Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 545 Confrontation

The area bulldozed by Shinra Tianzheng has become an excellent battlefield.

There are no buildings in the way. In this area, the way to fight is to fight hard!

Among the three battlefields in Konoha, the human path is the easiest, the animal path is the most intense and the place with the heaviest losses, and this is where the adversary is, it is not the easiest, nor is it the place with the heaviest losses. But it is the most critical battle.

The Samsara Eye is the legendary eye of the Immortal of Six Paths, but there are six enemies at once, and even spiritual beasts have Samsara Eyes.

But the most important thing right now is to deal with the invading enemies. There is no need to explore these.


Minato held a jutsu kunai in his hand, red eye shadow appeared around his eyes, and his pupils turned into frog pupils, but when Tiandao wanted to find the jinchūriki, he turned on the sage mode.

The people who can make Minato agree to stay are those whose strength he recognizes. Among the companions who had taken the first step against Tiandao, there were also many relatively powerful Jonin, but they are all injured now, considering that there are only two enemies. , he just wouldn’t let Hinata Hizatsu and others participate in the battle.

When facing a battle, there is no prior arrangement of tactics, all that is needed is on-the-spot cooperation.

You guys observe it first.

Before he finished speaking, Minato threw a kunai towards the sky.

With the power of Sage Mode, the art kunai can fly extremely fast, making it more difficult for the enemy to react, and it will also increase the difficulty of the second stage of Flying Thunder God, but this is nothing to Minato.

Is it immortal mode...

The speed and power of the art kunai is full. Even if Nagato knew Minato's Flying Thunder God Jutsu, he would not be able to knock out the kunai midway, and it was impossible to use the Shinra Tensei because of a kunai. He could only have time to dodge to the right. , avoiding Kunai, and at the same time putting Hungry Ghost Path in a position where he can assist at any time. His role lies in the ability to share vision.

When the jutsu kunai had just crossed the heavenly path, Minato appeared above the flying jutsu kunai and accurately held the extremely fast flying kunai with his right hand.

In the immortal mode, whether it is throwing or holding it again, it is quite easy, and it is not affected by the force of the throw at all.

When holding a kunai in mid-air, the body tilts to one side and bends into an irregular semi-arc shape. This posture is extremely fatal when suspended in the air. It is a mistake of not maintaining a good sense of balance. Generally speaking, if you fail to stabilize your body in the air, the enemy will seize the opportunity and be killed with one blow.

But this kind of mistake is something that Minato, who has extremely strong physical coordination, would never make.

With this seemingly wrong posture of staying in the air, with the help of the twisting force of the waist, when holding the kunai in flight, almost at the same time, the kunai in the left hand was thrown towards Tiandao's back again.

With the cooperation of the left and right hands, and the conversion of the two kunai techniques into each other, the second stage of Flying Thunder God's offensive is formed. Like an inescapable ghost, it continuously moves around the enemy's body, and finally launches a fatal attack.

At this time, the positions of Tiandao, Minato, and Hungry Ghost Dao were almost in a straight line, with Tiandao in front, Minato in the middle, and Hungry Ghost Dao behind.

Minato's movements were directly seen by Hungry Ghost Road and reported back to Nagato.

The kunai thrown out for the second time was directed at the back of Tiandao's head. With the help of Hungry Ghost Dao's vision, Tiandao's head tilted in time, and the kunai of the art passed Tiandao's right ear. At this moment, Minato appeared again. On top of this kunai, and holding the kunai.

This was not a move made out of prejudgment, because Minato didn't know whether the kunai would hit the enemy before the kunai was close, and he could use it again the moment the kunai was dodged by Heaven. The flying thunder god technique relies on dynamic vision that is not inferior to the Sharingan.

You know, when the power of Sage Mode is enhanced, Kunai flies extremely fast, and the distance is so close, not many people can react.

If it weren't for the sharing of the Samsara Eye's vision, even if Nagato knew the effect of the Flying Thunder God Technique, Minato would have directly grasped the rhythm in the lightning-fast fight.

