Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 564: The future direction (two in one)

He is not the only one who keeps making strides forward.

After no contact for a long time, Kushina has become so strong now.

Ye Zi looked in that direction with cold eyes, and Bai Jue appeared so abruptly, but he was very confident.

It was determined that the Nagato Council would fail. This was the reality.

Unfortunately, there will always be people who fall on the road to their respective goals, and depending on the size of the goal, those who fall will not have the chance to stand up again.

The appearance of Ye Zi and Bai Jue was like a yellow light that turned on in vain in the hearts of Kushina and others. The car had already crossed the stop line and could not stop when the yellow light turned to red.

Kushina and Minato sensed Ye Zi and were slightly shaken. Thinking of the relationship between the enemy in front of them and Ye Zi, all they could do was to deal with Nagato first.

Nagato did not have the perception ability of Kushina and Minato Sage, so he was not aware of the poisonous snake Ye Zi.

Nagato, who is in danger, has little chance of regaining his disadvantage. If his ability is used to capture the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, it will most likely be restrained by the Flying Thunder God. This is very helpless. Without Minato's Flying Thor, the situation should not have reached this point where everything is almost at an end.

Bad luck...or so to speak.

For example, Ye Zi, if he had been less lucky along the way, he might have turned into a corpse long ago.

Staring at the offensive organized by Kushina and Minato, Nagato's only remaining method was the Earth Blast Star. In his current state, if this move could not seal the matter, he would be defeated. People will be him.

This is the only chance. The Earth Blast Star's range is large enough, but it takes a while to form, and the possibility of being evaded is very high. We can only take the risk and wait for them to get close before using it. Nagato's thoughts were spinning rapidly.

It takes a certain amount of time for the Earth Blast Star to generate suction until it draws the target into the center of the seal. In theory, Minato, who can use the Flying Thunder God Technique, can also easily avoid the Earth Blast Star with Kushina.

Nagato's sharp eyes gradually calmed down and he stared at Minato who was rushing towards him.

Although he almost knows the characteristics of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, if it is used properly, it can perform a variety of offensives. It is often unpredictable what method Minato will use at the next moment to maximize the value of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu. Extreme.

At this moment, what is the function of the art kunai that is locked in the chain of the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki?

In a battle where every second is extremely precious, many times there is no time to think.

When he was less than a hundred meters away from Nagato, Minato suddenly formed a seal, and while running quickly, he separated into a shadow clone.

When there was not much chakra left, the choice of creating a shadow clone was very risky, but of course he had some plans and needed a shadow clone to support him in making this choice.

After creating a shadow clone, the two Minatos suddenly separated from each other and took out smoke bombs at the same time!

Bang bang!

The smoke bomb, which had little use, fell on the ground in front of him, and suddenly raised a burst of thick white smoke, cutting off Nagato's sight.

Aiming at the vision of the reincarnation eye...

Nagato reacted quickly, releasing a small wind release at a very fast speed, sweeping away the smoke, but saw two Minato, after losing the cover of the smoke, throwing two kunai at Nagato at the same time.

The kunai marked with the Flying Thunder God's mark cut through the air.

Nagato frowned slightly. He was now in a semi-fused state with the Heretic Golem, and his mobility was severely lacking. However, without the chakra of the Kyuubi, the Heretic Golem was at most a fixed turret.

The restraining chains suddenly danced, knocking away the two flying kunai, breaking this painless offensive.

Nagato was very patient, this was his last chance, and he had to wait until the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki was close before he could use the Earth Blast Star.

After the art kunai was bounced away, the two Minato still took the risk to move to the kunai in the air, and were able to accurately hold the handle of the kunai while the kunai was spinning rapidly.

After the two Minatos grasped the kunai, they were within the bounding chains of the heretic demon.

How could Nagato miss this opportunity? The restraining chains directly wrapped around the two Minatos who were in the air and lost their mobility. However, when the chains tied the two Minatos, they both moved the kunai in their hands fifty meters at the same time. Nagato shot past.

A total of four art kunai formed a square formation and flew directly to Nagato.

Bang bang!

When the art kunai left his hand, Nagato controlled the chain and directly strangled the two Minatos. However, the two Minatos turned into a burst of white smoke.

Upon seeing this, Nagato's face darkened, and he decisively used the less powerful Shinra Tensei on the four kunai, directly knocking the four kunai away.

