Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 543: Siege

The psychic beast and Konoha's ninjas fought together.

The centipede flicked its tail and knocked several Konoha ninjas away. Then the centipedes moved together, crushing the Konoha ninjas in front into pulp at a very fast speed.

The rhinoceros with its sharp horns was charging through the building complex. The Konoha ninjas who tried to stop the rhinoceros were knocked away without any resistance.

The rest of the ground-type psychic beasts all took advantage of their size and used pure power to knock each Konoha ninja to death or injury.

Shura Dao mechanized his body to the maximum extent and turned into a mechanical monster. He took turns using saw blade tail, strange wrist missiles, laser cannons and other moves to suppress the ninjas of Konoha with powerful firepower.

However, Konoha's counterattack was not suppressed by the powerful firepower of Shura Dao. Various escape techniques and hidden weapons converged into an offensive that should not be underestimated, heading towards Shura Dao and Beast Dao.

At this time, the three-headed hellhound came in front of the two men and blocked numerous escape techniques and hidden weapons with their bodies.

The chakra gathered together and exploded, producing thick black smoke that engulfed the three hellhounds.

The next second, under the astonished gaze of the Konoha ninjas, the four-headed and three-headed hellhounds rushed out of the thick black smoke, spread out and attacked the Konoha ninjas present, while the Shura Path and the Animal Path were at peace with each other.

The Yata bird flapped its wings and flew into the air, then rushed towards the medical ninja in the back row without hesitation.

It is an inanimate and unconscious psychic beast that does not have the concerns that humans have. Suicide attacks are the way it can express its greatest value.

The wind roared past, and the Yata bird was like a crashed plane, slamming into the medical class with its physical body.


Seeing this scene, someone in the medical class screamed, and everyone ran as fast as possible to avoid Yata Bird's falling body.

However, several medical ninjas were unfortunately crushed to death by the Yata bird. Then, as if it felt no pain, the Yata bird quickly flew into the air again, looking for opportunities to hit the back row.

Although the Konoha ninjas were able to organize an offensive in a short period of time, they were defeated steadily by the six giant psychic beasts and various black technology abilities of Shura Dao.

After all, they are the vanguard. With less than two hundred people, they still cannot suppress the Shura Dao and the Animal Dao.

The shared field of vision of the Rinnegan made Konoha's plan to deal with Shura Dao first come to nothing. The psychic beasts that fixed the battlefield in the building complex were even more difficult to stop for a while.

The quarrel between the Shura Dao and the psychic beasts successfully brought more and more Konoha ninjas to come here. Next, the pressure on the two of them will become greater and greater until they are crushed. At that point, they will be just two irrelevant abandoned children.

When Shura Dao and the others attracted Konoha's attention, the Human Dao and Hell Dao were far away from their positions, intercepting the ninjas rushing towards the midpoint Double 11 from all directions.

Without the ninjas of Konoha Village realizing it, their companions fell into the hands of the world and hell.

The Human Path let go of a young man and extracted his soul to explore the memory. The result was fruitless. This man did not know where the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki was, and the offensive launched by the other Pain Six Paths had just begun, and they would kill him one after another. Ye's ninja attracted him.

When the strong men of Konoha gather together, the pressure on Pain's Six Paths will increase greatly, and they will no longer be able to do whatever they want, and this will happen soon.

If the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki hadn't shown up by then, he would have to target people who might know.

Renjiandao dodged, came to the house, and intercepted another Konoha ninja. He came behind him at a speed that the other party could not react, covered his head with a palm, and pulled out his soul neatly.

The Konoha ninja whose soul had been extracted had slightly ferocious facial features and fell to the ground without any breath.


The human path jumped off the roof and walked into the alley, where the hell path was already waiting for him.

I saw that the hell realm summoned King Yama without saying a word. After King Yama appeared, he opened his mouth and flew out spiritual bodies. They were all sucked in by the human realm with the palm of his hand and began to explore these souls. memory.