Only this excellent dynamic vision can support the flying thunder god technique, and can use the flying thunder god in more aspects.

Even for Obito, it's still a little difficult to do it like Minato. It's not that it's impossible, but it's just that he's not as handy as Minato.

When Minato appeared in front of Tiandao on the right side, he did not immediately launch an attack. Instead, he raised his index and middle fingers and flicked the kunai in his right hand behind Tiandao. Then he twisted his waist suddenly and whipped a whip leg towards him. The sun on the right side of heaven.

Simply using the Flying Thunder God to transfer and then attack is too monotonous and can easily be defended. Therefore, after being prepared to transfer, attacking the target can distract the target.

Tiandao looked sideways to the right, facing the powerful whip leg, he reacted in time, stretched out his hand to directly block Minato's whip leg, but just before his hand came into contact with Nagato's leg, it was blocked. Empty.

Minato's figure disappeared again.

As expected of the yellow flash known for its speed.

An idea appeared in Nagato's mind like lightning, and the next moment, chakra fluctuations were heard behind him.

With the help of Hungry Ghost Path's vision, Minato could be seen flashing behind him, with a chakra sphere emerging from his right palm, pressing towards his back.

However, when Minato flicked the kunai behind him, Nagato was already on guard, but Minato had to block Minato's whip kick. The moment he caught the opportunity, the power of Shinra Tenzheng burst out.

Without the slightest hesitation, just when Minato's Rasengan was about to press on Tiandao's lumbar spine, a strong repulsive force directly knocked Minato straight away. The Rasengan that maintained his body was also shaken away by this repulsive force. Spread out.

Minato's lightning-fast movements, moving left and right in the limited space, created a perfect opportunity to attack. However, due to the ability of the Rinnegan to share vision, his perfect attack failed.

Minato, who was blown away in a straight line, was flying in the direction of the Hungry Ghost Path. Under the control of Nagato, the Hungry Ghost Path had already adjusted its position when Tendao used the Shinra Tensei, preparing to be flown upside down. Minato punched hard.

The two were so close to each other that Minato immediately flew in front of Hungry Ghost Road.

Hungry Ghost Road, who was slightly fatter in body, raised his fist and hit Minato who was flying backwards with all his strength.

Just when his fist was about to touch Minato's back, Minato disappeared again, causing his punch to miss.

Minato's ghostly ability to shift space makes him a very difficult enemy to deal with.

After the punch failed, Hungry Ghost Road had no expression on his face. Under the control of Nagato, he came to Tiandao as quickly as possible. Because Tiandao had just used the Shinra Tensei, there was a five-second cooling time. Before the cooling was completed, he The way of heaven must be protected.

And Minato had already used the Flying Thunder God Technique to return to his original place.

Do you see clearly? Minato looked at Tiandao and Hungry Ghost Dao.

It does look like a repulsive force, and the power is not bad, but in the sage mode, this power is not enough to cause harm to him. The trouble is, once the repulsive force is generated, the kunai will also be blown away, otherwise it will fly away. When Lei Shen avoided Hungry Ghost Dao's punch, he did not return to his original position, but returned behind Tiandao again and continued to attack.

After hearing Minato's words, the thirty Konoha ninjas around them all nodded slightly.

The offensive that Minato organized with the Flying Thunder God Technique just now made their hearts swell. If they put himself into it, they probably wouldn't be able to defend themselves. If the enemy didn't have this weird ability that can be used without sealing, they would probably be unable to defend themselves. Minato had already succeeded just now.

Minato, who can use the Flying Thunder God to this extent, was defeated by Ye Zi in the last battle. It is conceivable that only by comparing the scenes he saw can the terrifying aspects of Ye Zi be highlighted. .

The range of effect of this ability is all-round. Even chakra can be dispersed. It can indeed prevent ninjutsu. In theory, it can block all attacks. It can be called a perfect defense. However, any jutsu has weaknesses. After finding out Before the weakness, everyone should try not to attack together.

Minato's eyes narrowed slightly, thinking about the next attack.


In order to think about how to write the battle in a more energetic way, my brain's memory is a bit exhausted.

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