Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 561 Key

Countless buildings turned into ruins and accumulated into huge waves. When the power of Shinra Tenzheng weakened, the ruins like huge waves were also pushed outside the village of Konoha.

Ye Zi and Bai Jue, who were hiding underground, were not affected, but even if they didn't look, they knew what was happening in Konoha now.

The Shinra Tensei used by Nagato this time was stronger than the one used to destroy the Taki Ninja Village.

The level of Shinra Tensei can be great or small. It is undoubtedly the most powerful one Nagato has ever used, but it has not yet reached the highest limit.

At this time, he was struggling with the Nine-Tailed Jinchuriki. In order to have some remaining strength, Nagato still held back in the end and did not use the power of the Shinra Tensei to its fullest.

However, this was reserved. Shinra Tensei, who wanted to clear the scene, destroyed four-fifths of Konoha in the blink of an eye.

No one can react and deal with or resist. The people who died unfortunately did not see the tragic situation of Konoha Village. There are not many people who survived this Shinra Tianzheng. At this time, they were able to struggle from the ruins. When they got up, they all stood there with bewildered faces when they saw the miserable state of the village.

In their understanding, this may already be called the power of God.


After the effect of Shinra Tenzheng disappeared, the sequelae were also revealed. Nagato vomited blood directly, and his clothes were immediately soaked in blood.

His breath became slightly messy, as if he had consumed a lot of energy, and his previously pale skin seemed to have lost its luster, and his eye sockets were slightly sunken, making him look about ten years older in an instant.

What supported all of this was life span and vitality. After spitting out blood, Nagato endured the unbearable pain and actually showed a cold smile.

The person who was in the way is gone, and we are closer to the dream that we will not hesitate to do even at the cost of our lives...

Deep obsession and strong will are all reflected in this blood-soaked smile.

The chains suddenly collapsed even tighter, but the chains spit out from the mouth of the heretic demon began to shrink back. Kushina, who was shaken by the tragedy of Konoha, could not resist the power of the heretic demon, and her feet were Deep grooves were drawn on the ground, and they were pulled away bit by bit.

Sage mode plus tailed beast transformation...the power generated by the fusion of the two, as well as the sealing properties of the diamond chain, seemed to be difficult to resist the chains of the heretic demon at this moment.

The most important thing in the heart collapsed and fell. The sadness and anger of countless lives, withering in an instant before their eyes, could easily tear the people who love this place into pieces.

It is precisely because of the immortal mode of perception that one can clearly feel the passing of each life at the moment when the Shinra Tianzheng broke out.

It's like a picture called Cruelty, unfolding in front of you as quickly as possible.

How dare you...!

An extremely angry voice burst out from Kushina's mouth, but the pronunciation of Byte became very unclear due to the uncontrollable anger.

The anger on his face was so thick that it was difficult to dissipate, and it gradually turned into a bone-chilling murderous intention.

Seeing Kushina's emotions fluctuating violently, but still not being affected by the nine tails in her body, Nagato could see that Kushina, as a Jinchuuriki, had indeed suppressed the tailed beast perfectly.

However, in Nagato's view, when the chain wrapped around Kushina's chain, when the Konoha ninjas were cleared of the scene at the cost of their lifespan, the deal was already done.

However, Nagato, who thought the matter was a foregone conclusion, did not know that there was a dangerous person lurking in the dark, far beyond his ability to detect, but capable of launching a fatal attack on him at any time.

Survival of the fittest, the mantis in front, the oriole in the back, this easy-to-understand example shows the cold and ruthless meaning.

When the oriole reaches out to peck, the mantis will never know that there is a hunter hiding behind it that can pose a fatal crisis to it. And when the oriole is about to feast, it will never know that there is a poisonous snake hiding behind it.

The strength given to the body by the anger is still difficult to resist the power of the heretic demon.

At this time, Kushina was pulled towards the heretic demon little by little, her speed slowly increased, and she was aware of the crisis.

I know that I should calm down at this time, but even if I think so, it is still difficult to calm down the anger in my heart.

How to calm down the anger caused by four-fifths of the village being razed to the ground?

Not only Kushina was furious, but every village looking at the current situation was filled with overwhelming anger from the bottom of their hearts.

When the Shinra Tensei erupted, Minato could use the Flying Thunder God Technique to dodge, but he didn't expect the range to be so large this time. He was also affected by an accident, but fortunately his injuries were not serious.

There may not be many people who died, but almost everyone was injured, lightly or seriously, and many people were on the verge of death. However, those who were able to stand up and still had the strength to fight, were full of anger and turned toward Jiu. Shinna and Nagato left.

Tsunade stood up from the ruins and stared at the miserable state of the village. Without any hesitation, she released all her chakra...

Minato took the Konoha ninjas who could still fight and rushed towards Kushina as quickly as possible, pushing the Shinra Tensei, which had changed the entire terrain, and even the Flying Thunder God mark left behind, to the edge of the village.

The unmatched force could destroy almost the entire Konoha Village, but the Heretic Golem was able to hold Kushina in place. This shows how powerful the chain extending from the mouth of the Heretic Golem is.

In front of this power, Kushina was pushed towards the cliff little by little. In sage mode, she could materialize hundreds of chakra chains, but the quality did not change at all.

The power that nine chains and hundreds of chains can deliver remains unchanged. In the tug-of-war with the heretic demon, she is completely at a disadvantage.

what to do…

Kushina bit her lip, a trace of blood leaking out.

If it weren't for the Sage Mode and the Tailed Beast Coat, she would have been pulled away without any resistance and would have been injured by Nagato's Shinra Tensei.

The cold crisis enveloped Kushina's whole body, but it could not extinguish the anger in her heart.

At this extremely dangerous moment, Kyuubi's consciousness and Kushina's consciousness established a subtle connection.

Kushina stood in front of the cage and Kyuubi was behind the cage.

Let's cooperate.

Kyuubi looked at the woman outside the prison quietly, with no trace of hostility in his eyes.

At Kushina's most dangerous moment, he took the initiative to hand the key to Kushina.

What's the reason?

No need to think too much now, the anger in Kushina's heart seemed to be temporarily isolated, and she suddenly showed a touching smile.

As a Jinchuuriki, Kushina was influenced by the previous Jinchuuriki. From the moment the Kyuubi was sealed into her body, she actually completely accepted the Kyuubi.

Kyuubi actually knows this very well, and perhaps this is the most critical key.


Hello everyone, my name is Handsome Purple Pig.

Well, this month, I’m not competing for the monthly vote award, but I didn’t expect that there would be so many lovely babies voting for me.

But I know the monthly pass is gone.

So, I hope that from now on, this month's monthly votes, I hope everyone will vote for Dragon Ball: Master Wuten

Because, last month, I fell in front of a guy who swiped two thousand yuan. I will tell you, did that guy start swiping again this month? He is simply crazy.

Now Dragon Ball's Wu Tian Grandmaster is being bitten hard, everyone should give him a helping hand, so that the grievances of a short and poor silk player like Zi Zhu can be released in front of the RMB warriors!

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