Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 552: Seizing the opportunity (two chapters in one)

The swirling mortal dust has not yet settled, and the sorrow and sadness are settling in my heart. Without venting, I can only press it gently in my heart and continue to face the next battle.

At this moment, every second is extremely critical. Serving the fighter plane that may be fleeting is a race against time. This is the same for both sides.

Instructions were quickly transmitted through Minato, preparing for the second round of offensive.

That key mark of the Flying Thunder God allowed Konoha to obtain very important information.

Not far away, Payne's Six Paths were approaching quickly and were about to cause a second collision in Konoha Village.

Precisely because every second at this time could not be wasted, the body that had lost its breath was still lying quietly on the cold ground.

Those familiar faces, with the memories of the past, were quietly and gently placed deep in my heart.

Every ninja in Konoha once again built a line of defense against the enemy attack as quickly as possible, so that the corpses could not be restrained in time.

With regret, guilt, anger and sadness, the emotions gathered together like a trickle will be the hardest and most difficult wall to break through the enemy.

Pain's Six Paths quickly arrived at the outskirts of Konoha Village. On Shura Dao's shoulders, two arms were derived. A total of four arms hugged the animal path, and then aimed at the direction, and suddenly threw the animal path into the previous main battlefield.

call out!

Zhu Shengdao's straight body was like a rocket rising into the sky. After drawing a beautiful arc in the air, it fell straight into the area that was razed to the ground by Shinra Tianzheng.

The position is slightly off, but the landing point is not too far off. Just from the air, you can tell that the landing point is still on the flat ground.


Minato's eyes narrowed and he looked up at the black shadow falling from the sky.

At this time, there are not many Konoha ninjas present in this area, because even if there is the mark of the Flying Thunder God, the location of the Heavenly Way can be known, but it cannot be used to judge the opponent's offensive intention. When deploying defenses, one cannot focus on On one point, but spread out.

At the same time, while the defense was being prepared, another elite team was already heading towards Nagato's location.

When the body of Pain's Six Paths was channeled away by Nagato, Minato was able to sense the original location and judge from this that the person who controlled Pain's Six Paths behind the scenes was at that location.

Later, he noticed that the mark of the Flying Thunder God left behind was moving rapidly towards the village, and judged that the previously defeated Tiandao should be resurrected by some means by the mastermind behind the scenes. If this was the case, he wanted to win this victory. , the key is to defeat the mastermind behind the scenes.

The team responsible for attacking the mastermind behind the scenes is led by the experienced Third Hokage, and the members of the team are not weak. Kakashi, Obito, Lin, Kurenai, and Ashima are all in the team.

In the village, Tsunade led the medical team and was responsible for treating the wounded, while Minato led the remaining Konoha ninjas who could fight, preparing to attack Pain's Six Paths.

It is unclear whether the opponent's offensive intention is to concentrate on one point, or to spread out as before. Just in case, the defense can only be spread out.

Now it seems... it seems to be a little more focused.

When it was still more than ten meters above the ground, the animal path used spiritualism in the air to summon the other six paths of Pain.

A total of six people came to Konoha again like this.

Although Minato had been given a shot of vaccination, the Konoha ninja in charge of this area was still a little hard to accept when he saw the defeated Pain's Six Paths intact again.

You must know how many companions died in the battle in order to defeat Pain's Six Paths. This was a victory achieved at the expense of the lives of many companions, but the enemies that had been defeated reappeared so lightly.

It is natural that we cannot accept it easily, but the battle is still going on.

The area that Minato was responsible for was at the same place. He didn't know that the target of Pain's Six Paths was aimed at him this time. Seeing that Pain's Six Paths were all concentrated at one point, his tense nerves relaxed slightly.

A part of the elite was sent to attack Nagato directly. If the Six Paths of Pain continued to spread out and cause trouble in the village, they might have to pay a heavy price to be able to repel the Six Paths of Pain again.

Now that Pain's six paths hit one point, it will become more difficult to deal with, but it can minimize the damage.

At this time, the main forces in this area were only Minato and Kai, as well as some elite jounin from the big family, while the others were scattered in various parts of the village.

You have to notify others as soon as possible. The ninja in charge of contact did not need Minato's order. He went directly to various areas of the village to notify the main force to come to the main battlefield as discussed before the start.

If the enemy is concentrated here on the main battlefield, then the main forces from other places can rush to the main battlefield to support it.

Seeing the six paths of Pain emerging from the white mist, Minato took a deep breath, but did not turn on the sage mode. On his shoulder, there was a small slug.

With the Mark of the Flying Thunder God, Minato should have noticed when Pain Six Paths came to the edge of the village and had enough time to start Sage Mode, but he did not do so, and the surrounding Konoha ninjas were relatively scattered. Akai is also some distance away from Minato.

The little slug stood quietly on Minato's shoulder, while Minato looked at Pain's Six Paths, thought slightly, and immediately launched an attack.

