Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 570 Loser

Human beings are ‘puppets’ manipulated by their emotions.

Minato didn't get the answer he wanted, and was a little disappointed and helpless.

With a little regret, he packed up his equipment, said goodbye to everyone, and left the village.

His mission this time is a very critical point, he can only succeed but not fail.

Ye Zi didn't know that Konoha Village wanted to get information from Xiao Nan. He also set off from the stronghold and went straight to Yu Ninja Village. He wanted to get rid of Xiao Nan as an insider as soon as possible within the limited time, and also convinced other Akatsuki core members. Members follow orders.

Their strength can more or less play a role, except for Konan, who does not need to be used in the final plan, thinking that Nagato is dead.

The Land of Rain, Rain Ninja Village.

Konan took Yahiko's body and returned to the Rain Ninja Village first.

Located in the center of the village, a very ample space has been expanded under the high tower. One of the rooms is specially built. There are many cables on the surrounding walls and on the ground. They are covered by special techniques, making it difficult to see. these cables.

The room was large and empty, with lights as bright as day.

White pillars carved with numerous flowers, plants and trees are arranged in two rows, leaving a white jade-like avenue in the middle, leading directly to the most gorgeous funeral.

Flowers folded from white paper were placed in clusters in a rectangular stone coffin. Inside lay a pale man, the body of Yahiko who was brought back by Xiaonan.

The coffin was filled with white flowers. Yahiko's hands rested safely on his chest, and a beautiful paper flower was held in his bloodless hands.

Yahiko's body was placed in a sea of ​​paper flowers, and around the coffin were countless white paper flowers.

This may be a tomb, but instead of leading to the dark and cold underground, it is shrouded in holy light.

There is only white color in the whole room, which contains a deep meaning that is unknown to everyone.

The floor is as white as jade, with white pillars depicting the world, and a sea of ​​white paper flowers filled with blessings illuminates the entire room.

In this white world, Xiaonan looked very abrupt in her black clothes. She stood in front of the coffin, holding hands with her head slightly lowered, silently staring at Yahiko who was peaceful and peaceful in the coffin, with an extremely complicated expression on her face.

She hoped that Nagato would return successfully, but as time passed, Nagato never returned.

There are five flavors in my heart, but I don’t know which one to pick.

If a human puppet manipulated by emotions can reach out and tear off the 'thread' on its own, then Xiaonan will only leave a line called 'trust'.

She firmly believed that Nagato would definitely come back. Maybe something had delayed her, but she was a human being after all and could not break the thread that controlled her.

After so many days, Nagato has not come back, and Ye Zi and Bai Jue have disappeared, as if they are always reminding her that reality is often not as beautiful as imagined.

Therefore, even if she was willing to believe Nagato, she had to make some preparations.

That man...

Xiaonan pursed her lips tightly. Perhaps she didn't realize that there was fear in her eyes, because the passing time had already reminded her all the time.

The journey from Konoha to the Land of Rain... If Nagato succeeds, he should be back.

Slowly closing her eyes, Xiaonan prayed sincerely, the light shrouded her body, as holy as an angel.

Then, she opened her eyes and looked at Yahiko, whose expression showed deep sadness.


Like a faucet that is not closed tightly, water drops are dripping into the sink at slow and orderly intervals, making a rhythmic sound.

The gentle and powerful footsteps were particularly harsh in this silent room.

A black figure, like a pitch-black sword, slashed into this world filled with light.

The sound was harsh and the figure was dazzling.

The sadness on Xiaonan's face was caused by this approaching figure, and beneath the sadness was deep despair.

She turned around slowly, her desolate and mournful expression slowly turning into expressionless as she slowly turned her gaze towards the figure walking this way.

This figure was Ye Zi. He spent a lot of effort and time to find this place.

Ye Zi slowly raised his head, his calm gaze moved up the white jade steps, and finally landed on Xiao Nan's expressionless face. He said lightly: The barrier I set up when I was alive has caused me a negligible amount of damage. trouble.

There is a kind of barrier that protects this room, so that even if Ye Zi turns on the immortal mode, he cannot find it right away.

I thought I could easily find Konan and kill her, but the barrier placed by Nagato wasted a lot of time.

When hearing Ye Zi's words, Xiaonan's suppressed emotions could not help but leak out from her expressionless face.

Her eyes trembled slightly, staring at Ye Zi, gritted her teeth and asked: Nagato...

Dead. Ye Zi interrupted when Xiao Nan started to speak.

After getting the answer she least wanted to hear, Xiaonan's body trembled. She could no longer control her emotional valve, and her expressionless face showed deep grief and despair.

When she prayed again, she sensed the arrival of Ye Zi, an outsider who did not belong here, so she got the answer she least expected to get from Ye Zi.

She built a fragile city wall and firmly believed that Nagato could return successfully. Even if time eroded the city wall little by little, she still stubbornly held on to the city wall and prevented it from collapsing.

The empty walls built by self-deceptive thoughts collapsed in Ye Zi's cold, ruthless and brief declaration.

Ye Zi's eyes were cold, and he stretched out his hand with his palm facing up. Under Xiao Nan's gaze, the open five fingers slowly grasped it.

The one I killed, I just used a little force to break his neck.

The cold and monotonous description immediately made Xiaonan feel uncontrollable anger rising in her heart.


A pair of white wings stretched out from behind Xiao Nan, and the wind and waves caused blew up the paper flowers near the coffin, like cherry blossoms falling in all directions towards the end, pulling out a curtain of the back that was about to end.

I only regret that I didn't kill you before. Xiaonan said bitterly.

If Nagato had not thought that Ye Zi had some value, but had followed her suggestion and killed Ye Zi directly, maybe everything would have been different.

It's a pity that there is no if, the companions along the way died, Yahiko died, Nagato also died... On this long road, so many sacrifices were made, but in the end they only ushered in failure.

However, neither she nor Nagato were aware of their own position, they were just chess pieces controlled by a pair of big hands.

Ye Zi showed a cold smile in vain and said coldly: As a loser, are these your last words before you die?

Xiaonan's eyes dimmed and she said in a deep voice, What is your purpose?

Ye Zi's background was the same as theirs. He also lost his family in the never-ending war, was tortured by the war-torn environment, and even almost starved to death in the world at that time.

However, Ye Zi took a different path.

You don't need to know this. Ye Zi slowly pulled out the long knife.

Many people want to know what his purpose is...but the answer can only be found deep in his heart.

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