Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 559 Multiple choice question

I have a big dream...

I want to become a this war-torn world.

Then, go and end this war that leaves us with nowhere to live!

You are the bridge to peace, and I...are the pillars that support the bridge.

Nagato, you are the savior of this world... If it is you... you will definitely...

The bridge cast with blood and life will definitely lead to peace.

No matter whether they spent their lives or gave their lives, countless people fell down on this long road, but their bodies paved the way.

Yes, I want to become a god, let this world feel pain, understand pain, and then yearn for peace. This is the path we have been pursuing.

The sharp black rod stretched out like an antenna, and then pierced Nagato's legs and back. With a slight popping sound, blood flowed out and slowly slid down the black rod.

The pain that penetrated deep into the bone marrow spread throughout the body, affecting every cell in the body. This severe pain kept stimulating the nerves, but Nagato's expression did not change at all.

This nothing at all.


Nagato looked down at the people below, and his eyes finally fell on Kushina, who had a solemn look on her face. The vitality in her body was absorbed by the black rod and slowly sent into the body of the heretic demon, forming a subtle connection with each other.

The most powerful Shinra Tianzheng, the most powerful sealing technique Earth Explosion Star, and the control of heretic demons... To use these abilities, you need to pay the price of your lifespan.

This is not an equal exchange, but Nagato cannot perfectly adapt to the Rinnegan, nor can he perfectly use the abilities brought to him by the Rinnegan.

After all, these samsara eyes belong to Uchiha Madara, and Nagato is only a bloodline of the Uzumaki clan.

However, the price of paying for his life is nothing in Nagato's eyes. In order to make the world peaceful, even if he needs to sacrifice his life, he will not hesitate.

This manifestation of will, this manifestation of will into action, is very similar to Ye Zi. If Ye Zi had not been able to overcome his physical defects, he would have ignored the consumption of his lifespan just to achieve the goal he wanted to achieve. .

When all the black rods were inserted into Nagato's body, the heretic demon suddenly raised its head and roared wildly. The sound was like spring thunder, and along with the roar, the explosion of chakra also reached its peak.

The entire Konoha Village, including Ye Zi outside the village, was 'baptized' by this chakra fluctuation...

Do you want to go in? Bai Jue turned his head and looked at Ye Zi.

Go. Ye Zi thought thoughtfully, his body melting into the tree trunk and disappearing.

Seeing this, Bai Jue also merged into the tree trunk.

The two of them used the earth ephemera technique and headed towards the Konoha Village.

Now that everyone is attracted by the heretic demon, it provides the two of them with excellent hiding conditions. However, if the two of them want to hide, few people can find them.

The powerful roar disappeared into the clear sky, but it left a shadow in the hearts of most people.

This seemingly extremely terrifying monster is more of a paper tiger. Without the chakra of the Nine-Tails, the effect that the Heretic Golem can have is very limited.

Currently, there are two ways that Nagato can capture the Nine-Tails with the help of the heretic demon, one is the restraint chain materialized by chakra, and the other is the chakra dragon sealed by the phantom nine dragons.

Kushina, his target is you, you get out of here first. Minato, who was halfway through the treatment, dodged and came to Kushina's side.

The opponent's purpose is clear, they want Kyuubi, so it is best to let Kushina leave, and then gather all the power of the village to attack Nagato.

Hearing Minato's words, Kushina was silent and did not respond. It was precisely because she knew that the other party was coming for her that she would not choose to leave.

Nagato also heard Minato's words, and immediately thought of Minato's Flying Thunder God Technique. If Minato ran away with the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, he really wouldn't be able to catch the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

He looked indifferent, and with a thought, the heretic demon opened its ferocious mouth, and chakra dragons sprang out one after another. There were nine in total. After condensing and forming outside, they suddenly spread out and moved toward the enemy at extremely fast speeds. The surrounding Konoha ninjas left.

This dragon body, which is similar to the art of spiritual transformation, is even faster than Ye Zi's spirit body. It attacks the surrounding Konoha ninjas without any warning. In a few breaths, the nine dragon spirit bodies pass through He killed the bodies of dozens of Konoha ninjas.

In just one glance, the souls of dozens of Konoha ninjas were pulled out, and then integrated into the dragon spirit body, becoming nourishment to make it grow stronger.

During this wave of offensive, a dozen Konoha ninjas reacted quickly and escaped in time. When they saw the cruel scene, their expressions became extremely ugly.

Instead of attacking Kushina directly, he released the Chakra Dragon sealed by Phantom Nine Dragons to attack other Konoha ninjas. This was not a demonstration...

Escape, or stay...

The question that Nagato suddenly realized turned into a multiple-choice question for Kushina.

If Minato wanted to escape with Kushina, he would really have no choice. After realizing this problem, he chose to start a massacre of Konoha ninjas. If necessary, he could also destroy Konoha. .

So, this becomes a multiple-choice question.

The dragon spirit body cannot be resisted by tangible materials. It can penetrate any material, and only sealing techniques can be used to deal with them.

However, there are basically no Konoha ninjas around who can use sealing techniques. Faced with the attack of the dragon spirit body, defensive escape techniques are ineffective, and the dragon spirit body is so fast that it cannot be guarded or escaped. Lose.

Shisui and Itachi's expressions were ugly, both of them had opened their kaleidoscope eyes.

I won't leave. The silent Kushina gritted her teeth and responded to Minato with a firm tone.

Immortal mode...on!

Beautiful aqua eyes overlapped in Kushina's eyes, and two half-crescent lines extended diagonally from both sides of her nose.

In the sealed space, Jiuwei's claws grasped the railing, looking at the darkness ahead with an indifferent expression, and his strange eyes were full of hostility.

He was hesitating and hesitating...

The appearance of the heretic demon and the chakra of other tailed beasts were like a key appearing out of thin air, floating in Kushina's heart.

This key is what Kushina has been pursuing. With it, a door can be opened.

Right now, she couldn't get the key because it required Kyuubi to be delivered to her.

Seeing Kushina's sage mode, Minato and Tsunade were slightly shocked.

Did you succeed...the Immortal Mode of Shiggou Forest?

In the past few months of training, Kushina did not tell the two of them about the progress. This sudden appearance showed the results of the training.

After turning on the sage mode, the light red tailed beast coat quietly emerged and wrapped Kushina's body. In the sage mode, she could only maintain the tailed beast coat, which was why she could not disrupt the transformation of chakra. the extent to which it can be achieved through the process.


Nine golden chains sprang out from behind Kushina, like the tail of the Nine Tails, heading towards the dragon spirit that was raging everywhere.

This diamond chain can not only control the tailed beast, but also seal the spirit body when used by Kushina. It is most suitable to use it to deal with the nine dragon spirit bodies at this time.

At the same time, Shisui and Itachi's chakra also exploded...!

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