Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 542 Beginning

Under Ye Zi's watchful eyes, this battle that will determine the future direction is about to be triggered.

The animal path soaring in the sky, after its strength declined, passed straight through the perception barrier above Konoha Village, and fell straight to the center of the village, very fast, like a cannonball falling from the sky.

Because of the amazing speed and the fact that it fell from the sky, no one in the Leaf Village noticed this scene.

When the middle-aged man responsible for maintaining the barrier passed through the barrier of perception in the animal path, his face with several patterns painted on it suddenly changed color, and the high hat on his head was tilted slightly because of the slight vibration of his body for a moment. , causing the white willow spike tied to the top of the hat to swing gently.

In front of him, there was a circular perception barrier model made of pure energy. When the animal path passed through the perception barrier, the spherical model was close to the center of the village, shaking out obvious ripples.

There is an enemy invasion, one person, the coordinate is the midpoint Double 11. The middle-aged man looked at the spreading ripples, speaking quickly and clearly, with a hint of fear in his tone. Ye Zi had invaded twice before. The village has caused a lot of damage to the village, but this time I don’t know if it’s him again.

After all, he was still alone this time, and Ye Zi had fought against the village alone before.

The Konoha ninja, who was responsible for guarding this place and serving as a sounding board, changed his expression after hearing the middle-aged man's words. Just because he was alone, he immediately thought of the middle-aged man, and the shadow that settled in his heart turned into coldness. The intention spread throughout the body in an instant.

Without any hesitation, he used the teleportation technique to leave this place.

News of the enemy's invasion must be conveyed as quickly as possible.

Midpoint area.

When he was about to land after passing through the animal path of the perception barrier, he shot a psychic array in the air, triggering bursts of white smoke, and his body passed through the smoke and landed safely. He supported the ground with one hand and knelt on one knee.

The other five people in Payne's Six Paths stood upright in front of him.

There was no intertwining of words. When the animal realm slowly got up, the heavenly realm, the hungry ghost realm, the human realm, and the hell realm formed two teams and shot out in the left and right directions.

Shura Dao, who always had a weird smile on his face, suddenly stretched out his right arm. With a soft click, the arm mechanized, revealing dozens of missiles in the mezzanine.

In the paper giant tree.

The vision shared by the Samsara Eye was divided into six parts and appeared in Nagato's eyes.

Let's begin. A low and cold voice echoed in the empty space inside the giant tree.

Konan pursed her lips and turned her head to look at Nagato, who was serious and focused. She couldn't see the situation in Konoha Village and could only pay attention to Nagato's situation at all times.

In Konoha Village.

Numerous missiles exuding a steel-like cold aura released high-temperature tail flames and flew towards the denser building complex.

A total of fifteen missiles scattered and landed on the tops of houses with different appearances at the same time.


The time synchronization was extremely perfect, there was no sequence, but they exploded at the same time. The resulting deafening explosion sound directly spread throughout the entire defenseless Konoha Village.

The horn from Nagato's attack officially sounded.

Black smoke rose upwards, and the acrid smell of gunpowder smoke drifted in the wind. Houses collapsed in the explosion. Many Konoha residents were directly killed alive, or were crushed by the wreckage of collapsed houses. under.

More Konoha residents rushed out of the door with fear on their faces.

On the streets closer to the explosion site, every Konoha resident opened their eyes wide, looking at the smoke left after the explosion, and their bodies were shaking slightly.


Zhu Shengdao stretched out his hands and pressed them on the ground with an expressionless face, and the psychic formation was formed in the blink of an eye.

Bang bang...!

Two puffs of white smoke appeared, and a huge centipede and three hellhounds sprang out of the white smoke. With their huge bodies, they slammed into the nearby house. The two houses were like tofu, being smashed by both ends. The psychic beast collapsed instantly.

All Konoha residents who saw this scene turned around and ran away with fear on their faces, letting out ear-piercing screams as they ran.

As soon as it appeared, it launched missiles, causing a strong explosion, and then channeled a huge psychic beast, which immediately attracted the attention of Konoha ninjas.

Just as Nagato wished, as soon as the Beast Path and Shura Path appeared, they attracted most of the Konoha ninja with their destructive power.

One after another figures jumped on the roof of the house, quickly approaching the positions of the Animal Path and the Asura Path.

Bang bang...!

Four bursts of white smoke appeared in succession.

Four huge figures were looming in the white smoke.

There were less than two hundred Konoha ninjas who arrived here first. They all stood on the roof, seized the commanding heights, and surrounded the animal path, Shura path and psychic beasts.

The white smoke slowly disappeared, and four huge figures showed their true appearance, namely buffalo, rhinoceros, crab, and Yata bird. Their common feature is that they are huge in size, and their eyes are all samsara eyes, and they have many tattoos on their bodies. Root of black stick.

Six huge psychic beasts appeared in front of the Konoha ninja who came here.

Six heads...!

Isn't there only one enemy?

The information passed by the barrier team showed that there was only one invading enemy, but there were actually six psychic beasts, and there were two of them.

Because of the special psychic ability of the animal path, the moment they crossed the barrier, they successfully misled Konoha, making Konoha think that there was only one enemy, so they all came towards the midpoint of Double 11.

In this way, the pressure on the world and hell to collect intelligence will be greatly reduced.

We don't have time to think so much. We can't let them destroy the village anymore.

Everyone spread out, form a team, and restrain the psychic beast!

Medical class stand back.


There were nearly two hundred Konoha ninjas present. They suppressed the emotional fluctuations in their hearts caused by the six psychic beasts, stabilized their minds, and formed a well-trained formation. They quickly divided into seven teams and headed towards the six-headed beasts. The spirit beasts, animal path, and Shura path launched an attack.

The weaker medical ninjas all retreated a distance, while the ninjas who were good at physical skills fearlessly rushed towards the huge psychic beast, while the ninjas who were good at medium and long-distance combat began to prepare their ninjutsu and look for opportunities to release it. .

These hundreds of Konoha ninjas are just the vanguard, and there are more Konoha ninjas coming after them.

Shura Dao raised his head slightly, and his weird smile seemed to shake off a hint of coldness. He raised his arm, separated the layers, and the missiles that were generated again flew towards the taijutsu type ninja that was rushing over.

Faced with unknown abilities, the first Konoha ninjas who rush forward are often the first victims.

The Taijutsu-type ninjas that came from the sky were all hit by flying missiles, causing huge explosions in the air.

There were no screams, only fragmented blood clots splashing down from the air, and there was no sound of communication. After seeing the missile launched from the wrist by Shura Dao, all the Konoha ninjas present were on guard.

After a dozen companions fell, another melee-type Konoha ninja rushed towards the enemy.

Animal Dao's combat ability is relatively poor. He silently came behind Shura Dao. After he channeled the psychic beast with the main combat power, his remaining role was to use his eyes to provide Shura Dao with vision, and he also held the A psychic beast capable of defense.

This may be just a battle, but it has the essence of war.

Death and sacrifice are extremely normal phenomena.

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