information must be put on the table as a matter of course.

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