Soon, the results came out, but still nothing.

The cycle is one month, but no one has seen the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki?

Nagato, who relied on the human path to get results, frowned slightly. Strong enemies had arrived on the side of the Shura path and the heavenly path.

Konoha Village, in the south direction, close to Hokage Rock, is where the Hokage's office building is located. And at a straight line distance of two kilometers from the Hokage's office building, Tiandao and Hungry Demon Road stand side by side.

The surrounding terrain is a bare circular land. The Heavenly Path and the Hungry Ghost Path stand at the center of the area, with a diameter of about 700 meters. At the edge, a circle of building debris is piled up.

There was no one else in that area, only Tiandao and Hungry Ghost Dao.

Because Tiandao had just used Shinra Tenzheng, it instantly changed the terrain like this, and pushed away the Konoha ninjas who besieged them. The lethality was not strong, but it directly broke the siege that the Konoha ninjas had finally organized.

What kind of ability is that? The two brothers, Hyuga Hizashi and Hyuga Hizashi, stood up from the ruins in embarrassment. In addition to them, several ninjas from the Hyuga clan also stood up from the ruins and stood beside them.

As a taijutsu-type ninja, the way to kill the enemy is to launch a melee offensive. In the previous offensive, the Hyuga family rushed to the front without hesitation, but in the end they were the ones who were pushed away the most.

Several members of the Hyuga clan, who were weak in resistance to fighting, had fallen in the ruins with weak breaths.

The medical team responsible for treatment promptly treated these companions who were knocked away by Shinra Tenzheng.

It looks like...repulsive force? Hizashi said to himself in confusion.

It's very possible. Hizu nodded slightly, leaning towards Hizashi's statement.

They all suffered minor injuries, not serious, but not so minor that they could be ignored. However, there were more seriously injured people now, and the medical team had to give priority to them.

The scattered Konoha ninja endured their injuries and reorganized their formation.

Tiandao's eyes glanced sideways and took in the appearance of the surrounding Konoha ninjas for an instant. He did not find the target, and the other Pain Six Paths also did not find the target, but the strong Konoha people worthy of attention were basically present.

Such as this...

call out!

A special art kunai was inserted diagonally on the red ground.

Both the heavenly realm and the hungry ghost realm look towards that kunai.

A figure appeared in front of this kunai without warning. The figure leaned forward slightly, with a red and white cloak floating in the air. His golden hair was extremely bright, and his sapphire-like eyes were fixed on him. Heavenly Dao and Hungry Ghost Dao, in his right hand he held a kunai that was exactly the same as the one stuck in the ground.

Looking at the visitor, Tiandao and Hungry Ghost Road had expressionless faces. The visitor was the Fourth Hokage, who was also one of the top masters of Konoha Village.

It's the Fourth Hokage.

The stern expressions of the surrounding Konoha ninjas relaxed a little after seeing the Fourth Hokage. In their opinion, if the Fourth Hokage was here, there was no need to worry.

Minato looked at Tiandao and Hungry Ghost Dao who had the Samsara Eye, frowned slightly, and asked in a cold voice: Are you the leader of the rain ninja?

Tiandao didn't say anything. More and more Konoha ninjas gathered from other places, but they still didn't see the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki. So, where did the target go?

call out!

A Konoha ninja flashed to the side of the Fourth Hokage and told Minato in concise words all the ability information he had obtained in the previous battle.

After hearing this subordinate's report, a solemn look appeared in Minato's eyes.

At the same time, masters from Konoha's major families, as well as well-known masters, all surrounded the six Pain, including the human and hell realms who were collecting intelligence in a low-key manner.

Is it to create an opportunity for you by making your companions make a fuss? Is the purpose of collecting intelligence? Kakashi held a knife in his hand and looked coldly at the world and hell not far away in front of him.

Beside him were Lin, Obito, and more ninjas.

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