Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 565: Each Destiny (Two in One)

The pendulum clock of fate is gradually framed with a rest.

After winding it up again, everything will be different.

Black Zetsu's will, Black Zetsu's control.

Ye Zi's will, Ye Zi's future.

The fate of many...

The speed of the fine gravel falling to the ground increased for some unknown reason, and the surface of the floating planet suddenly trembled.

Nagato's eyes were like daggers, and he stared intently at the planet high in the sky. His future was approaching.

The dragon spirit body traveled within the planet, getting closer and closer to Kushina and Minato's location.

Just when the dragon spirit body was about to approach, a burst of chakra suddenly burst out from Kushina's body.

The planet that had just trembled slightly began to vibrate violently. At the same time, Nagato's body trembled, his expression shrank for a moment, and the unbelievable light showed in Samsara's eyes.

The dragon spirit body is sealed...


There was a loud noise, and a huge claw penetrated the rock formations of the planet. Then, a huge head burst out from the planet, but it was the head of Nine-Tails.

Nagato looked at the Kyuubi that had penetrated the Earth Explosion Star and was gradually struggling out. He couldn't help but feel confused. Unexpected despair filled his entire heart in an instant.

At this time, he had run out of gas, and the chance to reverse the situation was to inhale the nine-tailed chakra sealed in the Earth Explosion Star into the outside demon statue. However, the scene in front of him cruelly shattered his thoughts. think.

The future that greeted him was not the world he had been pursuing, but a cruel voice whispering in his ears.

you failed.

As if the devil is whispering, the long journey is about to come to an end, but the city wall is crumbling, and the long-term persistence in the heart is weathered into a pile of loose sand.

Bang bang!

The huge body of the Nine-Tails was raging in the planet, and clear cracks were opened on the surface. It took almost no time to break free from the Earth Explosion Star.

Ye Zi and Bai Jue, who were coming towards Nagato, looked coldly at the Kyuubi who was about to break through the Earth Explosion Star while strolling. In Sage Mode, they could clearly sense the calmness of the Kyuubi's chakra.

This is not the nine-tailed form that Kushina turned into after losing her mind, but the perfect tailed beast transformation formed by the unity of the minds of the jinchuriki and the tailed beast. Only the jinchuriki who can perfectly control the tailed beast can achieve this. .

Now, Kushina has become as good a jinchuriki as Kirabi. It should be said that in terms of ability, she is much better than Kirabi.

It seems that it is not that easy.

Ye Zi looked at the nine tails that had been able to perfectly transform into a tailed beast, and suddenly turned into a stream of thunder and headed towards Nagato.

The future direction has been defined, and the pendulum clock of fate is swinging again.

Nagato failed, so Ye Zi couldn't let Nagato's body fall into Konoha's hands.

Under the gaze of many ninjas in Konoha Village, the planet floating in the sky shattered into countless pieces, and quickly fell to the ground under the pull of gravity.

Every time a boulder hits the ground, it will make an ear-splitting roar, one after another, continuously, and the smoke and dust raised by the boulder will cover the entire area.

Kyuubi stepped on the falling boulder and finally landed firmly on the ground, standing a hundred meters directly in front of Nagato.

The nine tails flicked hard, and the strong wind formed blew the surrounding smoke into the distance. Then, the nine tails' huge body turned into a burst of white smoke, turning into Kushina shrouded in a golden chakra coat, and Minato, who was safe and sound.

Looking at Kushina and Minato, Nagato's face was extremely gloomy. When Kushina escaped from the Earth Blast Star, he had no chance.

What is your purpose in collecting all the tailed beasts? At this time, Minato looked at Nagato and asked in a deep voice.

Nagato's eyes were dim and dull. After hearing Minato's words, he suddenly made a hoarse self-deprecating sound. He just looked at Minato in silence without saying a word.

The vitality in the body has been squeezed out, and even if he wants to risk his life, he can't do it.

The heretic demon without the nine-tailed chakra would not give him a chance to make a comeback, so he could only accept his fate and wait for death.

Seeing Nagato's silence, Minato frowned, and when he was about to continue asking, his slightly opened mouth suddenly closed again.

A black figure was inserted in the middle of the two sides, and the black lightning flow was flowing on the figure's body.

Minato and Kushina were not surprised by Ye Zi's appearance, because they were aware of Ye Zi's arrival before they greeted Nagato's final move.

But Nagato didn't know that Ye Zi was in Konoha. When he saw Ye Zi, he was startled at first, and then showed unwillingness and anger.

