Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 567 The planned plan

Hei Jue's words seemed to have determined that the results obtained by Ye Zi's life and hard work could only serve as a stepping stone for others.

It's so pitiful. Bai Jue gloated and smiled. He knew the reason for Hei Jue's confidence.

Although he was smiling, what he was thinking in his heart was not the same as Hei Jue. It might not be realistic, but he wanted to see Ye Zi get out of the predetermined outcome and have more possibilities.

Isn't it normal for ninjas to be used as tools? Black Jue said coldly.

That's true... Bai Jue suppressed his smile and started to move after stopping.

This conversation, which Ye Zi will not know about, is coming to an end. At this time, he still has to follow Ye Zi's orders and collect as much information as possible. The more the better, and it is best not to miss anything.

Because this information can increase the success rate of the plan, even if the increase is very small, it is still an increase.

Within the stronghold.

After ordering Bai Jue to go outside to collect intelligence, Ye Zi was not idle either.

Taking back the heretic golem, with the support of eight tailed beast chakras, he can continuously create clones of Hashirama cells. This will be a combat force that cannot be underestimated. In addition, he must also Nagato is a member of the army of dirty soil.

In the bright room, Ye Zi stretched his right palm forward, and a crack appeared in the smooth palm, slowly opening it, revealing a mouth full of fangs.

With a thought, Nagato, who was contained in the space, was spit out, and fell to the ground with a muffled bang.

After releasing Nagato's body, Ye Zi's fingers showed traces of lightning. He walked to Nagato's body and squatted down. With a move of his arm, his fingers passed across Nagato's arm and cut off a piece of flesh. Collect this piece of meat.

The dirty soil only requires a certain amount of DNA tissue, and the piece of flesh cut off is enough, and Ye Zi does not intend to destroy Nagato's body, leaving it to Orochimaru as a dispensable material.

Before handing the body to Orochimaru, Ye Zi took out the Samsara Eye from Nagato's eye and put it into a prepared container.

After taking out the Reincarnation Eye, Ye Zi took out the storage scroll and sealed Nagato's body inside. Then he put away the scroll and was silent while holding the transparent glass bottle containing the Reincarnation Eye.

If you want to control the heretic demon, you need the Samsara Eye...

Ye Zi held up the glass bottle and stared at the Samsara Eye at close range through the light. Even a thin blood streak was clearly visible.

From planning to capture the Samsara Eye to now, Ye Zi has already made a rough plan. He must transplant the Samsara Eye, because he needs the Samsara Eye to control the heretic golem.

However, he was hesitating whether to transplant one or both. He could give up the kaleidoscope in his left eye, but he couldn't make up his mind about the kaleidoscope in his right eye.

Although he despised illusions in the past, as his understanding of the level of power became higher and higher, he gradually began to pay attention to illusions. In the previous battle at Yunlei Gorge, without illusions, he was not sure that he could compete with Yun Jutsu alone. The backbone of Ninja Village.

It can be said that illusion has occupied a large part in Ye Zi's heart.

Even so, under the basic condition that the reincarnation eye must be transplanted, he could directly abandon the kaleidoscope in his left eye, but he still felt the need to keep the kaleidoscope in his right eye.

Considering the next steps in the plan, the plan to transplant a pair of reincarnation eyes was abandoned.

The price for using the heretic reincarnation technique is death. Before I leave, I must resurrect Yan Ye.

Ye Zi murmured to himself, with a thoughtful look on his face. He planned to discard the kaleidoscope in his left eye, transplant a reincarnation eye, and transplant the remaining one to Uchiha Susumu.

The matter of resurrecting Yanye fell on Uchiha Shin.

This matter can be decided easily, but the problem is how to get Uchiha Shin to agree to pay the price of his life to resurrect Yanye?

Using one's own life to fulfill others is not something that can be done easily. Ye Zi does not think Uchiha Jin is willing to do this, but even if Uchiha Jin is not willing, Ye Zi cannot allow Uchiha Jin to refuse.

It's best if you are willing. If you are not willing, you can only use some means. Ye Zi said coldly to himself.

You can force others to do things they don't want to do, you can use coercion, but after all, there are emotional factors involved, and simple coercion cannot reassure Ye Zi.

The simplest and crudest method is to use illusions to directly control Uchiha Shin and use the reincarnation technique to resurrect Konoha at the right time. The kaleidoscope eye technique similar to Konoha Uchiha Shisui is best used in this kind of place. means used.

This is one of the methods, to seize Uchiha Shisui's kaleidoscope, and then use Belt the God on Uchiha Shin. This method is too cumbersome and troublesome.

Ye Zi has thought of this method, but if there is a better way, he is not willing to waste so much time on it.

His 'Royal God' can release the absorbed illusion energy to perform various types of illusions. Naturally, he can also use illusions to control others. Although it is not as extreme as 'Other God', if the energy is sufficient, it can control a person. The behavior can still be done.

The problem is... how to use this illusion well.

Slowly stretching out his fingers and pressing on his left eye, Ye Zi thought silently.

In this way, he sat in the room for half a day and thought about it for half a day, and finally came up with a method.

Now that it has been decided to abandon the left eye used to amplify illusions, this kaleidoscope can also be transplanted to Uchiha Susumu, and the key to the method that can be done lies in this kaleidoscope eye.

Ye Zi thought of the combination of sealing and illusion. This method might be feasible. Seal the illusion to be cast in the kaleidoscope eye, and then unlock the seal at the right time. Using this method, you can effectively avoid the kaleidoscope eye's influence on the illusion. Resistance.

Ye Zi is more inclined to this method than going to Konoha to capture Uchiha Shisui's Kaleidoscope Eye.

Just do it when you think of it, this is Ye Zi's style.

The illusion energy in Gotenjin was consumed in Yunlei Gorge, so the energy needs to be replenished again so that Uchiha Shin and the teenagers who are good at illusions in the stronghold can use illusions on him day and night.

It is estimated that it will take some time for the 'Royal God' to replenish the illusion energy.

Thinking of this, Ye Zi was not so anxious. Before doing this, he needed to go to Yuren Village to deal with someone first.

After sorting out the sequence of things, Ye Zi put away his samsara eye, and then started preparations for Nagato.

The familiar one made preparations, and the clone body as a sacrifice was placed in the middle of the magic circle. Ye Zi began to form seals and used the technique of filthy earth reincarnation.

In the white light of bursts of chakra, pieces of paper appeared out of thin air, wrapped around the clone's body, and slowly transformed into Nagato's appearance.

Ye Zi watched this scene indifferently, but did not directly seal Nagato into the coffin.

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