Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 560 Destruction

The powerful heretic demon has the conditions to make the enemy timid. Turning around and running away is the best choice, but Konoha ninjas have no retreat. This is their home. There is no retreat, and they cannot be afraid. Instead, they must face the enemy head-on. To a terrible enemy.

The dragon spirit body is extremely terrifying. It is equivalent to the spiritual transformation technique used by nine Ye Zi, and it is faster and more ruthless in extracting souls. It can be used in group battles, which can be said to have an overwhelming sense of presence.

Fortunately, Kushina, who is good at sealing techniques, has the ability to restrain the dragon spirit body. When the sealing team cannot be temporarily mobilized, she is the only one who can reduce casualties.

Then, there are many more reasons why we cannot escape.

The nine golden chains, driven by thoughts, spread out and headed towards the dragon spirit body. However, the Konoha ninja who was stared at by Nagato wanted to risk his life to stop the heretic demon, but conventional ninjutsu could not resist it. Dragon spirits, even if they want to risk their lives, they will achieve nothing.

After understanding this, all they can do now is to avoid it as much as possible, and even move closer to Kushina's position.

Nagato didn't know whether Kushina's golden chain could work on the dragon spirit body, but seeing that Kushina's goal was clear, just in case, he controlled the heretic demon and spit out something very similar to Kushina's diamond chain. Similar chains.

The same nine are fighting against each other, dancing in the air like a group of snakes.

When Kushina saw this, her eyes narrowed. When the diamond chain she controlled was about to wrap around the dragon spirit body, she was entangled by the chain of the heretic demon.

There was a loud clang, a clanking sound of iron ropes colliding, and the chains on both sides suddenly tightened.

Caught. Nagato's expression was cold, and the dragon spirit continued to attack the Konoha ninja present, while trying to pull Kushina over.

At this time, two quite powerful chakras burst out, but it was Itachi, Shisui, and Susanoo!

The special technique that resides in the kaleidoscope eye can transform chakra into a giant. It is Susanoo, who has absolute defensive capabilities and extremely powerful attack power.

The green warrior giant and the orange-red skeleton giant, one on the left and one on the right, stood in front of everyone, like two door gods guarding Konoha.

Shisui's green Susanoo's spiritual weapon is the spiral spear, while Itachi Susanoo's spiritual weapon is the Juken Sword and the Yata Mirror.

At the cost of consuming their life force, the two transformed into giants, each holding a spiritual weapon, and rushed towards the heretic demon.

Judging from the appearance, Itachi's Susanoo is made up of bones as a whole, while Shisui's Susanoo is covered with a layer of armor with distinct layers. It is obvious that the two sides have different levels of mastery.

Although Susanoo's size is not as large as that of the Heretic Golem, it is not far behind. The body made of chakra is not a pure energy body, but a huge physical body.

When rushing towards the outside demon statue, every time his feet hit the ground, there would be a loud bang and the ground would tremble slightly.

Yata mirror!

When he was still some distance away from the heretic demon, Itachi transformed the incorporeal 'Yatata Mirror' in his hand into a fire-escape property, forming a string of three magatama connected by chakra lines, and then threw it towards the heretic demon. .

The flaming three-magatama rotated rapidly, like Nezha's wind and fire wheel, exuding scorching heat, and came to the front of the heretic demon in the blink of an eye.

Nagato raised his eyes and saw no movement. The flying three-magatama flame was suddenly controlled by an invisible force and forcibly changed its direction. It passed by the heretic demon, flew for a certain distance, and landed on the ground. Caused a huge explosion.

Seeing this, Itachi's expression became slightly solemn, and he suddenly turned around, raised the Ten Fist Sword in his hand, and stabbed a dragon spirit in the air.

The blade stabbed the dragon spirit body accurately, creating a huge suction force and sucking the dragon spirit body into the blade.


The moment the dragon spirit body disappeared, Nagato felt that the connection between them was directly disconnected. A coldness flashed in his eyes. With a thought, more chains continued to emerge from the mouth of the heretic demon and headed towards Kushina. .

The target is the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, as for the others...

Shisui's green Susanoo did not use the spiral spear to attack the chains of the heretic golem, and the dragon spirit body could not penetrate Susanoo's body surface and attack him directly.

Just like Nagato's target is Kushina, his target is the heretic demon.

The giant's steps seem slow, but one step goes a long way.

When Nagato and Kushina were wrestling, when Itachi was concentrating on dealing with the dragon spirit body with the Ten Fist Sword, Shisui wanted to directly attack Nagato standing on top of the heretic demon statue.

If he hadn't used the other gods on the puppet before, which prevented him from using it again for a short time, otherwise he would have used Susanoo to get close and then used the other gods to deal with Nagato.

Seeing Shisui approaching, Nagato suddenly showed a cold smile.

More chains headed towards Kushina, but they clung to the tangled chains in the middle.

This feeling is like a house built on the seaside. Because of the approaching typhoon, ropes as thick as an arm are tied around it. Later, it feels that it is not stable enough, so it is tied around again.

After Kushina appeared, Nagato had made it clear.

His Kushina.


The spiral spear came through the air.

Nagato's eyes suddenly widened, and at the same time as he recovered the dragon spirit body, the maximum amount of Shinra Tenzheng, accompanied by powerful chakra, suddenly burst out!

The terrifying force that is so strong that it cannot be resisted, along with the air, is pushed around. It is like an extremely hard transparent glass wall, pushed by a pair of divine hands, and crashes into the surroundings at an extremely fast speed, destroying everything along the way. Things are isolated on the mirror surface, and then pushed forward with unparalleled force.

Shisui who was the closest, the tip of the spiral spear thrust towards him, was directly crushed into nothingness by the power of Shinra Tensei, and then the full force hit Susanoo's body, knocking him away easily.

Itachi who is dealing with the dragon spirit body, the Konoha ninjas approaching Kushina, Minato and the others who are observing the battle and thinking about how to attack, as well as the dust on the ground, lifeless corpses, seriously injured people, anything , any life form, even the air, was blown away.

This time, Shinra's Tianzheng was stronger and more fierce than ever before.

A bird flying in the air shattered into a stream of blood mist, like a mosquito swatted to death by transparent glass, and spread to other areas of Konoha Village along with the people and dust below.

Except for Kushina, who was forcibly held by the heretic demon with a chain, and the spirit dragon body.

All the Konoha ninja present were blown away by Shinra Tenzheng.

Not only was the strength astonishing, but the speed was also extremely fast. It soon affected the Konoha ninjas on the periphery, turning the houses into ruins and mashing them into a ball, being pushed further away by the invisible shovel.

Not a trace of man-made screams could be heard.

Because... the force that forcibly changed the terrain of the entire Konoha Village, the noise caused swallowed up the screams and panic that Konoha ninjas frequently made.

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