Have you been waiting for this moment? Nagato's hoarse voice revealed a deep sense of unwillingness.

Ye Zi just turned his back to Nagato carelessly, stared at Minato and Kushina in front of him, and said coldly: That's right.

What is your purpose... exactly? Nagato's body trembled slightly.

Minato just asked Nagato what his purpose was, and he had no problem with it. But now, when he saw what happened to Ye Zi, he couldn't hold back his doubts and asked Ye Zi what his purpose was, and Ye Zi naturally wouldn't answer.

Ye Zi did not respond to Nagato's question, but quietly looked at Kushina shrouded in a golden chakra coat. Now he had two choices, one was to attack Kushina directly, and the other was to use a long The door and the heretic golem leave here.

If you choose the former, you need to bear a great risk, because even if Nagato's reincarnation eye is captured now, it will take some time for the body to adapt, which may become a factor of failure.

If he chooses the latter, he will take away Nagato and the heretic demons. After adapting for a period of time, he can directly launch a general attack on Konoha and seize the Nine-Tails. He now has an army of clones and an army of dirty soil in his hands, which is enough to easily fight against Konoha. .

Ye Zi considered the pros and cons of these two options.

The former seems to be the fastest and most direct, but it is likely to follow Nagato's footsteps. The latter is safer and has many trump cards in his hand.

Soon, Ye Zi's choice was to lean towards the latter.

Ye Zi... Minato looked at Ye Zi with a solemn expression.

Kushina also looked at Ye Zi with a very complicated look, and at the same time stretched out her hand to press on Minato. Only at this time did she have the opportunity to send chakra to Minato.

In the previous battle, Minato's chakra was exhausted. Now that Ye Zi was present, she had to deliver chakra to Minato immediately so that Minato would not be in trouble because of lack of chakra.

Feeling the constant flow of chakra from Kushina, Minato endured it silently, and then stared at Ye Zi.

After finally defeating a strong enemy, a familiar strong enemy appeared again.

But now that Kushina is transmitting chakra, and Kushina's current nine-tails mode is very strong, even Ye Zi is confident that he will not lose like last time.

The eyes of both parties met in mid-air for a moment, and Ye Zi suddenly moved.

Kushina and Minato suddenly became vigilant and took on a defensive stance like a reflex, but Ye Zi did not go towards them, but instead ducked to Nagato, who had no power to resist.

Nagato's expression was very indifferent, as if he had accepted his impending death.

Ye Zi stood beside Nagato, looked at Nagato sideways, stretched out his hand and grabbed Nagato's neck.

Kushina and Minato were surprised, but the expressions on their faces did not change. Why did Ye Zi take action against Nagato? Aren't they the same organization?

Nagato's neck was stuck and he was gradually unable to breathe. The feeling that his life and death was in the hands of others was even more uncomfortable.

Ye Zi quietly stared at Nagato's cold and suppressed angry expression. With just a slight exertion, Nagato would die in his own hands.

As soon as this thought emerged, the next second, the hand reacted.


Without any warning, he squeezed his hand hard, and without any hesitation, he broke Nagato's neck.

The little life left in Nagato's body quickly passed away. Before he died, he stared at Ye Zi with an extremely terrifying look, as if to say: You will not have a good outcome.

Facing Nagato's terrifying look before his death, Ye Zi did not react at all, his face was indifferent and unmoved.

Seeing Ye Zi kill Nagato so neatly, Kushina and Minato's eyes trembled. They had no idea what the relationship between Ye Zi and Nagato was, and why Ye Zi wanted to kill Nagato. .

Blood bubbles gurgled out from Nagato's mouth, and his sharp and terrifying eyes gradually dimmed, as if all his strength had disappeared, and his head fell weakly to one side.

Kill him. In vain, Bai Jue emerged from Ye Zi's feet. He was actually able to use the art of mayfly on the body of the outside demon, and came directly to Ye Zi's side in this way.

When he first arrived, it was just after Ye Zi killed Nagato.

Such decisiveness made Bai Jue smile habitually.

Ignoring Bai Jue, Ye Zi broke Nagato's neck, retracted his hand, looked down at Kushina and Minato below, and then left with Nagato's body and the heretic demon, even if he immediately removed the Rinnegan now Transplanted into the eye, the heretic demon cannot be taken away from here for a while.

However, Ye Zi has his own way.

Ye Zi!

Kushina called out Ye Zi's name, clenched her fists tightly, her face looked quite calm, but her slightly trembling eyes revealed a trace of unease.

What are you thinking about? And what's your purpose?

She really couldn't understand why Ye Zi was like this.