The Beast Path can channel all kinds of large psychic beasts, but in the previous battles, the psychic beasts have basically been dealt with. Since then, the Beast Path has not seen any more summoned psychic beasts, so it is not a big threat.

Shura Dao has the ability to mechanize the body at will. Laser cannons and missiles are very powerful, but relatively easy to dodge.

The human path can directly extract the soul, which seems to be similar to the ability of the mountain clan. The other hell path, according to Kakashi's description, can summon the King of Yama and store the soul in the mouth of the Yama. The abilities between the players seem to be able to cooperate with each other, but in terms of combat capabilities, they are weak.

Hungry Ghost Road has the ability to absorb chakra and ninjutsu. With him around, he is restricted from large ninjutsu with strong attack power.

Tiandao is the strongest among them, possessing repulsion and the ability to control objects.

The information compiled in the first round of the offensive was memorized by Minato. With the support of these abilities and intelligence, it is not difficult to defeat Pain's Six Paths again. He only needs to solve the Hungry Ghost Path first, and then rely on the assistance of his surrounding companions. , perform continuous long-range attacks on Payne's Six Paths, even if the effect is low, you can try to avoid casualties.

When the surrounding Konoha ninjas had not organized their attack formations in time when Pain's Six Paths arrived, Minato was the first to launch the attack.

Relying on the mark of the Flying Thunder God left behind, when Payne's Six Paths landed, he instantly crossed a kilometer distance and came to the vicinity of Tiandao, located in the middle of Payne's Six Paths.

With superior control power, the Wind Release Rasengan was instantly formed in the palm of his hand and pressed directly towards Tiandao.

Minato's target was Hungry Ghost Road, and the mark of Flying Thunder God was left on Tiandao. He moved to the nearby area with Flying Thunder God. The only target that could attack the fastest was Tiandao.

Therefore, his Wind Release Rasengan can only be left to Heaven.

Same trick, do you think... Inside the giant tree, Nagato's eyes were focused, and his reaction was so fast. When Minato disappeared from the field of vision, he had already judged that Minato would definitely be close at the next moment without even seeing him. .

Just as he had predicted, Minato teleported to the vicinity of Tiandao, and once again concentrated on the astonishingly powerful Wind Release.

At this time, the ninjas of Konoha were far away, including Akai, who was still some distance away from Minato, but they didn't know why they had to arrange it this way.

As for Pain's Six Paths' gaze, precisely because the surrounding Konoha ninjas were far away, they were all attracted to Minato who was attacking recklessly alone.

In the second round of the offensive, Nagato, who was prepared, did not randomly arrange the positions of Payne's Six Paths. The Hungry Ghost Path, which was the main defense, was placed next to the Heavenly Path, which was also the one closest to the Heavenly Path.

This arrangement gave Hungry Ghost Road a chance to resist Minato's offensive. He dodged and inserted his foot between Tiandao and Minato. A transparent shield blocked the astonishingly powerful Wind Release Rasengan. It was also announced that Minato's attack had failed.

The Wind Release Rasengan, which contained a lot of chakra, was so easily absorbed by the shield of the sealing seal.

After the Wind Release Rasengan was absorbed, except for Tiandao, the other four Pain Six Paths stood quietly without any movement.

Tiandao used the All-Seeing Tension on Minato and pulled him into Hungry Ghost Dao's arms.

Minato's attack this time seemed to be very hasty and monotonous, leaving no back-up moves, revealing a hint of weirdness, but this was not noticed by Nagato.

Being pulled by the Ten Thousand Elements, Minato bumped into Hungry Ghost Path's arms. Hungry Ghost Path, without saying a word, frantically absorbed Minato's chakra.

In just a face-to-face encounter, Minato, who was the first to attack, failed neatly, and was caught by the Hungry Ghost Path and Tiandao, and pulled into their arms. With the ability of the Hungry Ghost Dao sealing technique to absorb seals, in less than ten seconds, he was defeated. Can absorb all of Minato's chakra.

Don't use that time and space technique, or is it because it will be unable to be used after being controlled by the sealing seal? Nagato frowned slightly. When Minato pulled him over with the All-Seeing Tension, he did not use the Flying Thunder God technique to escape. dropped, allowing Hungry Ghost Path to easily control Minato.

It went so smoothly, which was far different from the difficulties before.

As his mind was spinning, he saw Minato, who was being grabbed by Hungry Ghost Road, turn into white smoke with a bang.


Nagato was suddenly startled.

A figure appeared strangely again between the Heavenly Path and the Hungry Ghost Path without any warning.

That is…!

This figure was Minato who had activated his sage mode, and there was a little slug standing on his shoulder.

He appeared without any warning, and not only did he not condense the most powerful Wind Release Rasengan, he also didn't hold any weapon in his hand, he just appeared.

From the beginning to the end, Minato's first goal has not changed, and that is the Hungry Ghost Path, and Minato, who is controlled by the Hungry Ghost Path, is actually a shadow clone.

