Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 569: You can lose the team battle, but Ye Zi must die.

Interrogating information... Minato's eyes were thoughtful.

He understood what Shikaku meant. It was nothing more than asking him to use the Flying Thunder God mark left on the puppet to find the woman with paper wings, and then bring the woman back to Konoha. Even if it was a corpse, it didn't matter. Use the mountain clan to obtain relevant information.

It doesn't matter whether you live or die, after all... Shikaku looked at Haiyi beside him.

With the secret skills of the mountain clan and technical support, the ability and technology to obtain the memories of the deceased have matured.

If possible, Shikaku hoped that Minato could bring back a body, which would avoid many accidents.

Everyone present knew what Shikaku's last words were. No matter what, they had to get a channel to obtain information. The woman who came with the Akatsuki leader was a feasible target.

I'll make preparations and set out today to bring that woman back as soon as possible. Minato thought for a while and realized that he could indeed use the Flying Thunder God mark left behind to find the woman's location and then obtain relevant information.

What is that monster that emits extremely powerful chakra fluctuations, and what is the purpose of capturing all the tailed beasts? I hope that all of this can be obtained from that woman.

There is no rush. Before you leave, Hokage-sama, the meeting matters must be settled first. Taking into account the time required for this long journey, we can then set a good time. Shikaku said.

Minato nodded, thinking that it would take at least a week to travel as fast as possible to the Land of Rain and then back. There would inevitably be changes, so it was actually difficult to determine the time. It could only be longer, not shorter.

The time for the meeting should be set in seven days, and the location of the meeting should be in the village. Although the seven days were very tight, Minato believed that the matter could not be delayed for too long, so he set a time of seven days.

Things have their own importance. Let's put the reconstruction issue on hold for the time being. The Third Hokage's face was heavy.

Minato and Shikaku were silent after hearing this.

Compared with the important matter at hand, the reconstruction of the village must be put on hold first, and more energy should be put on how to resolve the threat of Ye Zi.

The alliance has been completed. This meeting is actually a gathering of troops. Shikaku said calmly: Although it seems very hasty to only use remote communication to determine the obligations of each ninja village, but time is imminent. Before you, Hokage-sama, bring back the information, each ninja village must prepare for an immediate crusade during these seven days.

Between words, he was already convinced that Minato could bring that woman back and obtain key information. This was Shikaku's trust in Minato.

During the talks, the information obtained can be shared in a timely manner, and after it is sorted out, it can be known to the assembled coalition forces.

I'm sure other ninja villages won't mind this. Minato looked solemn, glanced at the Third Hokage and Shikaku, and said solemnly: I'll leave these important matters to you. I will definitely bring that woman back.

Yes. Shikaku and the Third Hokage nodded slowly.

This...maybe another battle. The Third Hokage sighed.

The others present looked at each other, and after a moment, Minato said calmly: I will not underestimate the Rain Ninja Village, but with the strength of the five villages, even Ye Zi...can't make any trouble.

The Third Hokage was slightly startled and forced a smile. He hoped that just as Minato said, the unprecedented five villages would work together to achieve great success.

After handing over the next important matters to the Third Hokage and Shikaku, Minato approached Kushina before leaving Konoha for the Land of Rain.

In the simple tent, Tsunade was feasting, while Kushina was waiting on her side.

At this time, Minato came into the tent.

Seeing Minato, Tsunade stopped talking, put down the food in her hands, and looked at Minato with Kushina.

Minato greeted the two of them, then looked at Kushina and said, Kushina, can you come out with me for a moment? I have something to say to you.

Kushina was stunned and looked at Tsunade, who nodded slightly. Kushina stood up and said, Let's go.

Minato gave Tsunade an apologetic smile before turning and leaving the tent, Kushina following behind him.

Watching the two people leave, Tsunade withdrew her gaze. After sighing, she continued to sweep away the food on the table. She had almost recovered and there was no need to eat so much. But even though her body no longer needed it, she was hungry. But the feeling is still there, and I have to eat a lot of food to eliminate this feeling of hunger.

A few days ago, after the Shinra Tensei broke out, the village suffered extremely heavy casualties. Tsunade ignored all the consequences, not only releasing the chakra she usually accumulated, but even overdrawing her vitality, bringing the effect of the Slug Technique to its maximum.

Because of her actions, many Konoha ninjas who were dying were lucky enough to survive and get the opportunity for follow-up treatment.

As a price, Tsunade's body functions have deteriorated to an extremely serious level. It can be said that half of her body has entered the gate of hell. If Kushina hadn't arrived in time and delivered the nine-tailed chakra to Tsunade, it would have been a few minutes later. , Tsunade will most likely die directly.

But even with Kushina transmitting chakra, it still took Tsunade several days to recover.

Minato took Kushina to a deserted place, and then stopped. Seeing this, Kushina also stopped.

Kushina. Minato turned his back to Kushina and did not turn around.

Kushina said nothing, looking at Minato's back, quietly waiting for the next step.

Can you promise me something? Minato said.

Kushina was slightly startled when she heard this, nodded and said, You tell me.

Can Ye Zi be regarded as a real enemy? Minato looked forward with a serious expression, but Kushina could not see his expression.

Hearing Minato's request, Kushina couldn't help but fell silent. She had already regarded Ye Zi as an enemy, but for some reason, she couldn't respond directly to Minato's clear request.

Kushina's silence made Minato sigh. There were some things he couldn't force, but he really didn't want Kushina to hesitate any longer.

Ye Zi's last target is you. There is no doubt that he will not show mercy. In seven days, the five major ninja villages will gather. The purpose is to eliminate the threat posed by the Yu Ninja Village. To be precise, it was Ye Zi who The threat it brings. Minato said in a very calm tone.

I know you still can't let go of Ye Zi, but I hope you can understand that Ye Zi is no longer the original Ye Zi. He is a terrible enemy and an enemy who wants to take your life.

The calm tone gradually became serious and heavy.

Minato suddenly turned around, looked seriously at Kushina, who looked slightly confused, and said in a deep voice: After all, you can't treat Ye Zi as an enemy. Although you are very powerful now and will be one of the indispensable combat forces, but …I won’t let Ye Zi hurt you.”

So, you cannot participate in this battle against Ye Zi.

The purpose of gathering the power of the five great ninja villages is to defeat the rain ninja village.

But what Minato said was to attack Ye Zi. In fact, he had seen through the essence of the whole matter, and the enemy he should pay attention to and deal with was Ye Zi.

Kushina slowly lowered her head and said sadly in a low voice: Does Ye Zi have to die?

Minato took a deep breath and said decisively: That's right.

This reply does not contain any personal emotions, it is not private, only public.

Ye Zi must die, this is the purpose of uniting the five major ninja villages.

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