You will know soon. Ye Zi's eyes were calm. Now, when he was only one step away from his goal, facing this face that was 45% similar to his sister's, he no longer had any so-called hesitation. .

The current Kushina may look like Ye Rui when she grows up...

As we grow older, we have been similar from the beginning to about 40 to 50 minutes now, but it actually has no impact.

After all, in order to achieve that goal, Kushina has only one ending...

Minato suddenly said in a deep voice: The purpose of you and that person is to collect tailed beasts, right?

Although it is unclear why Ye Zi and Nagato collect tailed beasts, it is certain that if Ye Zi's purpose is to collect all tailed beasts, it will definitely pose a threat to Kushina.

Ye Zi did not deny it, nor did he accept it. In fact, this matter was already obvious.

I don't know why you did this, but I will never allow you to hurt Kushina.

Minato's expression was solemn, and his tone was like a cold winter wind, which was in great contrast to his usual gentle whispers.

Maybe the village is unfair to you, but Kushina has always been protecting you, and even made me sad and painful for you countless times. You must know Kushina's feelings for you, but you have always deliberately gone By ignoring it, not only did you fail Kushina, but you also kept hurting her.

You are really a complete bastard. I won't let you succeed even if it costs me my life.

Listening to Minato's words, Ye Zi's lips curved into a sarcastic smile.

On the side, Bai Jue's eyes moved back and forth between the three of them with interest.

There was a trace of imperceptible sadness in Kushina's eyes. Her feelings were conveyed to Ye Zi a long time ago. From that time on, she fully realized that Ye Zi stood on the opposite side of her and was a need. To fight the enemy to the death.

However, even though she affirmed her own will and truly regarded Ye Zi as her enemy, her plan had always been to stop Ye Zi without harming his life.

This has always been my thought, as firm as a mountain, and it will not change no matter what the reason is.

Even if... Ye Zi wants to kill himself.

Ye Zi, are you going to... kill me? Kushina raised her head slightly, the sadness in her eyes was hidden where no one could find it, the expression on her face was very calm, as if she was asking Ye Zi to eat Nothing is the same.

Ye Zi was silent for a moment and said coldly: Do you want to know what I didn't finish when I separated from you on the top floor of the hospital that day?

Tell me. Kushina's eyes trembled.

Ye Zi calmly said: One day, you will know. At that time, maybe... I will kill you.

The tone was very calm, and what he said connected with the unfinished words that day, but it was extremely cold.

do you understand?

Is that so... Kushina's calm expression finally changed, but it was still unresolved sadness.

It turns out...this is the fundamental reason.

So, I can’t get close to your heart no matter what?

Just because... I'm a Jinchuuriki?

Although she didn't understand why Ye Zi wanted to collect tailed beasts, Kushina finally got half the answer to her long-standing doubts.

Kushina's emotional changes can be clearly felt by Kyuubi. He is a bystander from beginning to end. He is aware of the emotional entanglement between Kushina and Ye Zi, and also knows that almost all of Kushina's joys, angers, sorrows and joys originate from Ye Zi.

As a result, the reason why Ye Zi was like this was because he was in Kushina's body.

... Kyuubi remained silent. In order to avoid danger, he cooperated with Kushina. If...

Time passed by second by second, Kyuubi thought that Kushina would be disgusted with her own identity and the self inside her, but it turned out not to be the case.

All Kyuubi felt was deep sadness.

Hmph. Kyuubi snorted coldly in the deserted corner, without being noticed by Kushina.

After finishing the gossip, Ye Zi stretched out his right hand and pressed it on Nagato's body. In the palm of his hand where no one could see it, a gap was opened to form a mouth, which could inhale objects with some ability, like 'divine power' The situation at that time sucked Nagato's body into the palm of his hand.

Seeing Ye Zi's ability for the first time, both Bai Jue and Hei Jue were startled.

This is Nao's ability. When he was in Yunlei Gorge, Ye Zi used this ability to transport Kirabi who was in a coma. The space inside was large enough that even the heretic demons could be temporarily placed inside.

This was Ye Zi's method. Even if he didn't have this ability, he would not hand Nagato's body directly to Bai Jue. This may be a trivial defense in his subconscious.

After sending Nagato's body into the space in his right palm, Ye Zi squatted down and placed his right hand on the head of the outer demon statue.

Next, as long as the heretic demon is sucked into the space, he can leave this place and make subsequent plans.


I finally reached this point in writing, and it is really difficult for me to write later.

I really want to write a more exciting ending, but my pen power is limited, so I’ll do my best.

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