Frog tap!

The natural energy was concentrated in the palm of his hand. Before Nagato could react in time, Minato appeared in front of Tendo and behind Hungry Ghost, and immediately put a palm mark on Hungry Ghost's back.

Because he knew the power of the Hungry Ghost Path, when Minato got close for the second time, he did not use the Wind Release Rasengan, but instead used the Toad Fluid Technique in Sage Mode.

Concentrate the natural energy in the palm of your hand and then blast it out. The power that explodes instantly is more powerful than the strange power formed by Tsunade's pure burst of chakra.

The palm of his hand was printed on Hungry Ghost Dao's back. With a loud bang, Hungry Ghost Dao's fat body turned into a black arrow and flew straight forward. His whole body bent backwards like C' shape.

After Minato knocked the hungry ghost away with a frog tap, Nagato reacted and controlled the Tendo like lightning and slapped Minato on the back. A sharp black stick came out of his palm.


This counterattack, which was definitely not slow in reaction, still fell into the air.

Minato had already planned to use the Flying Thunder God Technique to leave immediately regardless of whether the attack was successful or not, so after blasting away the hungry ghost, he used the Flying Thunder God Technique to move away, so that Nagato's attack was directly Failed.

On the surface, Minato was defeated by Pain's Six Paths in one face-to-face encounter, but that was just a clone, and it was the Hungry Ghost Path that was eliminated in one face-to-face encounter.

Minato, who returned to the original place using the Flying Thunder God Technique, used the gesture of seizing the opportunity to kill the Hungry Demon in an instant, while the surrounding Konoha ninjas had already begun to form seals after they got close to a similar distance. Prepare to carry out ninjutsu bombing on the remaining five Pain Six Paths.

It was known in advance that Pain's Six Paths would attack again, but he didn't know where the opponent's attack would be and whether it would be scattered. However, this was not difficult for Minato, who had the Flying Thunder God Technique. After placing the mark, he could attack at any time All can be transferred.

As a result, Payne's attack in the second round of Six Paths was concentrated on one point, and it happened to fall on a point where he was more prepared, so the attack in the first round was directly effective.

The slightly reckless Minato who launched a direct attack on Pain's Six Paths was just a shadow clone, so he did not activate the sage mode, and the role of the shadow clone was just a feint attack.

With the help of the Mark of the Flying Thunder God, he moved to Tiandao and directly attacked Tiandao. In fact, it was to attract the Hungry Ghost Dao to resist the Shadow Clone's Wind Release Rasengan, bringing the Hungry Ghost Dao closer to the Heavenly Dao and increasing the chance of success for the main body. Nagato did exactly that.

Shinra Tenzheng can also resist the Wind Release Rasengan, but it has an all-round effect. There are other Pain Six Paths around, and if you use them rashly, you will only accidentally hurt your own side.

Nagato himself knew this, and Minato naturally understood this too after knowing the ability of Shinra Tensei.

So, everything went according to Minato's idea. The Hungry Ghost Path crossed in front of the Heavenly Dao in time to resist the Shadow Clone's Wind Release Rasengan, and cooperated with the Heavenly Dao to defeat the Shadow Clone in an instant.

The little slug standing on the shadow clone's shoulder was not there to provide treatment for the shadow clone, but was responsible for establishing communication with Minato so as to find the right moment to launch a fatal attack.

The shadow clone feints to attack, and Minato chooses a time not to wait until the shadow clone disappears, but to launch an attack on the Hungry Ghost Path before the shadow clone disappears. However, before the shadow clone disappears, Minato gets no news, so the role of the little slug is reflected. out.

In that scene, it looked like Minato appeared when the shadow clone disappeared. In fact, Minato appeared faster than the shadow clone disappeared.

Such a straightforward defeat of the Hungry Ghost Path was all due to intelligence and opportunity, and the preparations made in advance to face Pain's Six Paths were not over yet.

The surrounding Konoha ninjas were already pouring a large amount of ninjutsu towards Pain's Six Paths.

Various colorful, gorgeous and very dangerous escape techniques are overwhelming.

Originally, as long as the Hungry Ghost Path was around, no amount of ninjutsu would be of any use. However, the Hungry Ghost Path was directly eliminated by Minato, making this wave of Ninjutsu attacks a full threat.

Looking at the ninjutsu pouring in, Nagato frowned deeply. It must be said that Konoha directly took the rhythm in his hands with just one look.

In times of crisis, you can only abandon your car to save your handsome man...

The Shura Dao and the Human Dao caught the Animal Dao and the Hell Dao respectively and threw them behind.

Under Nagato's control, the direction of the hell path captured by Shura Dao was obviously the direction of Hungry Ghost Dao.

Later, when the ninjutsu was about to approach, Nagato asked Tiandao to prepare to release the Shinra Tensei...


It’s so hard to catch up on the updates these days... I obviously don’t want to write about so many battles, but if I keep writing according to my ideas, I feel like I can fight for a year.

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