Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 553 Nagato attacks (two chapters in one)

Hot fire, sharp wind, thick stone...

They gathered together and gathered together, exuding terrifying chakra fluctuations, overwhelming towards the way of heaven.

Shinra Tianzheng!

There was a little luster in Tiandao Samsara's eyes, and invisible repulsion shook out from his whole body.

The Shura Dao and the Human Dao were closest to the Heavenly Dao, and were knocked out first. Then, the invisible repulsion quickly caught up with the Hell Dao and the Animal Dao that were thrown into the air, and were also knocked out together.

The many brilliant and dangerous ninjutsu coming from the front turned into dust directly in front of Shinra Tenzheng.

The scorching flames annihilated the air, the sharp wind disappeared, and the thick rocks were crushed into ashes. The ninjutsu jointly performed by hundreds of Konoha ninjas who were proficient in ninjutsu was easily broken.

With so many ninjutsu, Nagato would not be able to adjust the strength of the Shinra Tensei to the highest level, but it should not be too weak. Therefore, when the Hungry Ghost Road was knocked away first, it would be useless to use the Shinra Tensei that was not weak. Doubts can hurt the other Six Paths of Pain.

But Nagato had no choice but to minimize the losses. In the end, he chose to keep the Hell Realm and the Animal Realm so that the Hell Realm could repair the Hungry Ghost Realm first, and the Animal Realm was able to summon the main body to the battlefield at any time. Inside.

After Shinra Tenzheng dispersed the ninjutsu, his remaining strength was not exhausted, and he knocked away the Konoha ninjas who were lined up in front. However, due to the distance, the lethality was not strong, and none of the Konoha ninjas who were knocked away died. , only more or less slightly injured.

The Hell Realm and the Animal Realm were thrown away, the distance became farther, and the damage suffered was negligible. The Hell Realm adjusted its posture in the air, landed steadily, and then went straight to the Hungry Ghost Realm, which Minato defeated with a frog tap.

His role is to repair the Hungry Ghost Path as quickly as possible. If he wants to resist the ninjutsu attacks of the surrounding Konoha ninjas, he must use the power of the Hungry Ghost Path.

However, the situation is now one-sided. Even if the Hungry Ghost Path is repaired, there may not be any advantage.

Nagato basically saw the situation clearly. After Konoha Village gained the upper hand, Pain's six-path dispersion ability alone was no longer able to establish an advantage. The only remaining effect was to kill the enemy as much as possible.

The scattered Konoha ninjas reorganized their formations, hoping to organize a second wave of medium and long-range ninjutsu attacks as quickly as possible, while the melee team, led by Akai, headed towards Tiandao and others.

Looking at the nearly a hundred Konoha ninjas rushing over, Tiandao's indifferent expression changed slightly. Shinra Tenzheng fell into a five-second cooldown. During this process, if the Konoha ninjas launched another ninjutsu attack, he would not be able to resist it. live.

A black stick sprang out from Tiandao's left and right palms, and he was already planning to engage in close combat with the hundreds of Konoha ninjas who were rushing towards him. In this way, in order to prevent their companions from being accidentally injured, Konoha ninjas would not be able to use medium and long-range ninja weapons. technique.

At this time, Shura Dao and Human Dao will not lose their combat effectiveness, but after eating a Shinra Tianzheng at close range, their bodies will be damaged, and it will be difficult to maintain normal fighting.

The beast channeled a chameleon and swallowed him, and then the huge figure slowly disappeared into the air. His role was not only to channel Nagato over later, but also to disappear at this time. , you need the eyes of heaven.

As for the hell realm, he has already arrived at the hungry ghost realm and is preparing to summon King Yama.

Konoha's melee team quickly closed the distance between each other to less than 800 meters, and Tiandao advanced instead of retreating, rushing towards the melee team led by Akai.

However...the melee team led by Akai is not heading towards the Heavenly Way. Their target is the other Six Paths of Pain. As for the Heavenly Way's's Minato!

Hundreds of melee teams suddenly split into two groups while running, heading to the left and right.

Huh? Nagato frowned slightly. The Konoha ninja's actions clearly said: I won't fight you.

Your me.

Another yellow flash, famous in the ninja world, teleported in front of Tiandao.

Tiandao reacted quickly, and slapped Minato's face with his right palm, and the sharp black stick made a sharp sound in the air.

Minato bent his knees slightly and lowered his head to avoid the black stick stabbed by Tiandao. Then he stretched out his left hand and accurately grasped Tiandao's right wrist. In the blink of an eye, his right hand condensed a spiral pill and aimed at Tiandao's. The chest was pressed.

