Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 563 The shadow appears in the light

Although it is not clear what caused Kushina's power to surge.

Now at the most critical moment, even if most of the vitality is taken away, even if decades of life are consumed, it doesn't matter.

Nagato's expression became fierce, his cheeks continued to sag at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his skin became darker and duller, looking as if he hadn't slept for three days and three nights.

Vitality was continuously injected into the body of the heretic demon, and the chains that had stopped moving started to move again. The power of the heretic demon suddenly increased at this time, and Kushina was unexpectedly pulled up in the air without noticing.

At the critical moment, a pair of big golden hands formed on Kushina's shoulders. She pressed them against the ground, causing dust to fly, but she still couldn't stop her figure from being pulled over.

Once again, the heretic demon was strengthened at the expense of lifespan and damage to the body. Even if Kushina's sage mode and nine-tails mode were superimposed to increase the powerful power, it was unable to compete with the power of the heretic demon at this time, and was forced Pulled and pulled away.

The distance between them quickly shortened to about three hundred meters.

Nagato's chest rose and fell rapidly, and the burden on his body kept getting worse. Every time it was like a bellows blowing, blood kept dripping from the corners of his lips, but his expression was always extremely calm, but his eyes kept flashing. The light showed the unrest in his heart.

This way, it's over. Extending his right hand to the struggling Kushina, Nagato opened his eyes and chakra burst out.

All things are attracted by heaven!

Kushina, who was struggling, was like an overpowered camel, being sucked in by Nagato without any resistance.

For a moment, Kushina and Kurama were shocked. They both knew that once they were sucked in, the outcome would not just be as simple as the two of them dying.

Three hundred meters, two hundred meters, one hundred meters...

Time seemed to slow down, and dust particles flying in the air were faintly visible.

As long as the nine tails are absorbed, the seals of all tailed beasts will be completed. By then, even if the physical condition becomes very bad, there is no need to fear the remaining vitality of Konoha.

At the critical moment, Kushina and Nine Lamas were helpless.

At this moment, a golden figure came quickly and intercepted Kushina from the air. Like an eraser, it instantly wiped Kushina's figure into nothingness.

That golden figure was clearly Minato among the many Konoha ninjas, the only one who could come to support him. He was one of the few who could withstand the Shinra Tensei and still maintain fighting power, and he was also the fastest one.

At this most critical moment, he hugged Kushina from the air, and then took Kushina directly to transfer with the Flying Thunder God Technique and left here.

If anyone else could help Kushina get rid of the chains of the heretic demon in this situation, it would be Obito besides Minato.

Taking Kushina to move one kilometer away, Nagato tried his best, exhausted his energy and lost his vitality. At the last moment when he was about to capture the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, he was destroyed by the Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

This technique, which had disgusted him since the beginning of the war, made him fall short.

The target just disappeared out of thin air. The heretic demon's chain lost its target and retracted into its mouth at an extremely fast speed.

Nagato looked at Kushina and Minato who were one kilometer away, his face suddenly turned gray and became very ugly, either unwilling or angry.

Ye Zi, Kushina, and Minato were the mainstays born in Konoha's last 'Era of Jade'. Now all three of them have become the top masters in the ninja world. In the sage mode of the three holy places, they came from Konoha. The Sannin inherited a purer heritage.

The Sage Mode of the Shiggy Bone Forest can make Kushina's self-healing ability in battle reach a terrifying level. Coupled with the Yin Seal Release and Nine-tailed Chakra, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is an invincible Xiaoqiang.

The Sage Mode of Mt. Myoboku can increase Minato's chakra amount, and allow Minato, who is not a perception type, to gain a wide range of perception capabilities. In terms of ability, it is also greatly enhanced.

The Immortal Mode of Ryūchi Cave combines the advantages of the Shiky Bone Forest and Miaomu Mountain Immortal Modes, but is slightly weakened.

In a sense, the three of them were neck and neck, and none of them were ninjas that could be defeated easily.

Nagato was in poor condition at this time, and when he faced Kushina and Minato, as well as some of the Konoha ninjas that followed, he saw an obvious disadvantage and seemed to be in defeat.


Minato looked at Kushina's golden chakra coat with slight surprise, and gave her a slight gesture with his eyes.

Sensing Minato's eyes, Kushina understood in her heart that she had been a team member and had cooperated many times, so she had a sufficient sense of understanding.

Clang Clang…

Countless golden chains sprang out from behind Kushina. There were more than a hundred. Under the control of her thoughts, they filled the air behind her. At a glance, it was quite spectacular.

Minato took out a jutsu kunai and threw it at a 45° angle. The force was not strong and the flying speed was slow, and he immediately formed a seal.

Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!

The art kunai turned into hundreds of kunai in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Kushina controlled hundreds of diamond chains and locked the kunai in them.

Kushina's terrifying chakra control ability was perfectly displayed at this moment. Each diamond chain successfully held a kunai.

After the simple arrangement, Minato took the lead and rushed towards the heretic demon, but Kushina stopped in place, with hundreds of diamond chains forming a golden spider web in the air.

Nagato didn't know what kind of cooperation Kushina and Minato could make, but the Flying Thunder God Technique was extremely difficult, and if he wasn't careful, the opponent would catch the opportunity.

The situation is very serious…

Semi-fusion with the outside demon can increase the power of catching the nine-tailed jinchuriki, but it loses mobility. If it weren't for Minato's difficult Flying Thunder God technique, the nine-tailed jinchuriki would have been sucked into the outside demon by him. middle.

This is also true. The chains that Kushina in Kyuubi mode and Sage mode cannot resist can be easily broken by Minato's flying thunder god technique. It must be said that the characteristics of time and space ninjutsu can create a lot of possibility.

Seeing Minato and Kushina reorganize their offensive, Nagato gritted his teeth, a look of madness suddenly appeared in his eyes. If he continued... he would probably run out of gas, but right now, he had no choice.

Far away from the battlefield, two people suddenly emerged from the ground.

It seems that it failed. Bai Jue said calmly.

Ye Zi had no expression on his face, and suddenly looked sideways to the right. A team of ten people was about to rush to support Kushina, but unfortunately they met Ye Zi and Bai Jue who chose to reveal their whereabouts.

Being able to survive the Shinra Tianzheng and being able to fight, apart from strength, is luck.

You are...Ye Zi! Seeing Ye Zi's sudden appearance, even the ten Konoha ninjas who had experienced battles for a long time and had good psychological endurance could not help but look horrified.

Before his thoughts could be completely released, Ye Zi took a quick look and saw ten thorns stabbing out from in front of them without any warning, piercing through their chests.

Nowadays, even jonins are no longer on the same level as masters like Ye Zi, Kushina, and Minato.

After killing ten unlucky Konoha ninjas in seconds, Ye Zi was probably able to sense the tragic situation in Konoha Village, and was also able to sense the powerful chakra fluctuations erupting in several places.

One is on Kushina's side, and the other is on the edge of Konoha Village.

Should we say that he lacks strength or is unlucky? Ye Zi said to himself coldly.

Bai Zetsu gloated and said, Perhaps both. After all, the Yellow Flash's Flying Thunder God Technique is indeed difficult to deal with, and if the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki hadn't exploded at the critical moment, it would have been absorbed by the heretic demon before the Yellow Flash arrived. Alright.

As long as Nagato is given one more second, the extreme situation will be in favor of Nagato. Unfortunately, there is no what if...

Ye Zi was silent, looking in the direction of Kushina with an expressionless face.

Very strong should not be underestimated.


I have to continue to study comics.

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