Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 566 Return

The palm of the hand is placed tightly on the head of the Outer Demon Statue, and the mouth, which no one can see, sucks the entire huge body of the Outer Path Demon Statue into Nao's ability space like sucking jelly in about three seconds.

Without the figure of the Heretic Demon, Ye Zi and Bai Jue, who were standing on top of the Heretic Demon, lost their footing, fell from the air, and landed firmly on the ground.

Bai Jue, who had a weird smile on half of his face, was surprised. Hei Jue, who had always been silent, opened his slightly narrowed eyes so wide for the first time.

If it were just to take Nagato's body in, Black Zetsu would be able to accept it, but even the heretic demon...

What exactly is that ability?

Seeing this scene, Black Zetsu felt alert. With this ability, he realized that Ye Zi was not an important chess piece that he had complete control over. Moreover, he also had to first understand how Ye Zi wanted to resurrect Uchiha Madara. After all, Nagato Already dead, and the price for using the heretical art of reincarnation is death...

He didn't think that Ye Zi was willing to use his own life to resurrect Ban.

After stuffing the heretic demon into the space, Ye Zi glanced coldly at Kushina and Minato, who had surprised expressions on their faces. Without saying a word, his body melted into the ground and disappeared, but he used the Mayfly Technique to prepare to leave.

Seeing that Ye Zi didn't even inform him, he used the Mayfly Technique to leave. Bai Jue was helpless and quickly followed him using the Mayfly Technique.

Kushina and Minato just watched Ye Zi and Bai Jue leave. Due to various reasons, they did not pursue them. The main reason was...the other party was Ye Zi.

Using their sage mode perception to confirm that Ye Zi and Bai Jue had really left, Kushina and Minato immediately went to clean up the mess.

Master... Kushina did not hesitate to go to Tsunade first, because she could sense that Tsunade's chakra fluctuations had become extremely weak, like a candle that was about to burn out.

Minato was responsible for organizing a medical team as quickly as possible and rushing out of the village.

The team led by the Third Hokage encountered Nagato's blockage. In a hasty and unprepared manner, it seemed that half of the team members were lost, while the remaining members suffered injuries of varying severity and needed to be treated as soon as possible.

And...the subsequent reconstruction of the destroyed village cannot be restored in a short time, not to mention the financial problem. There is also the most critical problem, and that is Ye Zi.

Although the reconstruction of the village is urgent, it is obvious that Ye Zi's problem is more serious.


After leaving Konoha, Ye Zi and Bai Jue returned to their base as quickly as possible.

Five days later, the two returned to their base.

The first thing Ye Zi did was not to use Nagato's body, but to create an underground space to place the heretic golem.

Even though he had an army of dirty soil and an army of clones in his hands, for the sake of safety, Ye Zi believed that the number of clones was not enough, so after putting down the heretic demon, he immediately asked Orochimaru and Nanako to cooperate and use the heretic demon. Like continuing to breed clones, the more the better.

At the same time, medicines that can enhance clones must be produced simultaneously with the number of clones.

This was a considerable amount of work, but Orochimaru and Nanako didn't say anything and went straight to work.

on the other hand.

Ye Zi wants Bai Jue to go outside and continue to collect information, and he must not let go of any information.

However, Black Zetsu, who rarely spoke, asked directly at this moment: The most critical part of the plan is to resurrect Madara. Nagato is now dead, and the cost of the reincarnation technique is the life of the caster. , how do you want to resurrect Madara?

Hei Jue's question was asked in a hurry, which surprised Ye Zi a little.

Before Ban died, he made it clear that Hei Jue was his will and that everything could be discussed with Hei Jue. However, Ye Zi never relied on Hei Jue. On the contrary, he relied more on Bai Jue's intelligence capabilities.

To put it simply, Hei Jue's presence was quite strong on the first day he appeared. As time went by, Ye Zi almost forgot that Hei Jue was Madara's will.

Hearing Hei Jue's question at this time, Ye Zi could not answer immediately because he had no intention of resurrecting Madara after mastering the reincarnation of the dirty land.

This is indeed the most critical link. Madara must be resurrected.

Ye Zi looked at Hei Jue coldly, but there was still something he had not said in his heart.

This is the most critical part for you, but not for me anymore.

Having already learned from Nao how to use the Heretic Golem to go back, how could he possibly resurrect Madara?

At most, Ban Hui can be used as a useful thug. Perhaps he can also ask Ban what method he wants to use to allow him to go back. That way, there will be one more choice. Why not?

However, the initiative to exercise the plan is in my hands. How to resurrect Madara and when to resurrect Madara, I have my own plan. You only need to obey the orders and do your own thing.

The cold tone left no room for doubt, revealing a hint of domineering.

Bai Jue was rare and quiet, and did not use his slightly out-of-the-box temper to liven up the atmosphere.

Hei Jue narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the indifferent Ye Zi, but didn't say anything.

Go. Ye Zi said coldly.

Received. Bai Jue responded promptly, leaving the place with the silent Hei Jue, following Ye Zi's order to collect intelligence.

After leaving the stronghold, White Zetsu and Black Zetsu, who had different thoughts, stopped in a remote place far away from the stronghold.

Ye Zi's response and reaction all illustrate one problem, that is, Ye Zi has shown signs of going off the rails.

No matter how the plan changes, the final result is to collect all the tailed beasts to complete the most critical step of resurrecting the 'mother'. It doesn't matter whether the container is Madara or someone else.

However, if Madara is used as a container, Black Zetsu will be more confident.

What makes Hei Jue feel unhappy is that Ye Zi now clearly regards them as subordinates who can be manipulated, rather than as executors to complete the plan together.

Thinking of this, Hei Jue's eyes suddenly turned cold and he said coldly: That guy Ye Zi probably won't cooperate honestly.

Bai Jue grinned and said calmly: Nagato is dead. If Ye Zi plans to transplant the Samsara Eye himself, then he will never use his own life to resurrect Madara.

I know. Hei Jue said coldly: But whether he is resurrected or not when the time comes, it won't be up to him.

Bai Jue is also one of the insiders, so he naturally knows where Hei Jue's confidence lies in saying this.

Hmph, if Ye Zi transplants the reincarnation eye, it is an acceptable result. In this way, it will be relatively safer, but he is not willing to reveal too much, so he can only wait and see what happens. Hei Jue snorted a few times, Even if there is a backup plan for the unhappy mood in my heart, it will not dissipate that easily.

He has written the script and wants to control the entire ninja world in the palm of his hand. The direction of the plot should follow his wishes.

However, a rather important and crucial supporting character seems to have lost control, and this is what makes him unhappy.

It doesn't matter, as long as we can successfully resurrect 'Mother'. Black Zetsu thought silently, he was Kaguya's will, and he was responsible for the current ninja world.

This is what he thinks. Unparalleled arrogance is only hidden deep in his heart. At the right time, it will be displayed like a peacock spreading its tail.

Nagato is destined to fail, Uchiha Madara is also destined to fail, and Ye Zi... will definitely fail. Black Zetsu's cold eyes slightly curved into crescents.


In fact, Black Zetsu is AB’s will haha.

I stopped updating yesterday. I'm sorry for you. How about compensation?

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