Tiandao's eyes turned slightly downward, and the faint light of the Rasengan came into view. He actually ignored the black rod that Minato pressed towards him. The black rod in his left palm was driving directly towards Minato's vital point.

The decision to deal with it is not unpleasant. Even though Minato's Rasengan is a minute faster, the black stick wins because of the longer distance. The two attack in sequence, but in the end they will reach almost at the same time.

This situation was equivalent to perishing together, but Minato's lips curled up slightly. Once he was planted with the Mark of the Flying Thunder God, he would become an inescapable prey.

call out!

Minato didn't see any movement, but he disappeared out of thin air, and the black rod that Tianda stabbed him fell into the air.

In response to this, Nagato, who had long been accustomed to Minato's Flying Thunder God Technique, had a cold look in his eyes, became highly vigilant, and controlled Tiandao to adjust his posture as quickly as possible.

However, when the speed reaches a certain level, even if you are on guard, it will be difficult to withstand the attack unless you have excellent defensive means and can find opportunities to counterattack during defense.

As long as they can keep up with Minato's speed, the threat of the Flying Thunder God will plummet. After that, as long as they have the strength to withstand Minato's offensive, they will be able to find opportunities in the non-stop attacks.

The key reason why Ye Zi was able to break Minato's Flying Thunder God Technique was that his reaction ability was not much weaker than Minato's, and although his speed was not as good as the Flying Thunder God Technique, it was not slow either. With these two basic conditions, and then analyze Minato's habit of using the Flying Thunder God Technique, predict it in advance, and then defeat it in one fell swoop.

Nagato's reflexes are not bad, but the speed of Tiandao can't keep up with the flying thunder god's technique, and the cooldown time of Shinra Tenzheng is five seconds. When the mark of flying thunder god is planted, the battle is actually no longer suspense.

Unless...the Heavenly Dao possesses the ability of the Hungry Ghost Dao.

Shinra Tenzheng still has four seconds. Every time he appears, he is on the left hand side. If I am mentally prepared... I can go faster! Nagato thought silently.

At this time, the disappeared Minato reappeared without any warning. He was elusive and elusive. Facing this kind of enemy is the most difficult and irritating one, because you can't hit him at all, but he can't. It can attack you at any time.

However, the location where he appeared was not on the left side of Tiandao, but on the right side of Tiandao.

In the previous confrontation, Minato held Tiandao's right wrist and left a mark again. After disappearing and coming back, it was the mark that was transferred to Tiandao's right hand.

Just the distance from the left arm to the right arm is actually quite different.

The Rasengan emitted a dangerous light, pressing against the Tendo ribs that focused more on the left side.


Tiandao flew backwards in the air, but the attack was not over yet.

This is just an ordinary Rasengan. Even if it is injected with Senjutsu Chakra, there is still a big gap in power compared to the Wind Release Rasengan, so Minato doesn't think that one Rasengan can solve the problem of Heaven.

After he hit Tiandao with the Rasengan, he used the flying thunder god technique to catch up with Tiandao who was flying upside down in the air. From top to bottom, another ordinary Rasengan hit Tiandao in the air.

There was another muffled sound in the air.

Tiandao Lingfei's figure was directly knocked to the ground from mid-air by Minato's second Rasengan.

Flying Thunder God's Rasengan Double Bullets!

Minato adjusted his posture in the air and landed steadily. From the attack to the end, his movements were full of dazzling handsomeness, but the names of the temporary moves seemed not very good.

Looking at Tiandao who fell to the ground and stopped moving, Minato showed a victorious smile. He knew that the battle would not end here. As long as this place was dealt with, he would use the Flying Thunder God technique to directly transfer to the Third Hokage.

Therefore, in order to save the little chakra he had left, he only used two ordinary Rasengan.

To exert the most effective lethality with the minimum consumption, this is the basic quality that an elite ninja needs to possess. Instead of just wasting chakra to bombard ninjutsu, you must think about how to arrange it more effectively. The use of chakra.

Just like now, Minato can directly eliminate Tiandao with one Wind Release Rasengan, but instead of using Wind Release Rasengan, he uses two ordinary Rasengans, and the Chakra consumption of Wind Release Rasengan is the same as that of ordinary Rasengan. More than ten times that of pills.

The enemy cannot be eliminated instantly, although it involves certain risks, but in terms of the result, everything is within Minato's control.

This fighting style is the concept that Ye Zi has maintained since the beginning. But now that Ye Zi has Gong, he no longer has to worry about not having enough chakra during the battle, and he doesn’t have to spend any energy to fight. Be smart about how to plan your chakra use.

The team on the other side is almost here. All we need to do is get rid of the remaining puppets. Minato glanced at the lifeless Tendo and faced the remaining enemies in the field.