Minato was missing, but the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki remained hundreds of meters away without any movement, but Nagato was alert and immediately formed the Jutsu Seal of the Earth Blast Star with his hands.

The next second, two figures appeared in different places, and it was Minato.

One appeared next to Kushina, and the other, at some point, came a hundred meters behind the heretic demon.

It was Minato's decision to strike from behind.

When Nagato summoned the Heretic Golem, the chakra fluctuations that erupted were indeed extremely terrifying. However, after that, Minato was keenly aware that the Heretic Golem had not moved since it came out. Therefore, he thought that there was something wrong with the Heretic Golem. Cause and couldn't move, so he decided to attack from behind.

The reason why the shadow clones were created was to bring Kushina to his side as soon as possible, and the smoke bombs and the clones strangled by chains were just a cover-up.

Minato appeared next to Kushina, stretched out his hand to hold Kushina down, and used the flying thunder god technique to bring Kushina to Minato who came behind the heretic demon.

Kushina, who had been prepared for a long time, controlled hundreds of diamond chains and attacked the heretic demon. At this time, Minato didn't have much chakra left, but at least he was still able to cooperate with Kushina to launch a battle. wave offensive.

The distance of fifty meters is not far, it can even be said to be within the blink of an eye.

But Nagato, who had prepared in advance, threw the core of the Earth Blast Star into the sky before Kushina's diamond chain struck.

The black gaze ball, containing terrifying chakra fluctuations, flew into the air.

At the same time, there were not a hundred chains emerging from the mouth of the heretic demon, but forty or fifty. With the help of the vision of the reincarnation eye, they turned a corner to face Kushina's chains.

Minato, who moved Kushina to his side, had no intention of being idle. The jutsu kunai fastened to the diamond chain was for his service.

Clang, clang, clang!

The chains of both sides were entangled again, but Kushina's chains were more numerous. Finally, several chains passed through the chains of the outside demon and flew directly to Nagato.

The chains arrived in the blink of an eye, but Nagato ignored these chains and looked up at the core of the Earth Blast Star in the sky.


Minato and the shadow clones moved to the chains close to Nagato. When the chains were about to be tied to Nagato, Minato and the shadow clones also accumulated natural energy, preparing to bombard Nagato.

If Nagato hadn't been able to absorb chakra, Minato would have chosen to use the Wind Release Shuriken.

All things are attracted by heaven!

Shura arm!

The invisible force accurately controlled one of the Minatos and threw him onto the other Minato. At the same time, an arm grew out from behind Nagato and grabbed the flying Vajra chains, defusing this wave of attacks.

At this time, after the core of the Earth Explosion Star was in place, a powerful suction force burst out without warning.

Huh? Minato and Kushina were suddenly surprised.

The ground suddenly burst open and turned into huge pieces of soil, flying into the air.

The gravel and gravel are like drizzle, rushing towards the small black ball in the air. The soil layer may be heavier, so compared with the small gravel, it is sucked into the air at a slower speed.

Minato was a shadow clone who was controlled by Nagato's Vientiane Tension. When it hit Minato's body, it exhausted the last trace of chakra and disappeared. Minato's body was in the air, held up by a huge layer of soil. Fly into the air.

The same was true for Kushina. The ground beneath her feet turned directly into a piece of soil and was sucked into the air by a powerful force.

The fine sand and gravel were first sucked into the air and quickly formed a round stone ball. As more and more stones and sand stuck to the stone ball, it suddenly grew larger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This suction force was astonishing, but the Heretic Golem and Nagato remained motionless, as if they were not affected by this suction force.

Minato and Kushina were unable to resist the suction force, and were lifted into the air by the soil. The chains entangled between Kushina and the heretic demon were tightened and would not separate, forcing Kushina to resist. Stopped the suction.

But in this way, Kushina was unable to move and became a target. As for Minato, he became farther and farther away from Kushina.

The decision is often made in a split second.

Minato doesn't have much chakra left now. He can move to Kushina's side, but he can't take her away from the range of the Earth Blast Star, but he can take Kushina to get rid of the control of the chains of the heretic demon.

The Earth Explosion Star was originally aimed at Kushina. Seeing Kushina being controlled in the air, Nagato immediately controlled the dragon spirit body and headed towards Kushina.

