Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 544: On the occasion of war

After realizing that there was more than one enemy, Konoha immediately took reasonable measures to distribute its forces, and then picked out all invading enemies and intercepted them.

In fact, with the help of the Hyuga tribe, Konoha only found two people, that is, the Human World and the Hell Dao who were quietly collecting information on the location of the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki. The other four enemies were already arrogant and did not care about them at all. You need to search it out.

The information obtained in a short period of time was transmitted to various locations at the fastest speed.

There are six enemies, all of whom have samsara eyes. Each enemy has a strange ability, and what is revealed is only partial.

The people blocked by Kakashi's team are from the hell realm and the human realm.

The two Pain Six Paths had the weakest combat capabilities. When Nagato discovered that the Hell Path and the Human Path were surrounded by Konoha ninjas, he regarded the two of them as abandoned sons, and the energy he invested was slightly dispersed.

No information about the Jinchuuriki was collected, and now there is no chance. All we can do is wait patiently for the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki to appear.

During this period, it is enough to resist the offensive of Konoha Village. If necessary, it is also possible to destroy half of Konoha Village. If the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki has not yet appeared, then search for information from insiders, such as Naruto.

In the alleyway, the human and hell realms looked indifferent and did not speak.

Seeing that the two enemies were as indifferent as ice, Obito glanced at Kakashi and asked, Do you want to stay alive?

By keeping him alive, he can use criminal investigation methods to extract useful information. This is a method commonly used when facing enemies who don't know the situation.


At this time, Konoha's ninjas arrived one after another, and there were more than a thousand people present. Such a formation made the situation in the world and hell become like lonely duckweed floating in the wind and rain.

Do not stay.

Kakashi answered without hesitation, and his cold voice directly sentenced him to death in both the human realm and the hell realm.

If you need to keep alive, you should not consider it now, but only when there are only one or two enemies left.

Now there are six enemies in the village. It is the right choice to deal with three or four first to prevent the village from suffering further losses.

Lin, please step back for a moment. Obito held the art kunai in his hand, and his eyes had transformed into Sharingan. Although he had such easy-to-use pupil power as 'Kamiui', it was too heavy a burden on the body. In normal battles, , he still relies more on the art of Flying Thunder God, and will only use the 'divine power' at critical moments.

Hearing Obito's words, Lin smiled slightly, clenched her fists but did not retreat, and said softly: I don't need your protection now.

Obito and Kakashi quickly glanced at Lin, who looked quite serious. They had always regarded Lin as someone who needed protection, but they did not realize that Lin had grown into a ninja in her own right.

Lin did not retreat, but raised her head slightly. There was a delicate diamond-shaped mark on her smooth and white forehead.

Seeing that Lin's attitude was rare and firm, Kakashi and Obito gave up the idea of ​​continuing to persuade Lin to retreat. After all, it was a battle now and there was not so much time to talk nonsense.

The short sword in Kakashi's hand was suddenly wrapped in the power of wind and thunder, exuding quite powerful chakra fluctuations.

At this time, the Human Realm and the Hell Realm suddenly moved and took the initiative to attack, but instead of attacking Kakashi in the front, they went towards the surrounding Konoha ninjas.

That move seemed to be an attempt to pick the weakest persimmons first, or an intention to kill as many people as possible.

Soon, the two sides were fighting together.


When Minato arrived in front of Tiandao, Shura Dao was also trapped in a powerful encirclement network organized by Konoha ninjas.

Because the movement caused by the giant psychic beast was too obvious, almost half of the living forces in Konoha Village were attracted by Shura Dao and the psychic beast. There was nothing wrong with doing this. In order to prevent the village from being destroyed, a lot of actions had to be taken. People restrict psychic beasts.

Therefore, among the three battlefields in Konoha Village, only this one is the most intense.

The vision of the reincarnation-eyed psychic beasts is also shared, and because the Konoha ninjas did not have enough understanding of Pain's Six Paths abilities, and there were a lot of Konoha ninjas present, after two simultaneous attacks, the three-headed hellhounds split apart directly. More than a dozen of them came out, forming a terrifying force that supported the battle, preventing the Asura Path and the Animal Path from quickly becoming disadvantaged.

Among all the psychic beasts, the ability of the three-headed hell dog is the most difficult to deal with. After more than ten heads were split and came out, the Konoha ninjas who realized the problem began to restrain their hands.

Moreover, how could Nagato allow all the psychic beasts to be confined to one area, that is, let more than a dozen giant psychic beasts break through the encirclement and disperse in all directions, so that Konoha's forces can be diverted , and cannot be concentrated together.

This decision was implemented, and the Konoha ninjas immediately panicked. They all tried desperately to stop the psychic beast, but they were beaten back and faced with each other, resulting in heavy losses.

If the battlefield is not in Konoha but somewhere else, the Konoha ninjas don't need to desperately stop the psychic beast, nor do they need to bear this loss.

The advantage of geographical location is uncertain. When fighting in Konoha Village, it is easy to be surrounded by Konoha ninjas. Therefore, when a movement was caused, the six Pain Six Paths were quickly surrounded by Konoha ninjas.

However, when Nagato dispersed the psychic beasts, the Konoha ninjas who did not want the village to be destroyed by the psychic beasts would go all out in attack. This gave the psychic beasts a chance to kill the enemy.

The seemingly disadvantaged Konoha side was relieved when the Third Hokage and Tsunade arrived with more Konoha ninjas.

However, due to the characteristics of the reincarnation-eyed psychic beasts, which are not afraid of pain and inanimate, it is very difficult to deal with them in a short time, and it is also necessary to divert the troops to stop the several psychic beasts that break through the encirclement.

Since the war started, in less than fifteen minutes, hundreds of people were injured, and the number of dead was temporarily uncountable.

The art of slug…

Tsunade directly channeled the slug, causing the slug to split and heal her companions who were injured in the battle.

Konoha has long been different from the past. Even if Kushina is not here, the medical class trained by Tsunade herself is enough to share half of the treatment pressure for Tsunade.

The effect is reflected. Tsunade did not participate in the battle, but stood behind her, paying attention to the movements of each slug split. As long as there was a medical team, there was no need for slugs to treat, which greatly reduced her pressure. There is no need to release too much chakra.

With Tsunade's slug technique, Konoha ninjas became more and more courageous as they fought.

The Third Hokage led the elite and organized wave after wave of offensives, gradually gaining the upper hand at an imperceptible speed.


Konoha South, the area directly in front of Hokage Rock.

After knowing Pain Tiandao's ability, Minato decisively asked others to withdraw from the battlefield to avoid being injured by Pain Tiandao's ability group and causing unnecessary losses.

But he didn't ask everyone to retreat, but left nearly thirty elites to assist him.

Among them, twenty were ANBU members responsible for guarding Naruto's safety, and the other ten were all Konoha jounin. Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Shisui, and Metkai were all in the queue.

Tiandao and Hungry Ghost Dao did not continue to attack rashly. They kept looking around, trying to search for the jinchuriki.

Not in three places.

Nagato thought silently, silently looking at Minato through Tiandao's vision.

Then we can only capture the Hokage and obtain information through the ability of the human world.

In this situation, the main body will have to take action in the end.


Let me mention it again, don’t compare this book with other books, read it carefully and don’t be distracted by the rhythm.

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