At this time, he was not worried that the fallen Tiandao would continue to be summoned back. Even if he was summoned back, I am afraid that the person behind the scenes would not be able to resurrect in time.

Inside the giant tree, Nagato's face was cold. With the power of heaven, he was no match for Minato.

After taking a deep breath, Nagato summoned Tiandao back into the giant tree using his spiritual skills.

Seeing Tiandao's scarred body, Xiaonan's eyes narrowed. Was he defeated not long after he attacked again?

Huh? Nagato, there is a team coming here, about five hundred people in number. When Xiaonan was about to say something, he suddenly felt that many people were coming here, and his words suddenly changed.

When Nagato heard this, his cold expression did not change at all, and he said calmly: Take Yahiko, you go first, go back to the Rain Ninja Village and wait for my news.

Konan was silent for a moment. Although she was very reluctant to listen to Nagato and leave first, she knew very well that staying here would not help Nagato.

No rebuttal, no hesitation.

She silently stretched out her hand towards Yahiko's body. Pieces of paper flew towards Yahiko's body, and were soon wrapped into a 'mummy', and then controlled the 'mummy' to hang in the air.

I'll wait for you to come back.

Konan spread out a pair of angel wings behind her and looked at Nagato with an extremely serious and solemn expression.

Yes. Nagato nodded, and then looked towards the direction from which the Konoha team came. The pieces of paper that formed the giant tree slowly separated and flew towards the sky, and the bright light from outside emerged.

Go ahead.

When the pieces of paper in front of him dispersed, Nagato could vaguely see that nearly five hundred Konoha ninjas had arrived.

Xiaonan didn't say anything, and flew away with Yahiko, silently leaving this place.

There was no point in staying. She believed that Nagato could succeed and return to the Rain Ninja Village with the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, so she had to wait for Nagato's return in the Rain Ninja Village.

If they stay, not only will they become a burden, but when they retreat, the fewer people there, the better.

Flying in the air, Konan pursed her lips, looked back at Nagato's back, stared silently for a few seconds, then turned around and stared into the distance.

Nagato will never fail. She thought silently.

The team led by the Third Hokage was approaching.

There were two people. One had the ability to fly and escaped. The other stayed and... had a lot of chakra. Among the team, the Hyuga clan in charge of the investigation told the information they saw.

Speed ​​up! The Third Hokage nodded slightly, with a solemn look in his old eyes. Most of the people left behind were the ones controlling the puppets.

The adjective Have a lot of chakra actually does not fit Nagato, because his chakra was consumed a lot in the previous battles. If it were in its prime, his chakra would have exceeded the capabilities of the members of the Hyuga clan who were responsible for investigation. Scared.

Nagato looked at the Konoha team getting closer and closer, and jumped down from the air. When he channeled Yahiko's body back, it was also after Tiandao was defeated by Minato again. The remaining six paths of Pain, except with the help of Chameleon's beastly way of hiding his breath was not defeated immediately, and the rest were defeated.

When the heavenly realm fell, it was useless for the hell realm to repair the hungry ghost realm. As soon as the hungry ghost realm came out, it was punished by the physical arts master in green clothes.

Although the results are not ideal, this is the limit.

Nagato's body rose into the air and actually floated in the air, actively heading towards the Third Hokage's team.

The effect of Pain's Six Paths was not ideal. Next, he was the only one to take action. Now that the Beast Path has not fallen, he can be sent to Konoha immediately.

However, the reason why he did not go to Konoha immediately was just to hold off the team a little so that Konan could escape more easily.

The enemy is approaching actively, not very fast, but coming from the air. The distance between the two sides was less than 600 meters, and Nagato's actions were immediately understood by the members of the Hyuga clan.

Ready to fight.

The Third Hokage's eyes narrowed, and the old voice reached the ears of every Konoha ninja.

Soon, Nagato came to the front of the Konoha team, floating in the air, condescending.

His target... was still Minato.

Shinra Tenzheng!

Five seconds have passed.

At this time, Nagato floated in the air and opened his hands. Before the Konoha ninja could organize an offensive, a powerful repulsive force burst out from Nagato's body.

Like an invisible ball, with powerful power, it expanded in all directions in the blink of an eye. The forest at the foot of Nagato seemed to have been severely stepped on by countless giants, bending one after another, followed by a large amount of soil. , rolling away into the distance.

The repulsive force of Shinra Tenzheng rolled up a large number of trees and soil, set off bursts of thick smoke, and swallowed up the entire Konoha team in the blink of an eye, heading into the distance.


No, there are still a hundred chapters left to receive the Light of the Great God, we can’t combine the two into one!

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