Although the original intention was to seal Kushina into the Earth Blast Star and then use the dragon spirit body to absorb the Kyuubi's chakra, now was a good opportunity and Nagato would not let it go.

His choice also contributed to Minato's choice.

When the dragon spirit body flew towards Kushina, who was stagnant in the air due to the interaction between the suction force and the chain, Minato moved to Kushina's side first, and then moved Kushina a hundred meters away, inside his body The chakra is also announced to the end.

Minato's actions freed Kushina from the momentary danger, but he and Kushina were still within the range of the Earth Blast Star.

Within a moment, both of them were sucked into the air.

I don't have much chakra. Minato made a gesture, which was the gesture he used to tell Kushina that he didn't have much chakra when forming a team.

After seeing Minato's gesture, Kushina nodded slightly, took back the diamond chain, leaving only one, and rolled Minato to her side.

Originally, the chakra in the nine-tails mode could create a pair of big hands, which could be used to hold Minato to give stronger protection, but now she cannot control the power well. If she uses the big chakra hands to hold Minato, it is very likely that she will He directly crushed Minato to death, so he could only use the diamond chains to close the distance between them as much as possible.

Not knowing the ability of the Earth Explosion Star at all, the two of them could only be sucked into the stone ball in the air.

Soon, Kushina and Minato were pressed heavily against the stones in the air. More and more sand and stones came, covering them in the blink of an eye.

The stone balls in the air are getting bigger and bigger, and the holes on the ground are getting bigger and bigger.

The luster in Nagato's eyes gradually dimmed. After using the Earth Blast Star, he no longer had the strength to fight. It had nothing to do with chakra, but because of his body.

If you want to improve this situation, you can only absorb the Nine-Tails Chakra into the Heretic Golem, and then perfectly fuse yourself with the Heretic Golem, so that your severely damaged body can be instantly restored.

This is his only chance...

At this time, the conscious people in Konoha Village, including the Konoha ninjas outside the village who survived the Nagato Shinra Tensei, all opened their eyes wide and looked up at the planet-like stone balls in the sky.

Most people have no idea that Minato and Kushina are imprisoned in the stone ball suspended in the air. Only members of the Hyuga clan can barely discern through their white eyes that Kushina and Minato are inside the stone ball at this time. Inside.

The suction force gradually weakened, and the huge stone ball was as big as a planet, quietly suspended in the sky, and countless fine sand fell to the ground.

Ye Zi Leng looked at the huge stone ball in the air and said calmly: Is that the power of the Samsara Eye?

He saw the Earth Explosion Star for the first time, and felt that this ability had a great visual impact, but if he wanted to use it to kill enemies, he might not be as good as the Tree World Descendant.

Go over there.

Ye Zi walked towards the battlefield on the other side of Nagato step by step, as if strolling in a leisurely courtyard.

Whether Nagato fails or succeeds, he will die in his hands now. This is a predetermined outcome, and the battle between Nagato and Konoha only saves him a lot of energy.

Bai Jue smiled silently and followed Ye Zi. As for Hei Jue, he remained silent and didn't know what he was thinking.


After sealing Kushina into the Earth Blast Star, Nagato was almost exhausted. He violently controlled the dragon spirit body to rise to the Earth Blast Star in the sky. As long as he absorbed the Nine-Tails' chakra, his body would be able to With the help of the outsider demon, he recovered instantly in a short period of time.

Ye Zi may not be aware of this. If Nagato is allowed to complete the seal of the Nine Tailed Beasts on the spot, then Nagato can use the ability of the completely external demon to make it less easy for him to take action.

In fact, with Ye Zi's current strength, he might be defeated by Nagato who had merged with the heretic demon.

Unexpected possibilities, the outcome will be determined whether Nagato succeeds or not.

The dragon spirit body quickly approached the planet suspended in the air and submerged into it, approaching Kushina's position.

The three parties gather here to define the future direction, which will happen at this moment.

If Nagato succeeds, the final result will be a battle between Ye Zi and Nagato, and the other ninja villages will be just decorations.

If Nagato fails, the final result will be a battle between Ye Zi and Konoha. As long as the Nine-Tails Chakra is captured, everything will be over.


After a while, if nothing unexpected happens, the base will be updated three times a day.

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